Az sa tebe narodim tak neuc ma co mam, znova cisty viem co s tym.
When I am born to you, don't teach me what I should do, clean again, I know what to do with it.
Budem rad ze nemusim sa vsetko ucit zas a z vymyslenych pravd s bolestou vyrast a ze vobec nemusim si znova zranit hlas podla cichsi hlupych rad.
I will be glad that I don't have to learn everything again and grow up in pain from invented truths, and that I don't have to hurt my voice again according to quieter, stupid advice.
Pytaj sa zas na tento svet
Ask again about this world.
Sprav si ho tak ze ti budu zavidiet
Make it so that they envy you.
Viem ze sa narodis presne v den
I know you will be born on a day
Kedy odstrihnes svoj tien.
When you will cut off your shadow.
Az sa znova narodim budem vlastnit seba sam. Uz mi nik nenasepka to co uz davno viem. Ja sa znova narodim veciam krajsie mena dam len co odstrihnem svoj tien.
When I am born again, I will own myself. No one will whisper to me what I have known for a long time. I will be born again, I will give more beautiful names to things as soon as I cut off my shadow.
Pytaj sa zas na tento svet
Ask again about this world.
Sprav si ho tak ze ti budu zavidiet
Make it so that they envy you.
Viem ze sa narodis presne v den
I know you will be born on a day
Kedy odstrihnes svoj tien.
When you will cut off your shadow.
Az sa znova narodim.
When I am born again.
Az sa tebe narodim.
When I am born to you.
Az sa znova narodim
When I am born again
Uz vybral som si sam
I have already chosen
Jedno krasne dievca ktoremu chcem byt syn.
A wonderful girl for my mother.
Az sa tebe narodim tak neuc ma co mam, znova cisty viem co s tym.
When I am born to you, don't teach me what I should do, clean again, I know what to do with it.
Az sa znova narodim.
When I am born again.
Az sa tebe narodim.
When I am born to you.
Az sa znova narodim
When I am born again
Tak neuc ma co mam.
Don't teach me what I should do.
Budem cisty viem co s tym.
I will be clean, I know what to do with it.
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