Peter Manjarrés - Déjame Abrazarte - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Peter Manjarrés - Déjame Abrazarte

Déjame Abrazarte
Let Me Hold You
No esperaba verte proto
I didn't expect to see you anytime soon
Pero como estas ven dejame a abrazarte
But since you're here, let me hold you
Pues recuerdo que la ultima vez que te abraze llevabas mucha prisa
Because I remember the last time I held you, you were in a hurry
Tu dejabas mi vida en ceniza,
You were leaving my life in ashes,
Y tuve que entender q te hibas y alguien te esperaba
And I had to understand that you were leaving and someone was waiting for you
Hoy la historia se repite
Today history repeats itself
Pero ahora tu libreto es diferente
But now your story is different
Hoy las lagrimas son tuyas
Today the tears are yours
Y yo soy el q se rie de la gente
And I'm the one who laughs at others
Y me duele tener q decirlo
And it hurts me to have to say it
Pero juro me muestra el pago de tanto dia triste
But I swear it shows me the payment for so many sad days
Porq te fuiste un dia
Why did you leave one day
Sabiendo lo q mi alma te necesitaba
Knowing how much my soul needed you
Con todas esas lagrimas q derramaba
With all those tears I shed
Sabia de los dias negros q me esperaria
I knew the dark days that awaited me
Y regresaste ahora, con las manos pesadas de tantas derrotas
And now you're back, your hands heavy with so many defeats
Pidiendome q le siembre a tu infierno rosa
Asking me to sow roses in your hell
Mejor pideme estrellas en un medio dia
Better ask me for stars at noon
Ojala tuviera el corazon de plastilina
I wish I had a heart of clay
Para q no me importara lo q estas sufriendo
So that I wouldn't care about how much you're suffering
Pero a pesar q un dia me dejaste una herida
But although you once left me with a wound
Hoy me tiene conmovido tanto sentimiento
Today I'm moved by so much feeling
Porq te fuiste un dia
Why did you leave one day
Sabiendo lo q mi alma te necesitaba
Knowing how much my soul needed you
Con todas esas lagrimas q derramabas
With all those tears I shed
Sabia de los dias negros q me esperaria
I knew the dark days that awaited me
Por tu culpa yo he vivido los momentos mas amargo de mi vida
Because of you I have lived the bitterest moments of my life
Pero el fin se justifica
But the end justifies the means
Con tus besos tu mirada y tu sonrisa
With your kisses, your gaze, and your smile
Y por mas q yo trato de odiarte
And as much as I try to hate you
O por mas q maldiga tu nombre
Or as much as I curse your name
Termino en amarte
I end up loving you
Nada vale los amigos q comentan tus errores en reuniones
Friends who gossip about your mistakes at parties are not worth anything
Mientras ellos se procupan
While they worry
Por mi orgullo dios pido q te perdone
About my pride, I ask God to forgive you
Y si son verdaderos amigos
And if they're true friends
Bien sabran q mi felicidad
They'll know that my happiness
Solamente es contigo
Is only with you
Ven dejame abrazarte
Come, let me hold you
Q tengo mil motivos para perdonarte
I have a thousand reasons to forgive you
No me perdonare q vuelvas a marcharte
I won't forgive myself if you leave again

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