Peter Breiner feat. Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra - United States of America: The Star-Spangled Banner, "O say, can you see…" (arr. P. Breiner) текст песни

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Peter Breiner feat. Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra - The Complete National Anthems of the World (2013 Edition)
Альбом The Complete National Anthems of the World (2013 Edition)
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1 Togo: Salut à toi, pays de nos aïeux (Hail to Thee, Land of Our Forefathers) [2005 arrangement] [arr. P. Breiner]
2 Liechtenstein: "High above the young Rhine lies Liechtenstein…"
3 Mexico: Himno Nacional Mexicano, "Mexicans, at the cry of war…"
4 Micronesia: Preamble, "We people of Micronesia…" (1979-1991)
5 Moldova: Limba noastră (Our Tongue), "A treasure is our tongue…" [arr. P. Breiner]
6 Monaco: A Marcia de Muneghu (The March of Monaco), "Principality of Monaco, my country…" [arr. P. Breiner]
7 Mongolia: "Our sacred revolutionary country is the ancestral heart of all Mongols…" (arr. P. Breiner)
8 Morocco: Hymne Chérifien (Hymn of the Sharif), "Fountain of Freedom, Source of Light…" [2005 arrangement]
9 Myanmar: "We shall always love Burma, land of our forefathers…" (arr. P. Breiner)
10 Mauritius: Motherland, "Glory to thee, Motherland…" (arr. P. Breiner)
11 Mauritania: "Be a helper for God and censure what is forbidden…" (arr. P. Breiner)
12 Kenya: Wimbo Wa Taifa (National Anthem), "O God of all creation…" [Olympic version] [arr. P. Breiner]
13 Kiribati: Teirake Kaini Kiribati (Stand Up, Kiribati), "Stand up, Gilbertese!…" [arr. P. Breiner]
14 Korea, North: Aegukka (Patriotic Song), "Let morning shine on the silver and gold of this land…"
15 Korea, North: Aegukka (Patriotic Song), "Let morning shine on the silver and gold of this land…" [Olympic version]
16 Korea, South: Aegukga (Patriotic Hymn), "Tong-Hai Sea and Pakdoo Mountain…" [2005 arrangement]
17 Kuwait: "Kuwait, Kuwait, Kuwait, my country…" (arr. P. Breiner)
18 Laos: Pheng Xat Lao (Hymn of the Lao People), "For all time the Lao people…" [arr. P. Breiner]
19 Lapland: Sami Soga Lavlla (Song of Sami Family), "Far in the north under the Plough…" [arr. P. Breiner]
20 Latvia: Latvijas Valsts Himna (Latvian State Anthem), "Bless Latvia, O God…" [arr. P. Breiner]
21 Latvia: Latvijas Valsts Himna (Latvian State Anthem), "Bless Latvia, O God…" [Olympic version] [arr. P. Breiner]
22 Lesotho: "Lesotho, land of our Fathers, you are the most beautiful country of all…" (arr. P. Breiner)
23 Lithuania: Tautiška giesmė (National Song), "Lithuania, land of heroes…" [arr. P. Breiner]
24 Lithuania: Tautiška giesmė (National Song), "Lithuania, land of heroes…" [Olympic version] [arr. P. Breiner]
25 Macau: March of the Volunteers, "Arise, ye who refuse to be slaves!…" (arr. P. Breiner)
26 Macedonia: "Today over Macedonia a new sun of freedom rises…" (arr. P. Breiner)
27 Macedonia: "Today over Macedonia a new sun of freedom rises…" (Olympic version) [arr. P. Breiner]
28 Madagascar: "O, our beloved fatherland…"
29 Madeira: Hino da Região Autonoma da Madeira (Hymn of the Autonomous Region of Madeira), "From the valleys to the hills…" [arr. P. Breiner]
30 Malawi: "O God bless our land of Malawi, keep it a land of peace…" (arr. P. Breiner)
31 Malaysia: "My country, my native land…" (arr. P. Breiner)
32 Maldives: "We bow in respect to the Emblem of our Nation…" (arr. P. Breiner)
33 Mali: Hymne National Malien (Malian National Anthem), "At your call, Mali…" [arr. P. Breiner]
