Phoenix Rdc feat. VEE - Nostalgia - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Phoenix Rdc feat. VEE - Nostalgia

Life is good when you accept it like it is
Life is good when you accept it like it is
Today I'm good, no need to bleed
Today I'm good, no need to bleed
Vou-vos contar quando era puto
I'll tell you about when I was a kid
Juro eu era um puto irrequieto
I swear I was a restless kid
Um puto sonso um caçula do daddy
A sly kid, Daddy's lastborn
Sempre fui um puto discreto e adorado pelas cotas do prédio
I was always a discreet kid, adored by the old ladies in the building
Eu era um diabinho e não tinha remédio
I was an imp, and there was no cure
Armado em santinho bué sério
Pretending to be a saint, really serious
Mas o cota tirava pinta levava com a fivela do cinto
But Dad would show me his belt, and hit me with it
E muitas vezes com uma cena de ferro
And often with a piece of iron
Com nove anos queria clima
At nine I wanted to be cool
Nem pintelhos tinha mas pensava em vagina
I didn't even have a willy, but I thought about women
O meu melhor brinquedo era a prima
My favorite toy was my cousin
A dica era mamã e papá e eu ficava por cima
The scenario was Mom and Dad, and I would be on top
O velho não aguentava com a peste eu era o stress em pessoa
My old man couldn't handle the pain, I was a real stressor
Comprou-me o bilhete pra lisboa
He bought me a ticket to Lisbon
males que vêm por bem
Sometimes there's a blessing in disguise
Quem me dera que todo o mal fosse esse que um gajo abençoa
I wish all adversity was like that, one you can be grateful for
Life is good when you accept it like it is
Life is good when you accept it like it is
Today I'm good, no need to bleed
Today I'm good, no need to bleed
O mini preço era a segunda casa a minha segunda despensa
The mini-market was my second home, my second pantry
Como é que dizem que o crime não compensa se
How do they say that crime doesn't pay, if
Naquela altura era bar aberto
Back then it was an open bar
Não havia segurança e um gajo era discreto
There was no security, and I was discreet
Tive uma boa educação mas nunca tive respeito por ninguém
I had a good education, but I never respected anyone
E os putos na escola davam jeito com o dinheiro
And the kids at school were good for money
Fazia dos betos mealheiro
I made a piggy bank out of the fools
Tas a ver o Pequeno não era nada eu era mais escangaçeiro
You see, I was more of a bully than Pequeno
Até que fui expulso
Until I got expelled
Fui bulir na obra em Coruche
I went to work on a construction site in Coruche
Dois anos depois fui a procura dum curso
Two years later I went looking for a course
Pra me dar equivalência e uma beca de luxo
To give me an equivalence and a nice scholarship
Com 18 tirei a carta tirei os três de alguém tipo nada
At 18 I got my driver's license, and someone else's three As, just like that
Com 24 sai de casa porque as mães dos meus filhos tavam grávidas
At 24 I moved out of home because the mothers of my children were pregnant
Traz o passado traz tudo rever é ser cool
Relive the past, revisit it, it's cool
Tu tens as tools marcadas como tattoos não tabus (tudo ta good)
You have your tools marked like tattoos, no taboos (everything's good)
E é nostálgico voltar ao parto ver o cordão
And it's nostalgic to return to childbirth, see the umbilical cord
Umbilical antes que os teus olhos fechem goodbye
Before your eyes close, goodbye
Aluguei um cúbico
I rented a cubicle
No armazém fazia
In the warehouse
Tinha que dar o litro quem não fizesse horas dava um bico
I had to give it my all, who didn't put in the hours did a bit of lip
Tinha bué contas pra pagar a casa, infantário e carro
I had a lot of bills to pay: house, childcare, and car
Contas superiores ao meu salário
More bills than my salary
Na street life eu tinha de me orientar
In street life, I had to find my way
dessa forma que eu me pude safar
It was the only way I could get by
Life is good when you accept it like it is
Life is good when you accept it like it is
Today I'm good, no need to bleed
Today I'm good, no need to bleed

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