Pil C feat. Otis, Luca Brassi10x & SAK10DENZ - 7:30 RÁNO V BRATISLAVE - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Pil C feat. Otis, Luca Brassi10x & SAK10DENZ - 7:30 RÁNO V BRATISLAVE

Neni ako víno, neni ako káva,
She ain't like wine, she ain't like coffee,
Neočarí neprebudí ťa, je po večeroch fádna a zradná za dňa
Won't charm you, won't awaken you, dull in the evenings, treacherous by day
Je 7:30 ráno v Bratislave
It's 7:30 AM in Bratislava
Z komínov stúpa dym vysoký tlak čakáme čo sa stane,
Smoke rises from chimneys, high pressure, waiting to see what happens,
Sedím v zápche od Patrónky po Kramáre
Stuck in traffic from Patrónka to Kramáre
Pípne telefón na displeji je správa od bývalej
Phone beeps, a message from my ex on the display
Kývnem rukou wtf
I wave my hand, wtf
Pýtam sa kde je môj pluug
Asking where my plug is
šeci deti no málokto chlap
Everyone's a child, but few are men
Som G ako PUB
I'm G like PUB
Dívaš sa na kozy každý z nás cap
You stare at boobs, every one of us is a goat
Robíme umenie ty robíš brak
We make art, you make trash
Požehnaný môže prekročiť prah
Only the blessed can cross the threshold
Ste len fake, pozlátko plast
You're just fake, gilded plastic
Poriti plesk
Take this slap
(Auuu, šak to bolí Lukáš)
(Ouch, that hurts, Lukáš)
Všetci ste poskladaní za tri sekundy koruny
You're all assembled in three seconds, crowns
"Made in China" ja som "SWISS MADE"
"Made in China" I'm "SWISS MADE"
Daytona wrist ej
Daytona wrist, yeah
Celkom som fit ej
I'm quite fit, yeah
Niekedy mám pocit, že som hral so životom stávku
Sometimes I feel like I gambled with life
O všetko nožnice papier kameň
For everything, rock, paper, scissors
Vyhral som a zas na druhý deň klasicky
I won, and then the next day, classically
Pokazím všetko na čo siahneeeem
I ruin everything I touch
Vitaj v Bratislave
Welcome to Bratislava
Z nemožného sa tu možné stane
The impossible becomes possible here
Stačí sa zohnúť peniaze pohodené kade tade
Just bend down, money is scattered everywhere
Zavíjajú sirény blikajú majáky chlapci utrhli sa z reťaze
Sirens wail, lights flash, the boys have broken loose
Je lockdown, nevychádzame
It's lockdown, we're not going out
Bustdown, ona je fuuu, kristepane
Bustdown, she's wow, damn
Ritalin aj keď nemáme ADHD
Ritalin even though we don't have ADHD
Puttovaci green mam na záhrade
Putting green in my backyard
Vravíš, že sme rovnakí?
You say we're the same?
Same same but different,
Same same but different,
Jedávali sme na Kamennom bagety Richman,
We used to eat Richman baguettes at Kamenné
Zvykol som pozerať Chef Table na Netflixe,
I used to watch Chef Table on Netflix,
Teraz jem v tých reštikách život ako rich man,
Now I eat in those restaurants, life as a rich man,
Systém nás jebe preto chlapci jebú systém
The system fucks us, that's why the boys fuck the system
Mame vlastné gestá vlastný jazyk "izdemizde"
We have our own gestures, our own language "izdemizde"
Nejsom gangster z ulice za mnou gangstri z ulice
I'm not a gangster from the streets, I have gangsters from the streets behind me
Tak more kludne vystrel
So go ahead and shoot
Stále myslím na ten gwap denne aspoň tisíckrát
I still think about that gwap at least a thousand times a day
Hneď ráno keď si na raňajky dávam Reeses Puffs
First thing in the morning when I have Reeses Puffs for breakfast
Struggloval som velmi dlho ale kamo nikdy viac
I struggled for a long time, but man, never again
Ba city boy som celý život v týchto uliciach
Ba city boy, I've been in these streets my whole life
Myslíš, že som star, no ja poznám temné strany
You think I'm old, but I know the dark sides
Chlapci posúvajú yayco chlapci posúvajú xanny
Boys pushing yay, boys pushing xans
Nikdy nevieš koľko spravíš tomu vravím adrenalín
You never know how much you'll make, I call it adrenaline
Povedzte mi či by ste ten život chceli žit vy sami?
