Pil C feat. Viktor Sheen - RBMK - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Pil C feat. Viktor Sheen - RBMK

Kričia mi: "Lukáš, heej! Zobuď sa, nespi!"
They yell at me: "Lukáš, hey! Wake up, don't sleep!"
Ja nespím, len som unavený z cesty.
I'm not sleeping, just tired from the road.
Míňame pumpu za pumpou, ja ležím na zadnom
We pass gas station after gas station, I'm lying in the back
Sedadle a cez strešné okno vidím svietiť hviezdy.
Seat and through the sunroof I see the stars shining.
Som zranený, no na bolesť není Medkit,
I'm wounded, but there's no Medkit for this pain,
Maximálne vypíšu Prozac ti na predpis.
The most they'll do is prescribe you Prozac.
Depresie, stres, depresie, stres.
Depression, stress, depression, stress.
Môžem jebať prášky a medikamenty!
I can fuck pills and medications!
Stále není liek na to, čím trpíme. Vieš,
There's still no cure for what we suffer from. You know,
Keď si bez viny, tak hoď prvý kameň ty!
If you're without sin, cast the first stone!
Spomienky sentimenty,
Memories are sentiments,
Upchávajú mi jak cholesterol cievy a hudba je ventil.
They clog my veins like cholesterol, and music is a valve.
Unavený som po desiatom kilometri.
I'm already tired after the tenth kilometer.
Sedím v Bentley.
I'm sitting in a Bentley.
Na mobile štyri zmeškané od sestry.
Four missed calls from my sister on my phone.
Toľko notifikácií, že ani nevidím, kedy mi píše Igor, Sarny, Kesty.
So many notifications that I can't even see when Igor, Sarny, Kesty are writing to me.
Sme slobodní, či väzni?
Are we free or prisoners?
Niekto povedal: "Keď niečo chceš, tak si to vezmi."
Someone said: "If you want something, take it."
Nevyštudoval som Oxford ani Cambridge,
I didn't graduate from Oxford or Cambridge,
Napriek tomu z peňazí mám A+, a nie FX.
But I still got an A+ in money, not FX.
Nevyštudoval som Oxford ani Cambridge,
I didn't graduate from Oxford or Cambridge,
Napriek tomu pozývajú na prednášky, píšu maily.
But still they invite me to lectures, write emails.
chápem Egove: "Najazdím desaťtisíc kilometrov za mesác.
I understand Ego now: "I drive ten thousand kilometers a month.
Drem jak kokot, uvoľni mi pľac."
I'm fucking exhausted, give me some space."
Čo chceš viac? Veď máš všetko! No tak chill bro,
What more do you want? You have everything! So chill bro,
Keď budem mať toho dosť, zmiznem ako Jimbo
When I have enough, I'll disappear like Jimbo
Mhmm, mi říkali, že to, co děláme, nemůže nikdy bouchnout,
Mhmm, they told me that what we're doing could never blow up,
A stejně vidíme, jak za několik let ty davy houstnou.
And yet we see how the crowds have thickened in a few years.
Odjiždíme po show a ja vidím jak to město doutná,
We leave after the show and I see the city smoldering,
A v srdci mám mráz, a furt to jsem já,
And there's frost in my heart, and it's still me,
A furt to jsem já.
And it's still me.
Nikdy som sa nejak nezamýšľal nad vecami.
I've never really thought about things.
Verím v osud, to, čo byť, byť.
I believe in fate, what's meant to be will be.
Sedím sám na aftri, vedľa sedia pekné baby.
I'm sitting alone at the afterparty, beautiful girls are sitting next to me.
Viem, že keby chcem, tak mám ich.
I know that if I wanted to, I could have them.
Výdych, nádych, výdych, nádych.
Exhale, inhale, exhale, inhale.
Ona pozerá na mňa, prsia, riť.
She's looking at me, she has breasts, she has an ass.
Polka leta, srdce chladnejšie jak v januári.
Midsummer, heart colder than in January.