34 Malta: L-Innu Malti (Malta Hymn), "Guard her, O Lord, as ever Thou hast guarded…" [arr. P. Breiner]
35 Malta: L-Innu Malti (Malta Hymn), "Guard her, O Lord, as ever Thou hast guarded…" [Olympic version] [arr. P. Breiner]
36 Marshall Islands: Forever Marshall Islands, "My island lies o'er the ocean…" (2005 arrangement) [arr. P. Breiner]
37 Martinique: La Marseillaise (The March of Marseille), "Arise, children of the fatherland…" [arr. P. Breiner]
38 Italy: Il Canto degli Italiani (The Song of the Italians), "Italian Brother, Italy has awakened…"
39 Italy: Il Canto degli Italiani (The Song of the Italians), "Italian Brother, Italy has awakened…" [Olympic version]
40 Ivory Coast: L'Abidjanaise (Song of Abidjan), "We salute you, O land of hope" [arr. P. Breiner]
41 Jamaica: Jamaica, Land We Love, "Eternal Father, bless our land…"
42 Jamaica: God Save the Queen, "God save our gracious Queen…" [Royal]
43 Japan: Kimigayo (His Majesty's Reign), "May your reign continue for a thousand, eight thousand generations…" [arr. P. Breiner]
44 Jersey: "Ma Normandie (My Normandy), "When Spring is ev'rywhere…" [1836-2008]
45 Jordan: As-salam al-malaki al-urdoni (Long Live the King of Jordan), "Long live the King! Long live the King!…" [2005 arrangement]
46 Kazakhstan: "We are brave people, children of honesty…" (1992-2006) [arr. P. Breiner]
47 Kenya: Wimbo Wa Taifa (National Anthem), "O God of all creation…" [arr. P. Breiner]
48 Liberia: Liberian Anthem, "All hail, Liberia, hail!…"
49 Libya: "God is greatest! God is greatest!…" (1969-2011) [arr. P. Breiner]
50 Pitcairn Islands: God Save the Queen, "God save our gracious Queen…" (Royal)
51 Saint Helena and Dependencies: God Save the Queen, "God save our gracious Queen…" (Royal)
52 Morocco: Hymne Chérifien (Hymn of the Sharif), "Fountain of Freedom, Source of Light…"
53 Svalbard and Jan Mayen: Ja, vi elsker dette landet (Yes, We Love This Country)
54 Trinidad and Tobago: "Forged from the love of liberty…" (arr. P. Breiner)
55 Tunisia: "O defenders of the Homeland!…" (arr. P. Breiner)
56 Turkmenistan: Independent Neutral Turkmenistan State Anthem, "The creator's fate…" (1997-2008)
57 Turkmenistan: Independent Neutral Turkmenistan State Anthem, "The creator's fate…" (1997-2008) [Olympic version]
58 Turks and Caicos Islands: God Save the Queen, "God save our gracious Queen…" (Royal) [arr. P. Breiner]
59 Tuvalu: "Tuvalu for the Almighty are the words we hold most dear…" (arr. P. Breiner)
60 Uganda: Pearl of Africa, "Oh Uganda! may God upload thee…" (arr. P. Breiner)
61 Ukraine: "Ukraine's glory hasn't perished, nor her freedom…" (Olympic version) [arr. P. Breiner]
62 United Arab Emirates: "Live my country, the unity of our Emirates lives…" (arr. P. Breiner)
63 United Nations: Hymn to the United Nations, "Eagerly musician, sweep your string…" (arr. P. Breiner)
64 United States of America: The Star-Spangled Banner, "O say, can you see…" (arr. P. Breiner)
65 Uruguay: "Eastern landsmen, our country or the tomb!" (arr. P. Breiner)
66 Uruguay: "Eastern landsmen, our country or the tomb!" (Olympic version) [arr. P. Breiner]
67 Uzbekistan: "Stand tall, my free country, good fortune…" (arr. P. Breiner)
68 Uzbekistan: "Stand tall, my free country, good fortune…" (Olympic version) [arr. P. Breiner]
69 Vatican City: Inno E Marcia Pontificale (Hymn and Pontifical March), "O Rome immortal…" [arr. P. Breiner]
70 Venezuela: "Glory to the brave nation which shook off the yoke…" (arr. P. Breiner)
71 Venezuela: "Glory to the brave nation which shook off the yoke…" (Olympic version) [arr. P. Breiner]
