Pil C - Unavený - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Pil C - Unavený

Mám 6% baterky, čiže moj mobil je unavený
My battery is at 6%, which means my phone is tired
A som unavený tiež... No poď, Conspiracy Flat
And I'm tired too... Come on, Conspiracy Flat
Peniaze na kope ako Široký
Money stacked up like Široký
Sedím v predu, vozíme sa v Cherokee Jeep
Sitting in the front, riding in a Cherokee Jeep
Strašne malo žien, ale veľa píč
Damn few women, but a lot of pussies
Vela noci, ale málo tych dní
Lots of nights, but not enough days
Som unavený ako keby celý rok mám jetlag
I'm tired like I've had jet lag all year
Prichadzame do klubu a piče idú hneď späť
We arrive at the club and the bitches go straight back
Špekulanti, kurvy, všetci chcú isť iba backstage
Speculators, whores, everyone just wants to go backstage
A po tých párty s belosmi, natáčajú si sextape
And after those parties with the white guys, they shoot sex tapes
Stratené životy v stratenom meste
Lost lives in a lost city
Ludia chcú zabudnúť, všade sháňaju si efe-drín
People want to forget, they're looking for ephedrine everywhere
A ja pýtam sa kolko vydržím s tým
And I'm asking myself how long I can last with this
Furt som na pokraji síl
I'm always on the verge of exhaustion
Žijem ten rap a všetko to je real
I live this rap and it's all real
Každý jeden deň, každý jeden deň
Every single day, every single day
Kurvy chceli odomňa len heslo na wi-fi
The bitches just wanted my Wi-Fi password
Každý jeden deň, každý jeden deň
Every single day, every single day
Flausím a všetko mám piči
I'm bragging and I've got everything fucked up
Všade okolo real G's
There are real G's all around
Rapuješ o nich ale nevidim
You rap about them but I don't see
Ani jednu z tých bitches, bitch please
Any of those bitches, bitch please
Každý jeden z vás sa kokot tvári ako king pin
Every single one of you motherfuckers acts like a kingpin
A polovina z vás je pritom sin, sin
And half of you are sin, sin
Ty a tvoja crew ste ako Bee Gees
You and your crew are like the Bee Gees
Tvoju crew potopim akoby nič
I'll sink your crew like nothing
(Akoby nič, akoby nič, akoby nič, tvoju crew potopim akoby nič)
(Like nothing, like nothing, like nothing, I'll sink your crew like nothing)
Som unavený ako keby celý rok mám jetlag
I'm tired like I've had jet lag all year
Prichadzame do klubu a piče idú hned späť
We arrive at the club and the bitches go straight back
Špekulanti, kurvy, všeci chcú isť iba backstage
Speculators, whores, everyone just wants to go backstage
A po tých párty s belosmi, natáčajú si sextape
And after those parties with the white guys, they shoot sex tapes
Som unavený ako keby celý rok mám jetlag
I'm tired like I've had jet lag all year
Prichadzame do klubu a piče idú hned späť
We arrive at the club and the bitches go straight back
Špekulanti, kurvy, všeci chcú isť iba backstage
Speculators, whores, everyone just wants to go backstage
A po tých párty s belosmi, natáčajú si sextape
And after those parties with the white guys, they shoot sex tapes
Idem do klubu, volám to byznys
I go to the club, I call it business
Baby tam hot ako Sizzling
The girls there are hot like Sizzling
A všetci sa chcú fotit iba bling, bling
And everyone just wants to take pictures with bling, bling
A všetci chcú semnou piť iba drink, drink
And everyone just wants to drink with me, drink, drink
Oukey, nalej mi Gin, Gin
Okay, pour me some Gin, Gin
A nabysom mi nalej Whiskey
And pour me some whiskey, baby
Unavený sledujem tie cifry
Tired, I watch the numbers
Unavený sedim doma v prítmí
Tired, I sit at home in the dark
Unavený šoferujem auto
Tired, I drive the car
Unavený tak že som zaspal za volantom
So tired that I fell asleep at the wheel
Autom trojté salto
The car did a triple somersault
A na totálku rozjebané auto
And the car is totally wrecked
Kam skôr, povedz mi kam skôr
Where to first, tell me where to first
Cele dni sme voknu ako balkón
We're at the window all day like a balcony
Bratislava není kokot Compton
Bratislava is not fucking Compton
A mezi námi neprežiješ s klamstvom
And you won't survive among us with lies
Povedz čo len chceš, všetko mám bro
Say what you want, I've got everything, bro
Chlapci z toho penia ak šampón
The boys make money from it like shampoo
Nechodim za kurvami sa jebať
I don't go to whores to fuck
Tie kurvy chodievali kokot za mnou
Those whores used to come to me, motherfucker
(Za mnou, za mnou, chodievali za mnou, tie kurvy chodievali kokot za mnou)
(To me, to me, they used to come to me, those whores used to come to me, motherfucker)
Som unavený ako keby celý rok mám jetlag
I'm tired like I've had jet lag all year
Prichadzame do klubu a piče idú hned späť
We arrive at the club and the bitches go straight back
Špekulanti, kurvy, všeci chcú isť iba backstage
Speculators, whores, everyone just wants to go backstage
A po tých párty s belosmi, natáčajú si sextape
And after those parties with the white guys, they shoot sex tapes
Som unavený ako keby celý rok mám jetlag
I'm tired like I've had jet lag all year
Prichadzame do klubu a piče idú hned späť
We arrive at the club and the bitches go straight back
Špekulanti, kurvy, všeci chcú isť iba backstage
Speculators, whores, everyone just wants to go backstage
A po tých párty s belosmi, natáčajú si sextape
And after those parties with the white guys, they shoot sex tapes

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