Piersi - Rezerwa - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Piersi - Rezerwa

(Slowa: Kukiz; muzyka: Jezioro, Dziadek)
(Words: Kukiz; music: Jezioro, Dziadek)
Godzina piata, minut trzydziesci
5:30 am
Kiedy pobudka zagrala
When the reveille played
Grupa rezerwy szla do cywila
The reserve group went into civilian life
Niejedna panna plakala
Many a girl cried
Chodzi zandarmeria kolo mego domu
The military police are walking by my house
Dlugo nie pochodza, bo ja tu nie mieszkam
They won't be here long, because I don't live here
Chodzi zandarmeria w nocy po kryjomu
The military police are walking around in the night
Dlugo nie pochodza, bo ja tu nie mieszkam
They won't be here long, because I don't live here
Wzieli juz do armii Jozka i Franciszka
They have already taken Jozka and Franciszka into the army
Ale mnie nie wezma, bo ja tu nie mieszkam
But they won't take me, because I don't live here
Wzieli cala wioske, wywiezli do Leszna
They have taken the whole village, they have taken them to Leszno
Lecz mnie nie wywieza, bo ja tu nie mieszkam
But they won't take me, because I don't live here
Przyszla zandarmeria: gdzie jest ten kolezka?
The military police came: where is this guy?
A matula rzekla: on juz tu nie mieszka
But his mother said: he doesn't live here anymore
Byli tez zandarmi u mojego tescia
The military police also went to my father-in-law's house
Tesc sie tylko zasmial, on juz tu nie mieszka
My father-in-law just laughed, he doesn't live here anymore
On jest temu winien, on jest temu winien
He is to blame, he is to blame
Zakapowac go powinien
He should be reported
On jest temu winien, on jest temu winien
He is to blame, he is to blame
Zakapowac go powinien
He should be reported
Dawali kolegom szopena i mieszka
They gave my friends a hard time and a bad time
Koledzy mowili: on juz tu nie mieszka
My friends said: he doesn't live here anymore
Straszyli Andrzeja i pytali Leszka
They threatened Andrzej and questioned Leszek
Oni tez mowili, ze ja tu nie mieszkam
They also said that I don't live here
Byli po cywilu u grubego Wieska
They went to fat Wiesiek in civilian clothes
Lecz go nie zastali, on jak ja nie mieszka
But they didn't find him, he doesn't live here, just like me
Byli u Beaty, Goski no i Grzeska
They went to Beata, Goska and Grzesiek
Co odpowiedzieli? On tutaj nie mieszka
What did they say? He doesn't live here
Po szerokim stawie plywaja labedzie
Swans are swimming in the wide pond
Kto do wojska nie chce, ten w Orzyszu bedzie
If you don't want to join the army, you'll be in Orzysz
Mamy, mamy fujare takiego, co zadenucjowal
We have, we have a piccolo like the one that
Przyjaciela swego
Whistled on
Godzina piata, minut trzydziesci
His friend
Kiedy pobudka zagrala
5:30 am
Grupa rezerwy szla do cywila
When the reveille played
Nie jedna panna plakala
The reserve group went into civilian life
Niejednej pannie zal sie zrobilo
Many a girl cried
I serce z bolu zadrzalo
Many a girl felt sorry
Bo jej kochanek szedl do cywila
Because her lover went into civilian life
A jej sie dziecko zostalo
And she was left with a child

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