72 Vietnam: Tien Quan Ca (The Song of the Marching Troops), "Soldiers of Vietnam, we go forward…" [arr. P. Breiner]
73 Vietnam: Tien Quan Ca (The Song of the Marching Troops), "Soldiers of Vietnam, we go forward…" [Olympic version] [arr. P. Breiner]
74 Wales: Hen Wlad Fy Nhadau (Land of My Fathers), "The land of my fathers is dear unto me…" [arr. P. Breiner]
75 Wallonia: Le Chant des Wallons (The Song of the Walloons), "We are proud of our Wallonia…" [arr. P. Breiner]
76 Yemen: "Repeat, O World, my song…" (2005 arrangement)
77 Yugoslavia: "Hey Slavs! our grandfathers' word still lives…" (arr. P. Breiner)
78 Zanzibar: National March for the Sultan of Zanzibar (1911-1964) [arr. P. Breiner]
79 Zimbabwe: Kalibusiswe Ilizwe LeZimbabwe (Blessed be the Land of Zimbabwe), "O lift high…" [arr. P. Breiner]
80 Abkhazia: Aiaaira (Victory)
81 Comoros Udzima Wa Ya Masiwa ("The flag is flying) [Olympic version]
82 Acadia: Ave, Maris Stella (Hail, Star of the Sea), "Acadia, my homeland…" [arr. P. Breiner]
83 Congo-Kinshasa: Debout Congolais ("Arise Congolese…")
84 Afghanistan: Milli Surood, "This land is Afghanistan…" (2006 onward)
85 Congo-Brazzaville: La Congolaise (The Song of Congo), "On this day the sun rises…"
86 Afghanistan: Milli Surood, "This land is Afghanistan…" (2006 onward) [short]
87 Congo-Brazzaville: La Congolaise (The Song of Congo), "On this day the sun rises…" [short]
88 Afghanistan: "Fortress of Islam, heart of Asia…" (1992-2006) [arr. P. Breiner]
89 Cook Islands: Te Atua Mou'e (To God Almighty), "Oh God of Truth, the guide of our islands…"
90 Afghanistan: "Fortress of Islam, heart of Asia…" (1992-2006) [short] [arr. P. Breiner]
91 Afghanistan: "Become hot, become hot, you, the holy sun…" [1978-1992] [arr. P. Breiner]
92 Costa Rica: "Noble homeland, your beautiful flag…"
93 African Union: Let Us All Unite and Celebrate Together
94 Croatia: "Our beautiful homeland…"
95 Aland Islands: Alanningens Sang (Song of the Alanders), "Land of thousand isles and archipelagos…"
96 Cuba: La Bayamesa (The Bayamo Song), "Hasten to battle, men of Bayamo…" [arr. P. Breiner]
97 Albania: Hymni i Flamurit (Hymn To The Flag), "The flag which in battle unites us…"
98 Cuba: La Bayamesa (The Bayamo Song), "Hasten to battle, men of Bayamo…" [short]
99 Curacao: Himno di Korsou (Anthem of Curacao) "Let's raise our voice and sing…"
100 Algeria: "We swear by the lightning that destroys…" (arr. P. Breiner)
101 Algeria: "We swear by the lightning that destroys…" (Olympic version)
102 Curacao: Himno di Korsou (Anthem of Curacao), "Let's raise our voice and sing…" [short]
103 Algeria: "We swear by the lightning that destroys…" (short) [arr. P. Breiner]
104 Cyprus: Ymnos eis tin Eleftherian [Hymn to Freedom], "I shall always recognise you…"
105 American Samoa: "America Samoa, my dear beloved land…" (arr. P. Breiner)
106 Czech Republic: Ceska Statni Hymna (Czech State Hymn), "Where is my home…"
107 Czech Republic: Ceska Statni Hymna (Czech State Hymn), "Where is my home…" [Olympic version]
108 American Virgin Islands: Virgin Islands March, "All hail our Virgin Islands…"
109 Czech Republic: Ceska Statni Hymna (Czech State Hymn), "Where is my home…" [short]
110 American Virgin Islands: Virgin Islands March, "All hail our Virgin Islands…" (Olympic version)
111 Denmark: Faedrelandssang (Fatherlands Song), "There is a lovely land…" [National] [arr. P. Breiner]
112 American Virgin Islands: Virgin Islands March, "All hail our Virgin Islands…" (short)
113 Denmark: Faedrelandssang (Fatherlands Song), "There is a lovely land…" [National] [Olympic version] [arr. P. Breiner]
