Pikette23 - Este Año No Hay Cosecha - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Pikette23 - Este Año No Hay Cosecha

Este Año No Hay Cosecha
No Harvest This Year
Vuelve a mirarme
Look at me again
Y yo juro que no voy a impedir
And I swear I won't stop
Que tu me comas mami hasta matarme
You from eating me, baby, until you kill me
Ese pelo me enloquece y por to' lo
That hair drives me crazy and for all the
Que yo quiera no he parao' de pensarte
That I want, I haven't stopped thinking about you
Tengo reventa la pesa tu no ere' mi clienta
I have resold the scale, you're not my client
Y ni me quiere tu padre 'toy en la calle tu estudiando arte
And your father doesn't love me, I'm on the street, you're studying art
Bailate esto pa' mi
Dance this for me
Como se afuera no existieran problema
As if there were no problems outside
Mira mis ojos adivina mis penas
Look in my eyes, guess my sorrows
Tengo que quererte y me espera otra nena
I have to love you and another girl is waiting for me
Yo perdio en un mar ahogao' en tu llanto
I got lost in a sea, drowned in your tears
Tu a mi me fallaste 'toy curao' de espanto
You failed me, I'm cured from fear
Dime que pueo' hacer ya no te quiero tanto, no te pienso tanto
Tell me what I should do, I don't love you that much anymore, I don't think about you that much anymore
Si tu quere' ven date una vuelta, no te niego mujer
If you want, come visit me, I won't deny you, woman
Que volvería a caer por esas piernas
That I would fall again for those legs
Si llega y te gana 'toy de fiesta
If he shows up and wins, I'll party
No creas cuando diga que no te quiera
Don't believe me when I say I don't love you
'Tamo tranqui, 'tamo en guerra ya no pueo' perderme mai' tu me quemas
We're calm, we're at war, I can't get lost anymore, woman, you're burning me
Sale a buscarme 'toy afuera
Come look for me, I'm outside
Aunque digas que no te quiera
Even if you say you don't love me
No voy a mentirte que hoydia me da igual
I'm not going to lie to you, that today, I don't care
Dejo este cora' roto que no para 'e sangrar
I leave this broken heart that won't stop bleeding
Ven pa' aca tu si quiere gastar me da igual
Come here, if you want to spend money, I don't care
Tu te fuiste pero yo me enredo en tu mirar
You left, but I get tangled in your gaze
La flore navegando sobre el agua tu y yo virando hacia la nada
The flower sails on the water, you and I veer off into nothing
Yo le veo pero no me ama a mi no me engaña se que eres mala
I see him, but he doesn't love me, he doesn't fool me, I know you're evil
Detonao' yo no pienso, cada vez que me habla me recuerdo d tus besos
Exploding, I don't think, every time she speaks to me I remember your kisses
Aunque estén las cosas malas, te lo dejo adentro
Even though things are bad, I'll let you inside
Está rica y es bien mala, mato por su cuerpo
She's hot and she's really bad, I'd kill for her body
Aunque sea una bala perdía, yo de al menos me fiaría
Even though i'm just a lost bullet, I would trust myself, at least
Cada vez que te vas regresa, cada vez que me voy se estresa
Every time you go, you come back, every time I go, you get stressed
Vuelve a mirarme
Look at me again
Y yo juro que no voy a impedir que tu me comas mami hasta matarme
And I swear I won't stop you from eating me, baby, until you kill me
Tu pelo me enloquece y por to' lo
Your hair drives me crazy and for all the
Qùe yo quiera no e parao' de pensarte
That I want, I haven't stopped thinking about you
Tengo reventa' la pesa tu no ere' mi clienta y ni me quiere tu padre
I've sold the scale again, you're not my client, and your father doesn't even love me
'Toy en la calle y estudiando arte
I'm on the street, and you're studying art

Авторы: Pikette Lolay

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