Tell me if you would want to live this life yourself?
Predávali všetko na čom sa zarobiť
They sold everything they could make money on
Respirátory aj negatívne testy na covid
Respirators and negative covid tests
Ja zase posúvam tie tenisky tak ako bricks
I move those sneakers like bricks
Ty vidíš yeezička ja vidím iba rýchly flip
You see Yeezys, I just see a quick flip
Stále duchcím iba dobrý gas a ona duchcí dick
I keep smoking good gas and she keeps sucking dick
Tvoj oblúbený rapper klame ako politik
Your favorite rapper lies like a politician
čo sa týka rapu tak to nejde nikto z nich
When it comes to rap, none of them can do it
Zaspali dobu teraz veľa z nich je mimo hry
They fell asleep, now many of them are out of the game
Je 7:30 ráno v Bratislave, 30 na stole ye je
It's 7:30 AM in Bratislava, 30 on the table, yeah it is
Nasypane, (yayo)
Poured out, (yayo)
V štáte kde každý klame, (každý klame)
In a state where everyone lies, (everyone lies)
Každý ale ja ne! (BRrr) ...
Everyone, but not me! (BRrr) ...
Pochádzam zo štvrte, kde deti kradnú, tešia sa na tmu
I come from a neighborhood where kids steal, they look forward to the darkness
Zo štvrte, ktorej junkies roky robia hanbu
From a neighborhood that junkies have been shaming for years
Bezďáci na zastávkach páchnu, decká si robia srandu
Homeless people stink at bus stops, kids make fun of them
Snahu ubrániť sa z ich strany majú, no márnú
They try to defend themselves, but in vain
7:30 ráno v Bratislave, idem z afterky práve,
7:30 AM in Bratislava, I'm just coming from an afterparty,
V zápche zbadám Pil Cho pičovať z bavoráku
In traffic I see Pil Cho driving his BMW
Ďalší glg z doublecupu. Viem, asi ma nechápu
Another sip from the double cup. I know, they probably don't understand me
Stále mám zlozvyky z ulice
I still have bad habits from the streets
Zháňať kamene a papiere
Getting rocks and papers
Strihať ceny - žiadne nožnice
Cutting prices - no scissors
Vonku je tma, horia svetlice
It's dark outside, flares are burning
Sopláci vyšli von robiť zle
The youngsters went out to do wrong
Strelci na ulici strielajú
Shooters on the street are shooting
No munície nejsú z brokovnice,
But the ammo ain't from a shotgun,
Ani zo strelnice, ani zo zbrojnice
Not from a shooting range, not from an armory
Prišli cez hranice
It came across the border
Jaká banka? Do Jordan krabice
What bank? Into a Jordan box
Moja banda zlozvyky z ulice
My gang has bad habits from the streets
Žiadne ustrice a žiadne chobotnice
No oysters and no octopus
Žiadny táborák, no furt pália palice
No campfire, but they still burn sticks
Môžeš nás nechápať mo, ale takí sme
You may not understand us, but that's how we are
Chceš ma súdiť? Súď. Chceš ma skúsiť? Skús.
You want to judge me? Judge. You want to try me? Try.
Tu ťa ľudia majú v pi, tu si pre nich iba duch
Here people have you in their sights, here you're just a ghost to them
Na nohách Nike. Furt len vyprávaš... Just do it
Nike on my feet. You just keep talking... Just do it
Z mojich pľúc ide duch ako v Scooby dooby doo
Spirit comes out of my lungs like in Scooby dooby doo

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