114 Andorra: Himne Andorra (Andorra Hymn), "The great Charlemagne, my Father…" [arr. P. Breiner]
115 Denmark: Kong Christian stod ved hojen mast (King Christian stood by the lofty mast) [Royal]
116 Andorra: Himne Andorra (Andorra Hymn), "The great Charlemagne, my Father…" [Olympic version] [arr. P. Breiner]
117 Djibouti: "Arise with strength!…"
118 Angola: Angola ["O Fatherland, we shall never forget the heroes of the Fourth of February…"]
119 Dominica: "Isle of beauty, isle of splendour…" (arr. P. Breiner)
120 Anguilla: National Song, "God bless Anguilla nurture…" (arr. P. Breiner)
121 Dominica: "Isle of beauty, isle of splendour…" (short) [arr. P. Breiner]
122 Antigua and Barbuda: "Fair Antigua, we salute thee!…" (arr. P. Breiner)
123 Dominican Republic: "Brave men of Quisqueya…"
124 Argentina: Himno Nacional Argentino (Argentine National Anthem), "Mortals! Hear the sacred cry…"
125 Dominican Republic: "Brave men of Quisqueya…" (Olympic version)
126 East Timor: "Fatherland, fatherland, East Timor our Nation!…" (arr. P. Breiner)
127 Argentina: Himno Nacional Argentino (Argentine National Anthem), "Mortals! Hear the sacred cry…" [short]
128 East Timor: "Fatherland, fatherland, East Timor our Nation!…" (short) [arr. P. Breiner]
129 Armenia: Mer Hayrenik (Our Fatherland), "Land of our fathers, free, independent…"
130 Aruba: Aruba Deshi Tera (Aruba Precious Country), "Aruba, beloved home…" [arr. P. Breiner]
131 Ecuador: Himno Nacional del Ecuador (National Anthem of Ecuador), "The worthy sons…"
132 Australia: Advance Australia Fair, "Australians all, let us rejoice…"
133 Ecuador: Himno Nacional del Ecuador (National Anthem of Ecuador), "The worthy sons…" [Olympic version]
134 Australia: Advance Australia Fair, "Australians all, let us rejoice…" (Olympic version)
135 Egypt: Bilady [My Homeland], "Egypt! O mother of all lands…"
136 Egypt: Bilady [My Homeland], "Egypt! O mother of all lands…" (short)
137 Australia: God Save the Queen, "God save our gracious Queen…" (Royal)
138 El Salvador: "Of peace enjoyed in perfect happiness…"
139 Austria: Osterreichische Bundeshymne (Austrian Federal Hymn), "Land of mountains…"
140 Austria: Osterreichische Bundeshymne (Austrian Federal Hymn), "Land of mountains…" [Olympic version]
141 El Salvador: "Of peace enjoyed in perfect happiness…" (Olympic version)
142 Azerbaijan: Azerbaijan Marzi (Azerbaijan March), "Azerbaijan! Azerbaijan!…" [arr. P. Breiner]
143 England: Land of Hope and Glory, mother of the free (arr. P. Breiner)
144 Azerbaijan: Azerbaijan Marzi (Azerbaijan March), "Azerbaijan! Azerbaijan!…" [Olympic version] [arr. P. Breiner]
145 Jerusalem: "And did those feet in ancient time…"
146 Azores: Hino Regional Dos Acores (Regional Hymn of the Azores), "Faith and firmness gave birth…" [arr. P. Breiner]
147 Jerusalem: "And did those feet in ancient time…" (short)
148 Bahamas: March On, Bahamaland, "Lift up your head to the rising sun…" [arr. P. Breiner]
149 Equatorial Guinea: "Let us tread the paths of our great happiness…"
150 Bahamas: March On, Bahamaland, "Lift up your head to the rising sun…" (Olympic version) [arr. P. Breiner]
151 Equatorial Guinea: "Let us tread the paths of our great happiness…" (Olympic version)
152 Eritrea: "Eritrea, Eritrea, Eritrea, her sacrifices, rewarded by freedom…" (arr. P. Breiner)
153 Bahrain: "Our Bahrain, country of security…" (arr. P. Breiner)
154 Bangladesh: "My Bengal of gold, I love you…" (arr. P. Breiner)
155 Estonia: "My native land, my joy, delight..."
