Peter Nagy - Profesor Indigo - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Peter Nagy - Profesor Indigo

Profesor Indigo
Professor Indigo
Chodí v modrom plášti
He walks in a blue coat
A smiešne modro vyzerá
And looks goofily blue
Tak ho každý prezýva
That's why everybody calls him
Profesor Indigo
Professor Indigo
A čo všetko v hlave
And who knows everything
Ano opísané
Yes he has it all written down
Tak ho každý prezýva
That's why everybody calls him
Profesor Indigo
Professor Indigo
Profesor Indigo, Indigo, Indigo
Professor Indigo, Indigo, Indigo
Poslal som ti lístok a
I sent you a note and
Preletel cez triedu a
It flew across the classroom and
Zbadal to a zbalil ho
He spotted it and confiscated it
Profesor Indigo
Professor Indigo
Teraz číta lístok a
Now he's reading the note and
Tvár z toho bledú
His face has turned pale
Takto z našej lásky nám
That way he stole a piece of
Kúsok ukradol
Our love
Kúsok ukradol, ukradol, ukradol
He stole a piece, stole it, stole it, stole it
Profesor Indigo
Professor Indigo
He doesn't understand
Žije si zavretý
He lives locked up
Do definícií
In his definitions
Profesor Indigo
Professor Indigo
Dávno nevidí
Hasn't seen for ages
Že je tu obloha z ktorej dýcha
That the sky is there where he breathes from
Že je tu láska čo mu chýba
That the love is there which he lacks
A preto znova u mňa prepadá
And that's why I'm failing him again
Často nám to vraví, že
Often tells us that
Ešte na to mladí sme
We are still too young for it
Láske horia krídla a spadne z oblakov
Love burns the wings and falls from the clouds
Že treba byť praktický
That we have to be practical
Myslieť automaticky
Think automatically
Utopený v poučkách
Drowned in maxims
Profesor Indigo
Professor Indigo
Profesor Indigo, Indigo, Indigo
Professor Indigo, Indigo, Indigo
Profesor Indigo
Professor Indigo
Načo byť zložitý
Why be so complex
Rozbúraj štyri steny
Break down the four walls
Svojich definícii
Of your definitions
Profesor Indigo
Professor Indigo
Krásně to uvidíš
You'll see it beautifully
Že je tu obloha z ktorej dýchaš
That the sky is there where you breathe from
Že je tu láska čo jej chýbaš
That the love is there which you lack
Všetko ti znova krásne pripadá
Everything will seem beautiful again to you
Profesor Indigo
Professor Indigo
Načo byť zložitý
Why be so complex
Rozbúraj štyri steny
Break down the four walls
Svojich definícii
Of your definitions
Profesor Indigo
Professor Indigo
Krásně to uvidíš
You'll see it beautifully
Že je tu obloha z ktorej dýchaš
That the sky is there where you breathe from
Že je tu láska čo jej chýbaš
That the love is there which you lack
Všetko ti znova krásne pripadá
Everything will seem beautiful again to you
Profesor Indigo
Professor Indigo
Načo byť zložitý
Why be so complex
Rozbúraj štyri steny
Break down the four walls
Svojich definícii
Of your definitions
Profesor Indigo
Professor Indigo
Krásne to uvidíš
You'll see it beautifully
Že je tu obloha
That the sky is there
Že je tu láska
That the love is there
Že sme tu my
That we are here
Profesor Indigo
Professor Indigo

Авторы: Peter Nagy

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