Peter Reber - Ds Oug vom Chünigsadler - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Peter Reber - Ds Oug vom Chünigsadler

Ds Oug vom Chünigsadler
The Eye of the King's Eagle
1.Zmitz im Dschungû, ame Fluss schtėit e Boum
1.In the middle of the jungle, on the river there stands a tree
U so verzėlt is d Saag:
This is how the legend goes:
S sig dr glych Boum, wo dėnn im Paradys
It is the same tree, where in Paradise
Sech d Eva scho dra hėig gwagt
Eve dared to touch
Damit niemer mėrkt, wi me d Frücht chönt nää
So that no one would know how one could take the fruit
Hėig mer ne Wächter ghôut
He gave me a guardian
Dr Chünigsadler mit sym scharfe Blick
The king's eagle with its sharp eyes
Biwacht Boum wi sys Oug
Guards the tree like its own eye
2.Doch dr Chünigsadler, isch truurig xy
2.But the king's eagle, he is truly sad
Ja: im hėt d Frėihėit gfäût
Yes: he wants freedom
Drum verschtėckt er sys Oug i dr Frucht vo däm Boum
That's why he hides his eye in the fruit of that tree
U schickt s so usen i d Wäût
And sends it out into the world
I dr Rägezyt, dr Fluss höch chunt
In the rainy season, when the river is high
Trėit er di Frucht dervoo
He carries the fruit away
U ds Oug, aûs Chäärne taarnt, schwümt mit
And the eye, planted in the core, swims away
Bis wyt i ds Mėėr irgendwo
Far into the sea, somewhere
Ref.Es sigi ds Oug vom Chünigsadler
Ref. It is said to be the eye of the king's eagle
Ja u so hėi mer s d Lüüt verzėût
Yes, and that's how people told me about it
Sy Glanz u sys Liecht sigid wunderschön
Its glow and its light are very beautiful
S gäb nüüt schöners uf dėre Wäût
There is nothing more beautiful in this world
Uf em länge Wäg dür ds Tropemėėr
On the long way through the tropics
Ja da wäärd Schtėi zum Schmuck
Yes, that's where the stone becomes an ornament
U wär ne fingt u ne nimt, um e Haûs umebingt
And whoever finds and takes it, to be surrounded by a house
Däm bring er ėwigs Glück
It brings him eternal happiness
3.Am Schtrand bin i gloffe, mängi Schtund
3.I walked along the beach, many an hour
Uf dr Suechi nach däm Schtėi
In search of this stone
Bis ame schöne Tag ds Mėėr sones Oug
Until one fine day the sea brought one such eye
Vor myni Füess hėt trėit
To my feet
I d Hang han i s gnoo, ha lang dry gluegt
I took it home, looked at it for a long time
Bis i plötzlech wėis
Until I suddenly realize
Echli vo sym Schicksaû isch o mys -
A bit of his fate is also mine -
O i bi uf dr Rėis
And I am on my journey

Авторы: Peter Reber

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