156 Barbados: "In plenty and in time of need…" (arr. P. Breiner)
157 Ethiopia: Whedefit Gesgeshi Woude Henate Ityopya, "Respect for citizenship is strong…"
158 Barbados: "In plenty and in time of need…" (Olympic version) [arr. P. Breiner]
159 Ethiopia: Whedefit Gesgeshi Woude Henate Ityopya, "Respect for citizenship is strong…" (Olympic version)
160 Barbados: God Save the Queen, "God save our gracious Queen…" [Royal]
161 European Union: Ode an die Freude, "Praise to Joy…" (arr. P. Breiner)
162 Bashkortostan: Basgortostan Respublikahynyn Dawlat himny (National Anthem of the Republic of Bashkortostan)
163 Falkland Islands: Song of the Falklands, "In my heart there's a call for the Isle far away…" (arr. P. Breiner)
164 Basque Country: Eusko Abendaren Ereserkia (Anthem of the Basque Ethnicity), "Up and up…"
165 Falkland Islands: God Save the Queen (Royal)
166 Bavaria: Bayernhymne (Bavarian's Hymn), "God with you, oh land of Bavarians…" [arr. P. Breiner]
167 Faeroe Islands: "My land, oh most beauteous, possession most dear…" (arr. P. Breiner)
168 Belarus: Dziarzauny himn Respubliki Bielarus (State Anthem of the Republic of Belarus), "We are the Belarussians…"
169 Faeroe Islands: "My land, oh most beauteous, possession most dear…" (Olympic version) [arr. P. Breiner]
170 Belarus: Dziarzauny himn Respubliki Bielarus (State Anthem of the Republic of Belarus), "We are the Belarussians…") [Olympic version]
171 Fiji: Meda Dau Doka (God Bless Fiji), "Blessing grant, Oh God of nations…"
172 Finland: Maame (Our Land), "Oh our land, Finland, fatherland…"
173 Belgium: La Brabançonne (The Song of Brabant), "Noble Belgium, for ever a dear land…" [arr. P. Breiner]
174 Belize: O Land of the Free by the Carib Sea [arr. P. Breiner]
175 Flanders: De Vlaamse Leeuw (The Flemish Lion), "They won't tame him…" [arr. P. Breiner]
176 Belize: O Land of the Free by the Carib Sea (Olympic version) [arr. P. Breiner]
177 France: La Marseillaise (The March of Marseille), "Arise, children of the fatherland…" [arr. P. Breiner]
178 Benin: L'Aube Nouvelle (The Dawn of a New Day), "Formerly, at her call, our ancestors…"
179 France Guiana: La Marseillaise (The March of Marseille), "Arise, children of the fatherland…" [arr. P. Breiner]
180 Bermuda: Hail to Bermuda
181 French Polynesia: Ia Ora 'O Tahiti Nui (Live Tahiti Harmed), "My country was born…" [arr. P. Breiner]
182 Bermuda: Hail to Bermuda (short)
183 French Polynesia: La Marseillaise (The March of Marseille), "Arise, children of the fatherland…" [National]
184 Bermuda: God Save the Queen, "God save our gracious Queen…" (Royal)
185 French Southern and Antarctic Lands: La Marseillaise (The March of Marseille), "Arise, children…" [arr. P. Breiner]
186 Bhutan: Druk tsendhen (The Thunder Dragon), "In the Thunder Dragon Kingdom…"
187 Frisia: It Fryske Folksliet (The Frisian Folk Song), "Frisian bloods come up…" [arr. P. Breiner]
188 Bhutan: Druk tsendhen (The Thunder Dragon), "In the Thunder Dragon Kingdom…" [2005 arrangement]
189 Gabon: La Concorde (The Concord), "Dazzling and proud…" [arr. P. Breiner]
190 Gabon: La Concorde (The Concord), "Dazzling and proud…" [Olympic version] [arr. P. Breiner]
191 Bolivia: Cancion Patriotica (Patriotic Song), "Bolivians, a favourable destiny…" [arr. P. Breiner]
192 Bonaire: Tera di Solo y suave biento (Land of the Sun and Soft Breeze), "Country of sun and gentle breeze…"
193 Gambia: "For the Gambia, our homeland…"
194 Bosnia and Herzegovina: Drzavna himna Bosne i Hercegovine (The National Anthem of Bosnia and Herzegovina) [1999 onward]
