Everyone needs their island Performer: Peter Reber
Text und Musik: Peter Reber Vers
1 D Tage läng u hektisch, u d Nächt sy ohni Rue.
Lyrics and Music: Peter Reber Verse
1 The days are long and hectic, and the nights are restless.
E Wält, wo fasch perfekt isch, doch öppis fählt derzue: E Troum, wo d hesch begrabe, so dass er nümmeh sticht, u glych fasch ersch aafa läbe, wen er wider vürebricht. Refrain Jede bruucht sy Insel, jede sy Palmestrand.
A world that's almost perfect, but something's missing: A dream that you've buried, so it won't hurt anymore, and almost immediately starts to come alive again, when it comes back to the surface. Chorus Everyone needs their island, everyone needs their palm tree beach.
Jede leit mal gärn sy blutti Seel i wysse Sand.
Everyone likes to lay their weary soul in white sand sometimes.
Säg, wo isch di Insel, wo isch dä Palmestrand? Säg, bischs du, nimmsch du my müedi Seel i dy chlyni Hand? Vers
2 Ga schaffe u ga pickle, geng am Puls vor Zyt.
Tell me, where is your island, where is that palm tree beach? Tell me, are you the one, will you take my weary soul in your little hand? Verse
2 Go to work and to bed, always on the pulse of time.
Wyter sech entwickle, doch sy mer nid scho z wyt? Nei, Tröim sy nid vergäbe. Si sy ds Ventil vom Gmüet.
Keep developing, but haven't we already gone too far? No, dreams are not in vain. They are the outlet of the soul.
D Ouge chasch verhäbe, doch Tröim verschwinde nid! Refrain Jede bruucht sy Insel?
You can close your eyes, but dreams will not disappear! Chorus Everyone needs their island?
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