Phunk B - Ghicitori - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Phunk B - Ghicitori

Felul meu de a fi il stii si tu
You know the way I am
Sa te feresti atunci cand ghicitorile devin torturi
Beware when riddles become torture
Cu totul dur ca tot indur
All hard as I endure
Tin piept la ce prind pe drum
I stand up to what I catch on the road
Ma plimb mereu prin locu intunecat
I always walk through the dark place
Te prind, te fut in gat
I catch you, I fuck you in the throat
Suck it!
Baga la cap sau bag-o pe gat adanc
Get it in your head or get it deep down your throat
Io cantam cand tu pictai cu flegma
I sing when you painted with phlegm
Si am reusit sa-mi jur...
And I managed to swear to myself...
Ca o sa ajung...
That I will get there...
Si-am ajuns s-o vad ș′ o personal
And I got to see her personally
Chiar daca m-a bruiat cumva, stau calm
Even though she jammed me somehow, I stay calm
Nici nu fumez macar
I don't even smoke
Oglinda din mintea ta ar trebui a reflecta
The mirror in your mind should reflect
Ce-i bun in tine si nu defectele altora
What is good in you and not the defects of others
Probabil d' aia n-am aruncat inca ancora
That's probably why I haven't dropped anchor yet
Nu prea am stat curat si asta-i curat total anapoda
I haven't been clean and that's totally awkward
Hipnotizat de orice gand lucid, presat de timp
Hypnotized by every lucid thought, pressed for time
Stresat de dimineata si pe zi, seara plecam un pic
Stressed in the morning and during the day, we go out a little in the evening
Doar ca sa revin a doua zi
Just to come back the next day
Pe serpentinele strazii printre serpenti
On the street's serpentines among serpents
Pace pentru ai mei!
Peace to my people!
Deja îi știi
You already know them
Casa cu acid
House with acid
Încerci ceva te riști!
Try something, you risk it!
Simplu si direct ca tre s-o simta sec
Simple and direct as it has to feel dry
Sentimentele-s ciorchini, fac vin, tot raman intrinseci
Feelings are grapes, they make wine, they still remain intrinsic
Acum ceva timp am dat timp timpului
Some time ago I gave time to time
Timpul n-a dat nimic inapoi, iar eu cu timpul uit.
Time didn't give anything back, and I forget with time.
Sau poate ca toate chiar vin la timpul lor
Or maybe everything really comes in its time
Dar intre timp toate intrebarile au devenit ghicitor!
But in the meantime all the questions have become riddles!
Felul meu de a fi il stii si tu
You know the way I am
Sa te feresti atunci cand ghicitorile devin torturi
Beware when riddles become torture
Cu totul dur ca tot indur
All hard as I endure
Tin piept la ce prind pe drum
I stand up to what I catch on the road
Ma plimb mereu prin locu intunecat
I always walk through the dark place
Te prind, te fut in gat
I catch you, I fuck you in the throat
Suck it!
Baga la cap sau bag-o pe gat adanc
Get it in your head or get it deep down your throat
Io cantam cand tu pictai cu flegma
I sing when you painted with phlegm
Si am reusit sa-mi jur...
And I managed to swear to myself...
Ca o sa ajung...
That I will get there...
Si-am ajuns s-o vad ș′ o personal
And I got to see her personally
Chiar daca m-a bruiat cumva, stau calm
Even though she jammed me somehow, I stay calm
Nici nu fumez macar
I don't even smoke
Stii cum e. cand ai avut-o n-ai dorit-o
You know how it is when you had it you didn't want it
Nu se aplica in cazul meu, prefer o punga de Doritos
It doesn't apply to me, I prefer a bag of Doritos
Sa ma intorc as fi dobitoc, esti foc tu
To go back I would be a fool, you're fire
Dar ai topit tot vito, stii tu... hai... baga capu in pamant si intinde-o
But you melted all the vito, you know... come on... put your head in the ground and stretch it out
A fost dominata, vrea sa domine, insista
She was dominated, she wants to dominate, she insists
Si-ș alege in fraer care nu stie ce-ce-ce-i aia pizda
And she chooses a sucker who doesn't know what the fuck is that
Maleabil, stii diferenta dintre fraer si amabil
Malleable, you know the difference between a sucker and amiable
Da macar ma-ta-l vede baiat valabil
But at least your mom sees him as a valid boy
Sarbatoreste vina cu un shot de lacrimi
Celebrate the guilt with a shot of tears
Simte-l pana in atrii si ventricule, clit si labii
Feel it all the way to the atria and ventricles, clit and lips
Ce te uiti asa? Ma inchei la șliț si plec, stai chill...
What are you looking at me like that? I'm zipping up and leaving, stay chill...
Nu m-agit, nu ma macin, toate aveti vagin
I'm not agitated, I'm not grinding, you all have vaginas
Acum ceva timp am dat timp timpului
Some time ago I gave time to time
Timpul n-a dat nimic inapoi, iar eu cu timpul uit...
Time didn't give anything back, and I forget with time.
Sau poate ca toate chiar vin la timpul lor
Or maybe everything really comes in its time
Dar intre timp toate intrebarile au devenit ghicitor!
But in the meantime all the questions have become riddles!
Felul meu de a fi il stii si tu
You know the way I am
Sa te feresti atunci cand ghicitorile devin torturi
Beware when riddles become torture
Cu totul dur ca tot indur
All hard as I endure
Tin piept la ce prind pe drum
I stand up to what I catch on the road
Ma plimb mereu prin locu intunecat
I always walk through the dark place
Te prind, te fut in gat
I catch you, I fuck you in the throat
Suck it!
Baga la cap sau bag-o pe gat adanc
Get it in your head or get it deep down your throat
Io cantam cand tu pictai cu flegma
I sing when you painted with phlegm
Si am reusit sa-mi jur...
And I managed to swear to myself...
Ca o sa ajung...
That I will get there...
Si-am ajuns s-o vad ș' o personal
And I got to see her personally
Chiar daca m-a bruiat cumva, stau calm
Even though she jammed me somehow, I stay calm
Nici nu fumez macar
I don't even smoke
Faptul ca nu ma sperie moartea
The fact that death doesn't scare me
Ma ajuta sa apreciez frumosul, uratul si arta
Helps me appreciate the beautiful, the ugly and art
Pe scurt ce ofera viata...
In short, what life offers...
Indiferent de drumu ales sa intelegi ca nu se va schimba destinatia in veci!
Whatever path you choose, understand that the destination will never change!
Fie ca mergi sau alergi
Whether you walk or run
Tre' sa treci peste zeci de obstacole si piedici
You have to go through dozens of obstacles and hindrances
Deci... ce alegi?
So... what do you choose?
Te renegi sau accepti cine esti pana la capat si dedici pe veci?
Do you deny yourself or accept who you are to the end and dedicate yourself forever?

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