Phunk B - Nu Mi-E Frică De Moarte - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Phunk B - Nu Mi-E Frică De Moarte

Nu Mi-E Frică De Moarte
Nu Mi-E Frică De Moarte
Frate pentru frate, hai lasa stou′
Brother to brother, come on leave it
Nu exista asa ceva de unde vin io
There's no such thing where I come from
Nimanui nu-i pasa de tine
Nobody cares about you
Da toti vor sa stie ce pula mea produci, daca o duci bine
But they all want to know what the fuck you're producing, if you're doing well
In fine, vorba aia "ce-i al meu e al meu"
Anyway, that's what they say "what's mine is mine"
Ce-i al tau poate fie al meu printr-un procedeu
What's yours could be mine through a process called
Numit imprumut pe termen lung
Long term loan
Si daca o faci imbracat elegant nu se prinde un fraer ca ai venit sa furi
And if you do it in a fancy dress, a sucker won't catch you that you came to steal
Hai, lasa stou'... stiu ca si tu furi
Come on, leave it... I know you steal too
Da zici ca nu, te tragi pe cur si-mi vine sa iti fut un pumn
But you say you don't, you pull yourself on the ass and I want to punch you
Ca sunt calic ca Becali,goalnii sau sobolanii
Because I'm a cripple like Becali, the homeless or the rats
Cand tre′ sa-mi fac banii n-am panica is ca jidanii,tiganii
When I get my money I don't panic, I'm like the Jews, the gypsies
Am boala pe atarnatori, tradatori, turnatori
I'm sick of squealers, traitors, informers
Baetei de bani gata, La muie sclavilor!
Boys of easy money, Slaves to women!
Vin din Tomis 3, cartieru meu
I come from Tomis 3, my neighborhood
Plin de legale si bagabonti cu tupeu daca ai tupeu tu
Full of good guys and thugs with guts if you have guts too
Hai in cartier! Ne rupem noapte de noapte
Come to the neighborhood! We party all night long
Noua nu ne e frica de moarte!
We are not afraid of death!
Hai in cartier! Ca avem de toate, de toate
Come to the neighborhood! Because we have everything, everything
Doar vino cu bani in loc de harfe!
Just come with money instead of harps!
Dragoste adevarata... lasa stou'!
True love... come on leave it!
Nu exista asa ceva de unde vin io!
There's no such thing where I come from!
Cand doi se cearta al treilea castiga daca femeia face spume
When two fight, the third one wins if the woman gets mad
Ca-ti fute un tovaras sa se razbune
Because a friend of yours fucks her to get revenge
Si uite asa se isca scandalul din pacate
And so the scandal begins unfortunately
Frate asta-i ce primesti daca tragi doar la bagaboante
Brother, this is what you get if you only pull on tramps
Beibi stii ce vreau sa zic cand zic ca pui prea des botu'
Baby, you know what I mean when I say you fall for it too often
Degeaba ai seif daca toti ii stiu codu′, totusi
It's no use having a safe if everybody knows the code, however
Hai in cartier! Ne rupem noapte de noapte
Come to the neighborhood! We party all night long
Noua nu ne e frica de moarte!
We are not afraid of death!
Hai in cartier! Ca avem de toate, de toate
Come to the neighborhood! Because we have everything, everything
Doar vino cu bani in loc de harfe!
Just come with money instead of harps!
Banii n-aduc fericirea... lasa stou′!
Money doesn't bring happiness... come on leave it!
Nu exista asa ceva de unde vin io!
There's no such thing where I come from!
Nu se mai joaca barbut, se baga in aparat si la pariuri
They don't play dice anymore, they put it in the machine and gamble
Ponturi, bill-u sa iasa spilu
Tips, tokens to get the coin out
Si pill, prafuri in cluburi, whiskeanu pe cuburi
And pill, powder in clubs, whiskey on ice
Te bucuri dupa o buca buna de muguri, s-atatea lucruri
You enjoy a good piece of weed, so many things
De care sa profiti, da-s multi mahniti
That you can take advantage of, but many are upset
Si stiti... nu-s problema aia pe care nu-i inghititi
And you know... it's not the problem you don't swallow
Hai... lasa stou'! Si tu ai sapat un frate
Come on... leave it! You also ditched a brother
Sau te-ai luat la pumni cu el pentru cine stie ce coarde
Or you fought with him for some strings
Sau... clasic... pt bani... pentru care se fac ani
Or... classic... for money... for which you do years
Inca am cunostinte in penitenciare man
I still have acquaintances in prison, man
Geana dupa Logan mereu sau dupa duba
Always after Logan or after the van
Stiu un baetas stie mereu pe unde garda umbla
I know a boy who always knows where the guards are patrolling
Ii are sub lupa, stie ca strada asta-i o jungla
He has them under the magnifying glass, he knows this street is a jungle
Smecheru nu face atmosfera, ramane sub gluga
The smart guy doesn't make a scene, he stays under the hood
Hai in cartier! Ne rupem noapte de noapte
Come to the neighborhood! We party all night long
Noua nu ne e frica de moarte!
We are not afraid of death!
Hai in cartier! Ca avem de toate, de toate
Come to the neighborhood! Because we have everything, everything
Doar vino cu bani in loc de harfe!
Just come with money instead of harps!
Hai in cartier! Ne rupem noapte de noapte
Come to the neighborhood! We party all night long
Noua nu ne e frica de moarte!
We are not afraid of death!
Hai in cartier! Ca avem de toate, de toate
Come to the neighborhood! Because we have everything, everything
Doar vino cu bani in loc de harfe!
Just come with money instead of harps!

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