Pil C - Peroxid 2 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Pil C - Peroxid 2

Peroxid 2
Peroxide 2
Akože nikto si to neuvedomuje hneď, jednoducho nikto
Like, nobody realizes it right away, simply nobody
A ani malé dieťa keď vyrastá
Not even a small child when they're growing up
V niečom v nejakom prostredí
In something, in some kind of environment
Obklopené nejakými ľuďmi si to neuvedomuje, vieš
Surrounded by certain people, they don't realize it, you know
Ale podla mňa sa ti to ukladá na nejaký harddisk
But I think it gets saved on some kind of hard drive
Všetko toto, čo sa okolo teba deje a všetky tie pocity
All of this, what's happening around you and all those feelings
Ktoré, ktoré máš každý deň
That you have every day
A pocity ľudí, ktorí okolo teba
And the feelings of people who are around you
A učiteľov a rodičov a priateľov a správy
And teachers and parents and friends and the news
Ktoré večer pozeráš a rádio, ktoré počúvaš a...
That you watch in the evening and the radio that you listen to and...
Politici na teba mieria prútikom
Politicians point their wands at you
Avada Kedavra nevyslovuje sa to meno
Avada Kedavra, that name is not to be spoken
Policajti tu to vybavia
The cops will take care of it here
Tvoj vlastný štát ťa ohlodá na kosť jak piraňa (hej)
Your own state will gnaw you to the bone like a piranha (hey)
Lacné hypóteky na drahé bývania
Cheap mortgages for expensive housing
Praská ti v slúchatku (ha)
It's cracking in your headphones (ha)
Zdravím pánov z odpočúvania
Greetings to the gentlemen from the wiretapping department
Cirkev sa prežehná
The church crosses itself
Dosť bolo rúhania (hej)
Enough of this blasphemy (hey)
Zjedia si to čo si navaria (hej)
They'll eat what they cook (hey)
Aspoň že hokej je v poriadku že (ha)
At least hockey is alright, right? (ha)
Pätnásťročná zlatá medaila
A fifteen-year-old gold medal
Koľko mali tých sľubov, že
How many promises did they have, that
V každom meste pre deti ten zimák postavia (hej)
They would build an ice rink for kids in every town (hey)
Postavili jeden hlavne, že hore dobre sa nabalia (ne)
They built one, mainly so the ones up top could line their pockets (no)
Neodpovedám na otázky Denníku N ani Denníku SME (ha)
I don't answer questions from Denník N or Denník SME (ha)
Nezrušiteľné amnestie (ha)
Amnesties are irrevocable (ha)
Fuck ten štát, všetci kričia len fuck ten štát
Fuck the state, everyone just shouts fuck the state
Ešte chvíľu nám brnkajte na nervy, ľudia vás odjebú, atentát
Keep playing on our nerves for a while longer, people will fuck you up, assassination
Mám ten dar, že...
I have the gift that...
Vidím že všetko čo spravíte vráti sa vám
I see that everything you do will come back to you
Vidím že hráte vabank
I see that you're playing all in
Falošní kokoti Alibaba
Fake Alibaba assholes
Zneužívate moc musia sa báť
You abuse power, you should be afraid
Hladné Slovensko a nažratá Bratislava
Hungry Slovakia and overfed Bratislava
Politiku ktorú robíte, robíte hala-bala
The politics you do, you do haphazardly
Prvoradý je váš vačok a vaša strana (ha)
Your own pocket and your party are the priority (ha)
Jebať tu na občana
Fuck the citizens here
A nepýtaj sa ma nič nevím
And don't ask me anything, I don't know
nejsom sad nesellím
I'm not sad anymore, I don't sell anymore
nejsom faded jak aj vtedy
I'm not faded like I was back then
A stále správam sa jak debil
And I still act like an idiot
A nepýtaj sa ma nič nevím
And don't ask me anything, I don't know
nejsom sad nesellím
I'm not sad anymore, I don't sell anymore
nejsom faded jak aj vtedy
I'm not faded like I was back then
A stále správam sa jak debil
And I still act like an idiot
Vyrastali sme v čase keď nebol supermarket a bol iba Prior (hej)
We grew up in a time when there were no supermarkets, just Prior (hey)
Neboli mobily chodilo zvoniť sa pri dom (hej)
There were no cell phones, people rang the doorbell (hey)
Teraz mám Versace servis no vtedy hliníkový príbor (hej)
Now I have Versace service, but back then it was aluminum cutlery (hey)
Spoločnosť dostala slobodu zistila o čom je život (hej, strih)
Society got freedom, found out what life is about (hey, cut)
Ľudia apatickí
People are apathetic now
Jebú ich do huby
They're being fucked in the mouth
Smejú sa je im to jedno
They laugh, they don't care
Hlavne že všetci skurvení moralisti
The main thing is that everyone is a fucking moralist
Normálnym ľudom tu na život nezostal priestor
There's no room left for normal people to live here
Preto to majú piči
That's why they have it shitty
Hlavne že lacné je pivo
The main thing is that beer is cheap
A všetci rovnakí Danko, Mečiar aj Fico
And they're all the same, Danko, Mečiar, and Fico
Oligarchovia prebrali moc
The oligarchs have already taken power
Kto odchádza posledný zhasne (ej)
Whoever leaves last turns off the lights (hey)
Ostalo ticho
Silence remains
Ďakujem choď
Thank you, go away
Správy na smiech
The news is laughable
The nineties
Privatizácie výbuchy kone a vraždy
Privatizations, explosions, horses, and murders
Semtex a karbid
Semtex and carbide
Poslušná prokuratúra a sudcovia zamlčia fakty (ej)
Obedient prosecutors and judges will keep the facts quiet (hey)
Švajčiarske dôchodky dvojité platy (ej)
Swiss pensions, double salaries (hey)
Ďakujem, koniec debaty (ej, ej, ej, ej, ej, ej)
Thank you, end of discussion (hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey)
A nepýtaj sa ma nič nevím
And don't ask me anything, I don't know
nejsom sad nesellím
I'm not sad anymore, I don't sell anymore
nejsom faded jak aj vtedy
I'm not faded like I was back then
A stále správam sa jak debil
And I still act like an idiot
A nepýtaj sa ma nič nevím
And don't ask me anything, I don't know
nejsom sad nesellím
I'm not sad anymore, I don't sell anymore
nejsom faded jak aj vtedy
I'm not faded like I was back then
A stále správam sa jak debil
And I still act like an idiot
A nepýtaj sa ma nič nevím
And don't ask me anything, I don't know
nejsom sad nesellím
I'm not sad anymore, I don't sell anymore
nejsom faded jak aj vtedy
I'm not faded like I was back then
A stále správam sa jak debil
And I still act like an idiot

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