Peter Phillips feat. The Tallis Scholars - Tu Es Petrus - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Peter Phillips feat. The Tallis Scholars - Tu Es Petrus

Tu Es Petrus
You Are Peter
Tu es Petrus, et super hanc petram
You are Peter, and upon this rock
Aedificabo Ecclesiam meam,
I will build my Church,
Et portae inferi non praevalebunt adversus eam:
And the gates of hell shall not prevail against it:
Et tibi dabo claves
And I will give you the keys
Regni coelorum.
Of the Kingdom of Heaven.
Quodcumque ligaveris super terram,
Whatever you bind on earth,
Erit ligatum et in coelis;
Shall be bound in heaven;
Et quodcumque solveris super terram
And whatever you loose on earth
Erit solutum et in coelis.
Shall be loosed in heaven.

Авторы: Giovanni Pierluigi Palestrina, J Steele

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