Nemusím ani variť, kedysi by som ju zobral na byt.
I don't even have to cook, I would have taken her to my apartment before.
"Povedz mi niečo o sebe." Radšej budem ticho!
"Tell me something about yourself." I'd rather be quiet!
Nechcem sa moc chváliť. Nie sme dokonalí asi ako všetci.
I don't want to brag too much. We're not perfect like everyone else.
Občas škrípu vzťahy. Stúpania striedajú pády.
Relationships creak sometimes. Ascents are followed by falls.
Viete piču, aké je to medzi nami!
You know damn well what it's like between us!
Čierna duša jak keby som farál v bani.
Black soul as if I were mining coal.
Srdce jak keby držalo úlomky grafitu
Heart as if it held fragments of graphite
Z reaktora atómovej elektrárne.
From a nuclear power plant reactor.
Možno zobudím sa na mesiaci, možno na dne.
Maybe I'll wake up on the moon, maybe at the bottom.
Možno skončím. Viac nemám slov.
Maybe I'll end it. I have no more words.
Možno obesím sa doma ako Legasov
Maybe I'll hang myself at home like Legasov
Mhmm, mi říkali, že to, co děláme, nemůže nikdy bouchnout,
Mhmm, they told me that what we're doing could never blow up,
A stejně vidíme, jak za několik let ty davy houstnou.
And yet we see how the crowds have thickened in a few years.
Odjiždíme po show a ja vidím jak to město doutná,
We leave after the show and I see the city smoldering,
A v srdci mám mráz, a furt to jsem já,
And there's frost in my heart, and it's still me,
A furt to jsem já.
And it's still me.
Zbavil jsem se hadů, ale furt je slyším syčet.
I got rid of the snakes, but I still hear them hissing.
Kluby rozmetaný jako grafitový tyče.
Clubs scattered like graphite rods.
V backstagi se nebavím s nikým o ničem.
In the backstage, I don't talk to anyone about anything.
Jsem na stagi, ty lidi hořej, slyším jak křičej.
I'm on stage, these people are burning, I hear them screaming.
Panika jak kdyby sme to město přišli zničit.
Panic as if we came to destroy this city.
Moje holka vedle mne, je sladká jako liči.
My girl next to me, she's sweet as lychee.
Ušel jsem dlouhou cestu, než jsem sem vůbec přišel.
I've come a long way to get here at all.
A na rány, co mám, nejsou stitches.
And there are no stitches for the wounds I have.
Radioaktivní kouře jdou mi od huby.
Radioactive smoke comes from my mouth.
Každej víkend lítaj na kusy další kluby,
Every weekend, more clubs are blown to pieces,
Že nemůžou bouchnout, to mi říkali.
They told me it couldn't blow up.
V hubě mám dynamit. Neděláme nemožný.
I have dynamite in my mouth. We don't do the impossible.
Radioaktivní kouře jdou mi od huby.
Radioactive smoke comes from my mouth.
Každej víkend lítaj na kusy další kluby,
Every weekend, more clubs are blown to pieces,
Že nemůžou bouchnout, to nám říkali.
They told us it couldn't blow up.
Jebo, co to říkali?
Damn, what did they say?
Mhmm, mi říkali, že to, co děláme, nemůže nikdy bouchnout,
Mhmm, they told me that what we're doing could never blow up,
A stejně vidíme, jak za několik let ty davy houstnou.
And yet we see how the crowds have thickened in a few years.
Odjiždíme po show a ja vidím jak to město doutná,
We leave after the show and I see the city smoldering,
A v srdci mám mráz, a furt to som ja,
And there's frost in my heart, and it's still me,
A furt to som ja.
And it's still me.

Авторы: Lukáš Kajanovič, Patrik Kosa, Viktor Dundych

Pil C feat. Viktor Sheen - RBMK
дата релиза


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