To buy stuff at the non-stop and drink it here in the park,
Popadané drobne (kde),
Dropped coins (where),
Vo suvoch na zemi pri stánku,
In the gravel on the ground near the stall,
Potom sme sa s našimi presťahovali vedľa,
Then we moved next door with my parents,
Ostal som v baťovke gympel stredná,
I stayed in Baťovka for high school,
Kopec nových mien,
A bunch of new names,
Niektoré som zabudol no na,
Some I forgot but,
Niektoré sa veru bracho zabudnúť neda,
Some, bro, you really can't forget,
A po strednej výška na ktorú som prestal chodiť,
And after high school, college, which I stopped attending,
A začal som pracovať u Šéda,
And I started working at Šedo's,
Narodil som sa v tom meste,
I was born in this city,
Dvadsať dva rokou v tom meste,
Twenty-two years in this city,
Chodil do školy v tom meste,
Went to school in this city,
Zaľúbil som sa v tom meste,
Fell in love in this city,
Prvý krát jebal v tom meste,
First time I f*cked in this city,
Chodil do práce v tom meste,
Went to work in this city,
Aj ked už niesom v tom meste,
Even though I'm no longer in this city,
Stale si pamätám presne,
I still remember exactly,
Na ten deň kedy som odišiel preč,
The day I left,
Celé dni sám vo velkomeste,
All days alone in the big city,
Chcel som spoznať ten skutočný svet,
I wanted to know the real world,
Prepáč že neviem to lepšie,
Sorry I don't know it better,
Celé dní práca ešte nebol rap,
All day work, there was no rap yet,
Bludil som mestom jak Batman,
I wandered the city like Batman,
Nikto by nikdy nepovedal že,
No one would ever say that,
Dosiahnem niečo väčšie,
I would achieve something bigger,
Osoby postavy bez mien,
People, characters without names,
Nevedel čo smiem čo nesmiem,
Didn't know what I could or couldn't do,
Niekedy bol to fakt extrém,
Sometimes it was really extreme,
V tuneloch cez noc aj cez deň,
In tunnels through the night and day,
A to svetlo na konci rap je,
And that light at the end is rap,
Kolmý štart niečo jak Harrier,
Vertical takeoff like a Harrier,
Na ramenách ten kríž si nesiem,
I carry that cross on my shoulders,
Na prsiach céčko jak Messier,
On my chest the C like Messier,
Na prsiach comebackgang.
On my chest comebackgang.
Chápeš? CBG logo na mojích prsiach vždy ked nosím merch a nikdy nezabudam na mojích ľudí tak ako nikdy nezabudam na to odkiaľ som a kým som Partizánske Žabokreky Bratislava comebackgang
You understand? CBG logo on my chest whenever I wear merch and I never forget about my people just like I never forget where I'm from and who I am Partizánske Žabokreky Bratislava comebackgang
Narodil som sa v tom meste,
I was born in this city,
Dvadsať dva rokou v tom meste,
Twenty-two years in this city,
Chodil do školy v tom meste,
Went to school in this city,
Zaľúbil som sa v tom meste,
Fell in love in this city,
Prvý krát jebal v tom meste,
First time I f*cked in this city,
Do prace chodil v tom meste,
Went to work in this city,
Aj ked už niesom v tom meste,
Even though I'm no longer in this city,
Stale si pamätám presne,
I still remember exactly,
Narodil som sa v tom meste
I was born in this city
Dvadsať dva rokou v tom meste
Twenty-two years in this city
Chodil do školy v tom meste
Went to school in this city
Zaľúbil som sa v tom meste
Fell in love in this city
Prvý krát jebal v tom meste
First time I f*cked in this city
Chodil do práce v tom meste
Went to work in this city
Aj ked už niesom v tom meste
Even though I'm no longer in this city
Stale si pamätám presne
I still remember exactly
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