195 Georgia: Tavisupleba (Liberty), "My icon is my motherland…" [2004 onward]
196 Bosnia and Herzegovina: Drzavna himna Bosne i Hercegovine (The National Anthem of Bosnia and Herzegovina) [Olympic version]
197 Georgia: Tavisupleba (Liberty), "My icon is my motherland…" [2004 onward] [short]
198 Bosnia and Herzegovina: Jedna si jedina (You Are One and Only), "O you thousand-years old land…") [1992-1999]
199 Georgia: Dideba (Praise), "Praise be to the heavenly Bestower of Blessings…" [1991-2004]
200 Botswana: "Blessed be this noble land…"
201 Germany: Das Lied der Deutschen (Song of the Germans) [arr. P. Breiner]
202 Brazil: Hino Nacional Brasilerio (National Anthem of Brazil), "There was heard…"
203 Ghana: God Bless Our Homeland Ghana [arr. P. Breiner]
204 Brazil: Hino Nacional Brasilerio (National Anthem of Brazil), "There was heard…" [Olympic version]
205 Gibraltar: "Gibraltar, Gibraltar, the rock on which I stand…" [arr. P. Breiner]
206 Great Britain: God Save the Queen, "God save our gracious Queen…" [arr. P. Breiner]
207 Brazil: Hino Nacional Brasilerio (National Anthem of Brazil), "There was heard…" [short]
208 British Indian Ocean Territory: God Save the Queen, "God save our gracious Queen…" (arr. P. Breiner)
209 Great Britain: God Save the Queen, "God save our gracious Queen…" (Olympic version) [arr. P. Breiner]
210 British Virgin Islands: God Save the Queen, "God save our gracious Queen…" (arr. P. Breiner)
211 Great Britain: God Save the Queen, "God save our gracious Queen…" (short) [arr. P. Breiner]
212 Brunei: Allah Peliharakan Sultan, "Oh God, long live our Majesty the Sultan" (arr. P. Breiner)
213 Greece: Ymnos eis tin Eleftherian (Hymn to Freedom), "I shall always recognise you…"
214 Bulgaria: Mila Rodino (Dear Homeland), "Proudly rise the Balkan peaks…"
215 Greenland: "Our country, who's become so old your head…" (arr. P. Breiner)
216 Bulgaria: Mila Rodino (Dear Homeland), "Proudly rise the Balkan peaks…" [2005 arrangement]
217 Grenada: "Hail! Grenada, land of ours…"
218 Burkina Faso: Le Ditanyè (Anthem of the Victory), "Against the humiliating bondage…"
219 Guadeloupe: La Marseillaise (The March of Marseille), "Arise, children of the fatherland…" [arr. P. Breiner]
220 Burkina Faso: Le Ditanyè (Anthem of the Victory), "Against the humiliating bondage…" [Olympic version]
221 Guam: Guam Hymn, "Stand ye Guamanians for your country…" (arr. P. Breiner)
222 Burundi: "Beloved Burundi, gentle country..." (arr. P. Breiner)
223 Guatemala: "Fortunate Guatemala!…"
224 Burundi: "Beloved Burundi, gentle country..." (Olympic version) [arr. P. Breiner]
225 Guatemala: "Fortunate Guatemala!…" (Olympic Version)
226 Guernsey: Sarnia Cherie (Guernsey Dear), "Sarnia, dear Homeland, Gem of the sea…"
227 Cambodia: Nokoreach (National Anthem), "Heaven protects our King…" [arr. P. Breiner]
228 Cambodia: Nokoreach (National Anthem), "Heaven protects our King…" [arr. P. Breiner] [short]
229 Guernsey: Sarnia Cherie (Guernsey Dear), "Sarnia, dear Homeland, Gem of the sea…" [short]
230 Guinea: Liberte (Liberty), "People of Africa! The historic past!…"
231 Cameroon: O Cameroun, Berceau de nos Ancestres (O Cameroon, Cradle of our Forefathers) [arr. P. Breiner]
232 Guinea-Bissau: Esta e Nossa Patria Bem Amada (This is Our Beloved Country), "Sun, sweat, verdure and sea…"
233 Canada: "O Canada! Our home and native land!…" (long and slow) [arr. P. Breiner]
234 Canada: "O Canada! Our home and native land!…" (short and fast) [arr. P. Breiner]
