Phenomden - Gangdalang - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Phenomden - Gangdalang

Yeiyeiyahh yehaa
Yeiyeiyahh yeah
Hoi, Sali, wie gahts?
Hi there, Sal, how are you doing?
Ich hoff bisch parat
I hope you're ready
Füres Gspröch im vertraute Chreis
For our cozy little chat
Mir händ üs scho lang nüme gseh
It's been a while since we last met
Chom mer sitzend an See
Let's sit down by the lake
Trinke Kaffi oder rauchet eis.
Have a coffee or a smoke.
Wie gohts dir eso, isch alles i.O?
So how are you, is everything alright?
Ou scheisse anschinend nöd
Oh shoot it doesn't seem like it
Wenn ich dich fröge wieso
If I may ask why
Lah eus rede und so
Let's just talk it through
Ussert du willsches nöd
Unless you don't want to
Doch es sprudlet us dir use
But it's bursting out of you
S cha nöd blibe es mues use
It can't stay in, it has to come out
Du chasch schnorre, i cha lose käs problem
You can rant, I can listen, no problem
Doch verzeihmer wenni am Schluss
But forgive me if in the end
Au ehrli bi will schosch bringts nüt
I'm also honest because otherwise it's pointless
Wenn ich dän vellecht fend
If I eventually find out anyway
Gang ned dötane
Don't go over there
Nei, Gangdalang
No, Gangdalang
Es isch vill besser für dich
It's much better for you
Ja chom jetzt ond
Yeah come on now
S isch eifach vill besser für dich
It's simply much better for you
Ja chom jetzt ond
Yes come on now
S isch eifach vill besser eso
It's simply much better that way
Ja chom jetzt ond
Yes come on now
Gangdalang, Gangdalang, oh Gangdalang
Gangdalang, Gangdalang, oh Gangdalang
Ich bi vill gschider
I'm much smarter
Mein ich immer wider
I always think
Und glaube dases so alles stimmt
And I believe that everything is correct
Eifach willis so will
Simply because I want it to be
Aber tüüf i mir drinn
But deep down inside
Ghöri doch e fiini Stimm
I still hear a delicate voice
Si frögt:
It asks:
Juty besch sicher?
Juty are you sure?
Es wär doch ehrlicher
It would be more honest
Und s wär doch au nid würkli schlimm
And it wouldn't really be so bad
Besch nöd de erscht ond de letschti
You're not the first and you won't be the last
Wo inegheit uf öbbis
Who rushes into something
Wo glitzeret wie Gold und blinkt
That glitters like gold and shines
En Baum ohni Chrone
A tree without a crown
Isch kein Ort zum Wohne
Is no place to live
Für zwe Vögel wosech gfunde händ
For two birds who have found each other
Es Hus das cha warm si
A house can be warm
Doch check mini Warnig:
But heed my warning:
Es wird nid hebe ohni Fundamänt
It won't stand without a foundation
Wasi meine am Änd
What I mean in the end
Dasmer ned immer erchännt
Is that we don't always recognize
Wo denn eigentli de Hammer hängt
Where the hammer really hangs
Und dass wämer erchänt
And that when we do recognize
Wies den am andere gängt
How things are for the other person
Miechs Sinn wemer nome detane gängt
It makes sense when we just go back to our own place

Авторы: tom, matthias, eric, montini, g.u.t., luc, tobler, gschwind

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