Piccolo Coro "Mariele Ventre" Dell'Antoniano - Pikku peikko - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Piccolo Coro "Mariele Ventre" Dell'Antoniano - Pikku peikko

Pikku peikko
Little Elf
Pikku peikko isot unelmat mutta ymmartaa pienet asiat
Little elf has big dreams but understands the little things
Passeggiando un bel mattino, tra gli gnomi da giardino
Walking one beautiful morning, among the garden gnomes
Ho visto una gran cosa a cui non crederai
I saw a big thing you won't believe
Uno, te lo giuro, respirava di sicuro
One, I swear, was surely breathing
Ci siamo presentati con cordialità
We introduced ourselves politely
Mi dice misterioso: "Ero solo un po' curioso
He says to me, mysteriously: "I was just a little curious
Credevo che vivessero i giganti qua"
I thought giants lived here"
Giganti non ne vedo, io son piccolo ma credo
Giants I don't see, I'm small but I think
Di grandi qui ci siano solo ma' e pa'
Of big ones here there are only mom and dad
La casa è un po' piccina, non c'è granché in cucina
The house is a little small, there's not much in the kitchen
E in questo bel giardino siamo in troppi già
And in this beautiful garden, there are already too many of us
Vorrei stare in un castello con un parco grande e bello
I'd like to be in a castle with a large and beautiful park
E tonnellate di crema pasticcera
And tons of custard
Sono uno gnomo assai sincero e ti dico per davvero
I am a very sincere dwarf and I tell you for real
Le cose che tu hai sono abbastanza
The things you have are enough
Pikku peikko isot unelmat mutta ymmartaa pienet asiat
Little elf has big dreams but understands the little things
Pikku peikko isot unelmat mutta ymmartaa pienet asiat
Little elf has big dreams but understands the little things
Lo gnomo un po' ci pensa, mi dice: "La dispensa
The gnome thinks for a bit, tells me: "The pantry
È piena di quel tanto che ti basterà
Is full of that which will be enough for you
Il giardino è una foresta e una casa come questa
The garden is a forest and a house like this
E' grande come una delle mie città
Is as big as one of my cities
Siccome sei piccino puoi sognare da vicino
Since you are small you can dream closely
Come fa chi è piccolo abbastanza
Like one who is small enough
È giusto che tu sogni, ma in fatto di bisogni
It's right that you dream, but in terms of needs
Possiedi tutto quello che ti servirà
You have everything you'll need
Pikku peikko isot unelmat mutta ymmartaa pienet asiat
Little elf has big dreams but understands the little things
Pikku peikko isot unelmat mutta ymmartaa pienet asiat
Little elf has big dreams but understands the little things
Lo gnomo ha un gran sorriso dipinto sopra al viso
The gnome has a big smile painted on his face
Mi dice: "Chiudi gli occhi, ora capirai
He tells me: "Close your eyes, now you will understand
Ascolta il tuo respiro, ascoltalo davvero
Listen to your breath, really listen to it
È grande come il mondo che conoscerai"
It's as big as the world that you will know"
Mina kaannyn ja maailma on mahtava
I turn around and the world is wonderful
Nyt peikon hymy on valtava
Now the elf's smile is huge
Pikku peikko isot unelmat mutta ymmartaa pienet asiat
Little elf has big dreams but understands the little things
Pikku peikko isot unelmat mutta ymmartaa pienet asiat
Little elf has big dreams but understands the little things
Pikku peikko isot unelmat mutta ymmartaa pienet asiat
Little elf has big dreams but understands the little things
Pikku peikko isot unelmat mutta ymmartaa pienet asiat
Little elf has big dreams but understands the little things

Авторы: Nicholas Di Valerio, Sara Valentina Dan

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