Pil C - Chlad - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Pil C - Chlad

Chlad, chlad, cítim iba chlad
Chill, chill, all I feel is a chill
Chlad, chlad, cítim iba chlad
Chill, chill, all I feel is a chill
Chlad, chlad, cítim iba chlad
Chill, chill, all I feel is a chill
Vonku chlad, vnútri chlad,
Cold outside, cold inside,
V srdci chlad, v očiach chlad
Cold in my heart, cold in my eyes
Svet je chladný ako druhá strana vankúša
The world is as cold as the other side of my pillow
Zo života mám oči červené jak antuka
From life, my eyes are red like clay
Áno, za všetko môžem ja
Yes, I can be blamed for everything
Na ruky mi daj putáky
Put handcuffs on my hand
Problémy bublinky, som fľaša šampusa
Problems are bubbles, I'm a bottle of champagne
Kričím na ňu cez ulicu "Čau, pusa" a na hlave kapuca
I'm shouting to her across the street, "Hey, kiss", and on my head a hood
Ja som nepokazil deti, pán sudca
I didn't spoil my children, sir judge
Za to môžu sprostí rodičia, vráti sa ti to čo požičiaš
Those who spoil are stupid parents, will return what you borrow
Hlavne že máte kariéru a dobrý plat
The main thing is that you have a career and a good salary
Deti vychová youtube, vychováva spotify
Children are raised by YouTube, raised by Spotify
Vystrelí motyka, choré riadky
Let the hoe fire, sick lines
Nech príde doktor, rovno hneď aj policajt
Let the doctor come, and straight away also the policeman
Od zimy si necítim prsty v rukaviciach
I don't feel my fingers in my gloves from the cold
Chlad, chlad, cítim iba chlad
Chill, chill, all I feel is a chill
Chlad, chlad, cítim iba chlad
Chill, chill, all I feel is a chill
Chlad, chlad, cítim iba chlad
Chill, chill, all I feel is a chill
Vonku chlad, vnútri chlad,
Cold outside, cold inside,
V srdci chlad, v očiach chlad
Cold in my heart, cold in my eyes
Chlad, chlad, cítim iba chlad
Chill, chill, all I feel is a chill
Chlad, chlad, cítim iba chlad
Chill, chill, all I feel is a chill
Chlad, chlad, cítim iba chlad
Chill, chill, all I feel is a chill
Vonku chlad, vnútri chlad,
Cold outside, cold inside,
V srdci chlad, v očiach chlad
Cold in my heart, cold in my eyes
Príbehy tak tvrdé,že by si ich nezmäkčil v aviváži
Stories so harsh that you wouldn't soften them in fabric softener
Toľko vecí v hlave, zaspávame na svitanie
So many things in my head, we fall asleep at dawn
Budík na deviatu, železo treba kuť horúce
Alarm at nine, iron should be forged while it's hot
Keď svet je chladný ani nevieš,že je ráno
When the world is cold, you don't even know it's morning
Trištvrte na 3, v ústach cítim jej vlasy
Three-quarter past 2, I feel her hair in my mouth
Z jej tela na posteli sála teplo, páli vaty
From her body on the bed heat radiates, burning cotton
Cez otvorené okno ťahá na mňa a vietor, chlad je jedovatý
A draft is blowing on me through the open window and the wind, the chill is poisonous
Je veľa hodín, nemám sny
It's so many hours, I have no dreams
Podaj mi ten melatón
Bring me that melatonin
Noc je dlhá a studená
The night is long and cold
Zimný slnovrat, všade vôkol mňa je chlad
Winter solstice, all around me is a chill
Kryokomora, bohatstvo, chudoba
Cryo-chamber, riches, poverty
Chcem zobudiť sa o tisíc rokov jak Simon Fénix
I want to wake up in a thousand years like Simon Phoenix
Bože mať tak gény, rozjebať celé mesto akože nič
Oh my god, to have genes, to fuck up the whole city like it's nothing
Veď len jutaniuD4L uniká do atmosféry
Because only jutaniuD4L escapes into the atmosphere
Chlad, chlad, cítim iba chlad
Chill, chill, all I feel is a chill
Chlad, chlad, cítim iba chlad
Chill, chill, all I feel is a chill
Chlad, chlad, cítim iba chlad
Chill, chill, all I feel is a chill
Vonku chlad, vnútri chlad,
Cold outside, cold inside,
V srdci chlad, v očiach chlad
Cold in my heart, cold in my eyes
Chlad, chlad, cítim iba chlad
Chill, chill, all I feel is a chill
Chlad, chlad, cítim iba chlad
Chill, chill, all I feel is a chill
Chlad, chlad, cítim iba chlad
Chill, chill, all I feel is a chill
Vonku chlad, vnútri chlad,
Cold outside, cold inside,
V srdci chlad, v očiach chlad
Cold in my heart, cold in my eyes

Авторы: Martin Kubenka

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