Piezas feat. Jayder - Mi Lado Amable - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Piezas feat. Jayder - Mi Lado Amable

Mi Lado Amable
My Nice Side
Querían ver mi lado amable y saqué un sable
You wanted to see my nice side and I pulled out a saber,
Por creer que sintiéndose importantes iban a importarme
For believing that feeling important would make you matter to me.
Mi pobreza es de un valor incalculable
My poverty is invaluable,
Su ambición es un mosquito ahogado en un charco de sangre
Your ambition is a mosquito drowned in a pool of blood.
Me vengaré vistiendo al luto de tirano
I will avenge myself by dressing in the mourning of a tyrant,
Como en una guerra abierta entre clanes gitanos
As in an open war between gypsy clans,
Saldré de la tarta con un arma entre las manos
I'll come out of the cake with a weapon in my hands,
Antes de que la novia amenace con lanzarme el ramo
Before the bride threatens to throw the bouquet at me.
Joder conmigo, es darle un abrazo a la muerte
Messing with me is like giving death a hug,
Susurrándole al oído "no dueles lo suficiente"
Whispering in her ear, "You don't hurt enough,"
Y difícilmente podrá sonar convincente
And she can hardly sound convincing,
A sabiendas de que sabe que le miente, seh
Knowing that she knows she's lying, seh.
Saca el pañuelo, cuando el éxito llore dinero
Take out your handkerchief, when success cries money,
No se llega a la gloria haciendo dedo
You don't get to glory by hitchhiking,
Yo a duras penas ando, no tengo patria ni credo
I barely walk, I have no country or creed,
Mi bandera es la ropa de mi hija colgando del tendedero
My flag is my daughter's clothes hanging on the clothesline.
Bro, que la coman... Mis cifras no son reveladoras
Bro, let them eat it... My numbers aren't revealing,
Me lame las bolas si no me valoran
It licks my balls if they don't value me,
Más que frases sueltas, son patadas voladoras
More than loose phrases, they are flying kicks,
Que te hacen darle más vueltas que un euro en la lavadora
That make you spin more than a euro in the washing machine.
Siempre respondí con ironismo
I always responded with irony,
Que cuando quiera sufrir, me haré un beef conmigo mismo
That when I want to suffer, I'll beef with myself,
Si le ha contado el mudo al sordo que el ciego le ha visto
If the mute told the deaf that the blind man saw him,
Es que la falta de talento anda buscando un conflicto
It's because the lack of talent is looking for conflict.
Los analfabetos de hoy son los peores
Today's illiterates are the worst,
Porque saben leer y escribir, pero no ejercen
Because they know how to read and write, but they don't practice,
Todo es superficial, frívolo
Everything is superficial, frivolous,
Para que ellos puedan entenderlo y digerirlo
So that they can understand and digest it.
Esos son, son socialmente la nueva clase dominante
Those are, they are socially the new ruling class,
Aunque siempre será la clase dominada
Although it will always be the dominated class,
Precisamente por su analfabetismo y su incultura
Precisely because of their illiteracy and lack of culture.
Ven a la diana y van a hablarle de flechazos
They go to the target and they're gonna tell her about crushes,
Son como una mosca en busca de un aplauso
They are like a fly in search of applause,
Si por aquí se celebra el tener trabajo
If having a job is celebrated here,
Es porque nada es más estable que el fracaso
It's because nothing is more stable than failure.
Una voz me dice que salte y otra, que me tranquilice
One voice tells me to jump and the other to calm down,
La primera es cortante, la segunda es firme
The first is sharp, the second is firm,
Tan redundantes que de poco sirven
So redundant that they are of little use,
Cuando te gusta matarte no puedes conformarte con morirte
When you like to kill yourself you can't settle for dying.
Tuve poder y nunca me sentí tan solo
I had power and never felt so alone,
La conocí y me decidí a perderlo todo
I met her and decided to lose it all,
Dándome allí, me di la cura de la humildad de Khabib a Conor
Giving myself there, I gave myself the cure of Khabib's humility to Conor,
Así hasta el gris aviva el tono
So even gray brightens the tone.
Tus letras sobre hacer valer a las tías
Your lyrics about empowering chicks,
No calzan con contar a cuantas te follaste aquel día
Don't fit with counting how many you fucked that day,
Siguen mostrando sensibilidad cara a la galería
They continue to show sensitivity to the gallery,
Pero el don de la verdad no es el de dar alegrías
But the gift of truth is not that of giving joy,
Yo soy de ver cómo se atoran con la boca llena
I'm one to see how they get stuck with their mouths full.
Son el panadero a última hora, no tienen ni una barra buena
They are the baker at the last minute, they don't have a good loaf,
Vine a documentar el aguacero
I came to document the downpour,
No a ser el tonto que saluda tras el reportero
Not to be the fool who greets after the reporter,
Dispara si quieres que baile
Shoot if you want me to dance.
O te tallo la piedad en los colmillos de un rottweiler
Or I carve pity into the fangs of a Rottweiler,
O evitas que la lealtad caiga en manos del hambre
Or you prevent loyalty from falling into the hands of hunger,
O a la hora de la verdad nadie conocerá a nadie
Or in the time of truth no one will know anyone,
Your Big Bro, Call Me Big Pro
Your Big Bro, Call Me Big Pro.
Yo nunca cedí como esas Deep Throats
I never gave in like those Deep Throats,
Sigo tras la mirilla en este peep show
I'm still behind the peephole in this peep show,
Viendo cómo te arrodillas por el cheese, hoe!
Watching you get on your knees for the cheese, hoe!
Soy de la escuela del "háztelo tú"
I'm from the "do it yourself" school.
Autosuficiencia, Jordan en los Bulls
Self-sufficiency, Jordan on the Bulls,
Intachable como Jim en "Man on the Moon"
Untouchable like Jim in "Man on the Moon,"
Aquí si haces la Caín te dan la del atún
Here if you do Cain they give you tuna,
Te vi en la tele el otro día...
I saw you on TV the other day...
Tratando de mediatizar tu supuesta rebeldía
Trying to mediatize your supposed rebellion,
Vestías de cara honesta pa' despertar empatía
You wore an honest face to awaken empathy,
Pretendías vender y compraste lo que vendían
You intended to sell and you bought what they were selling,
Adebayor con el City marcando al Arsenal
Adebayor with City scoring against Arsenal.
Siempre fui la ruina de aquel que vino a buscármela
I was always the ruin of the one who came looking for it,
No pienso agredir a mi moral con tal de transgredir
I don't intend to attack my morals in order to transgress,
Y menos pa' que sus fans vengan detrás de
And less so that his fans come after me,
Y así nos va a los que no nos conformamos con tan poco
And this is how it goes for those of us who are not satisfied with so little.

Авторы: Jose Javier Sanchez Merono, Jaime Alegria Zamora

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