235 Guinea-Bissau: Esta e Nossa Patria Bem Amada (This is Our Beloved Country), "Sun, sweat, verdure and sea…" [Olympic version]
236 Canada: "O Canada! Our home and native land!…" (2005 arrangement)
237 Guyana: "Dear land of Guyana of rivers and plains" (arr. P. Breiner)
238 Haiti: La Dessalinienne (The Dessalines Song), "For our country, for our forefathers…"
239 Canada: God Save the Queen, "God save our gracious Queen…" (Royal)
240 Canary Islands: Himno de Canarias (Anthem of the Canary Islands), "I am the shade of an almond tree…"
241 Honduras: "Like an Indian maiden you were sleeping…" (arr. P. Breiner)
242 Honduras: "Like an Indian maiden you were sleeping…" (Olympic version) [arr. P. Breiner]
243 Cape Verde: Cantico da Liberdade (Song of Freedom), "Sing, brother sing…" [arr. P. Breiner]
244 Cape Verde: Cantico da Liberdade (Song of Freedom), "Sing, brother sing…" [Olympic version] [arr. P. Breiner]
245 Hong Kong: March of the Volunteers, "Arise, ye who refuse to be slaves!…" [arr. P. Breiner]
246 Catalonia: Els Segadors (The Reapers), "Triumphant Catalonia…" [arr. P. Breiner]
247 Hungary: Himnusz (Hymn), "God Bless the Hungarians with good cheer…" [arr. P. Breiner]
248 Cayman Islands: Beloved Isle Cayman, "O land of soft, fresh breezes…"
249 Hungary: Himnusz (Hymn), "God Bless the Hungarians with good cheer…" [Olympic version] [arr. P. Breiner]
250 Cayman Islands: Beloved Isle Cayman, "O land of soft, fresh breezes…" (Olympic version)
251 Hutt River: It's A Hard Land
252 Cayman Islands: God Save the Queen, "God save our gracious Queen…" (Royal)
253 Hutt River: It's A Hard Land (short)
254 Central African Republic: La Renaissance (The Rebirth), "Oh! Central Africa…"
255 Iceland: Lofsongur (Song of Praise), "O God of our land…"
256 Chad: La Tchadienne (The Song of Chad), "Oh, my Country, may God protect you…" [arr. P. Breiner]
257 Iceland: Lofsongur (Song of Praise), "O God of our land…" [Olympic version]
258 Chechen Republic of Ichikeria: Jozalla ya marso (Death or Freedom), "We were born at night when the she-wolf whelped…"
259 India: "Glory to thee, ruler of our hearts and of India's destiny!…" [arr. P. Breiner]
260 Chechnya: The Shatlak's Song, "No matter how unfair the wildfire of injustice in Chechnya…"
261 Indonesia: "Indonesia, our native country, our birthplace…" [arr. P. Breiner]
262 Chile: Your Sky (arr. P. Breiner)
263 Indonesia: "Indonesia, our native country, our birthplace…" (short) [arr. P. Breiner]
264 Chile: Your Sky (arr. P. Breiner) [Olympic verison]
265 Iran: "Upwards On the Horizon Rises the Eastern Sun…"
266 China: "Arise, ye who refuse to be slaves!…" (arr. P. Breiner)
267 Iraq: Mawtini (My Homeland), "My homeland, my homeland, glory and beauty…" [2004 onward]
268 Iraq: Mawtini (My Homeland), "My homeland, my homeland, glory and beauty…" [2004 onward] [short]
269 Christmas Island: "Australians all, let us rejoice"
270 Cocos Islands: "Australians all, let us rejoice"
271 Iraq: Ardh Alforatain (Land of Two Rivers), "A home land that extended its wings over the horizon…" [1981-2004]
272 Colombia: "The fearful night came to an end" (arr. P. Breiner)
273 Ireland: Amhran na bhFiann (The Soldier's Song), "Soldiers are we…"
274 Colombia: "The fearful night came to an end" (Olympic version) [arr. P. Breiner]
275 Isle of Man: "O land of our birth…" (arr. P. Breiner)
276 Israel: Hatikvah (The Hope), "While yet within the heart…" [arr. P. Breiner]
277 Comoros: Udzima Wa Ya Masiwa ("The flag is flying…")

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