Phunk B feat. Rusu - Mergi Cu Mine - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Phunk B feat. Rusu - Mergi Cu Mine

Mergi Cu Mine
Come With Me
Intradevar nu-i cel mai bun sfat ca o sa fie bine
The truth is, it's not the best advice I can give you, that everything's going to be fine
Daca te adaptezi la ce nu-ti convine asa ca mergi cu mine
If you adapt to what doesn't suit you, so come with me
Viitorul nu-l vad bine, pe bune, cine
I don't see a bright future, seriously, who
Se incumeta sa contreze sau sa comenteze?
Would dare to contradict or comment on this?
No one
Si asta-i cel mai nasol
And that's the worst part
Pentru ca tot ce stim e sa palavragim in timp ce plutim in alcool
Because all we know how to do is chatter while we float in alcohol
Si ne mandrim cu un alt om c-o sa ne scoata din boala
And we take pride in another man getting us out of this mess
Sper sa vad in loc de o biserica un spital sau o scoala
I hope I'll see a hospital or a school instead of a church
Mergi cu mine
Come with me
Pe unde merg zilnic si o sa vezi
Where I go every day and you'll see
Aurolaci prin intersectii cum danseaza beti
Homeless people dancing drunk at intersections
Cozi la amanet, permanent aparent
Always waiting at the pawn shop
Bisnitari care vor sa-ti vanda un pachet de Kent
Street vendors who want to sell you a pack of Kent
A crescut si pretul marfurilor de contrabanda
The price of contraband goods has also increased
Pe strada n-ai cum sa dai gres daca dai spaga
On the street, you can't go wrong if you give a bribe
Dar cine nu ma simte minte
But whoever doesn't get me is lying
Mergi cu mine
Come with me
Uneori tre′ sa alergi dar in fine...
Sometimes you have to run, but anyway...
Depinde si cat de mult vrei sa arati lumii ce ai pe tine
It also depends on how much you want to show the world what you have
Tine bine minte ca nimeni nu-i egal cu nimeni
Remember that no one is equal to anyone else
Si ca sa ramana asa s-au savarsit crime
And crimes have been committed to keep it that way
Stii bine, cei bogati continua sa se imbogateasca
You know, the rich keep getting richer
In timp ce aia saraci se chinuie sa n-o mierleasca
While the poor struggle to survive
Tanti sta sa cerseasca da banii ii sparge pe tarie
Tanti is begging, but spending the money on hard liquor
Ce-ti doresc eu tie dulce Romanie? TREZIRE!
What do I wish for you, my sweet Romania? AWAKE!
Mergi cu mine
Come with me
Privirea sa nu intorci
Don't turn away
Daca vezi oi conduse si speriate de lupi detinuti de porci
If you see sheep herded and frightened by wolves detained by pigs
Bagabonti care beau la colt de bloc, va rog
Tramps who drink around the corner, please
Dati noroc din Poarte 6 pana in Tomis Nord
Make a toast from Gate 6 to Tomis Nord
Nu-i loc de raca, toti ne chinuim sa facem bani
There's no place for raca, we all struggle to make money
De la smenari pana la fetitele de pe Caraiman
From businessmen to the girls on Caraiman
Cu rele,cu bune, fratele-i mandru sa va reprezinte, 's cuvinte
Through good and bad, my brother is proud to represent you, it's words
Dar cine nu ma simte minte
But whoever doesn't get me is lying
Pentru fiecare in parte treburile stau altfel
For each individual, things are different
Desi toti devin perversi cand tre′ sa-si ia parte
Although everyone becomes perverse when they have to play their part
Parca numai conteaza ca ti-a fost frate
As if the fact that he was your brother was the only thing that mattered
Toate amintirile sunt lasate deoparte
All memories are forgotten
Situatia difera dupa cum am zis
The situation is different, as I said
Unu is coase buzunaru altu il lasa larg deschis
One sews up his pocket, another leaves it wide open
Il stiu pe unu care a spart vreo 10 mii de coco
I know a guy who blew about 10,000 bucks
In cateva zile pe aparate,alcool si droguri
In a few days on machines, booze and drugs
In timp ce altul face zile de zile plimbari prin tari
While another one goes for walks through countries for days on end
Si cand ne vedem imi cere tigari
And when we see each other, he asks me for cigarettes
Nu-s oameni... marea majoritate sunt lighioane
They're not people... the vast majority are creeps
Ce cred ca sa ai personalitate inseamna sa ai milioane
Who think that having personality means having millions
Ba... inteleg ca vrei sa te respecti baet...
Hey... I understand that you want to respect yourself, man...
Da fii baet destept si sparge banu constient
But be smart, man, and spend your money wisely
De propriul venit... si implicit va fi bine
From your own income... and by default, things will be fine
Si gaseste solutii cand ceva nu-ti convine
And find solutions when something doesn't suit you
Mergi cu mine
Come with me

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