Pil C feat. Rytmus - V PODZEMÍ FREESTYLE - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Pil C feat. Rytmus - V PODZEMÍ FREESTYLE

Yeah, raz dva, raz dva, uh
Yeah, one two, one two, uh
Okay, freestyle session, uh
Okay, freestyle session, uh
Raz dva, raz dva, uh
One two, one two, uh
Vypnúť zvonenie, huh, yeah
Turn off the ringer, huh, yeah
Mám toľko šťastia, že keby ti poviem čísla na ulici
I have so much luck that if I tell you the numbers on the street
Podáš si ich, vyhráš športku (To určite)
You'll play them, you'll win the lottery (For sure)
Pozerám do zrkadla v backstagi po show
I look in the mirror in the backstage after the show
Pozerám nad ránom, keď svitá, vidím monštrum (Áno, sebe)
I look in the morning, when it dawns, I see a monster (Yes, myself)
Chlapci s policajtami hrávaju sa na schovku
The boys with the cops are playing hide and seek
Autá nestoja pred domom pre nič za nič
Cars don't stand in front of the house for nothing
To nie obyčajné autá, to je NAKA čaká vonku, hah, jebat na nich
These are not ordinary cars, it's NAKA waiting outside, hah, fuck them
Kúpil som bicykel lebo mi doktor povedal,
I bought a bike because the doctor told me,
že sa musím vo volnom čase venovať aj športu
that I have to do some sports in my free time
Ževraj keď behám po celej mape vo Warzone,
He said when I run all over the map in Warzone,
To sa neráta, týpek vystrielal squad, dostal kontru
That doesn't count, dude shot the squad, got countered
Blonde jak Frank Ocean, sleduj jebo, na sebe mám fajky
Blonde like Frank Ocean, watch, motherfucker, I'm wearing smokes
To preto lebo, lebo ma oblieka Nike, switchin′ lanes ako Bun B
That's because, because Nike dresses me, switchin′ lanes like Bun B
Chlapci sa chcú s nami merať, nabehli na mínu - Humvee
The boys want to compete with us, they ran into a mine - Humvee
Moje oči menia farby, zaleží na čo sa pozerám a či sa hanbím
My eyes change color, depending on what I'm looking at and if I'm ashamed
Blonde jak Frank Ocean, cítim sa jak na obálke Forbesu
Blonde like Frank Ocean, I feel like I'm on the cover of Forbes
Jak keby som sfúkol tortu, drž si odstup
Like I blew out the cake, keep your distance
Marcipán pokrýva celý korpus, prší v klube, prší vonku
Marzipan covers the whole body, it's raining in the club, it's raining outside
Všetky hriechy na ulici zmyje monzum
All the sins on the street are washed away by the monsoon
Sedím vo Ferrari, brácho, jazdím Monzu
I'm sitting in a Ferrari, bro, I'm driving Monza
Dymia gumy, výfuk, dym mi dymí von z pľúc
Tires are smoking, exhaust, smoke is smoking out of my lungs
Toľko ľadu vôkol mňa, že asi musím volať rolbu
So much ice around me that I guess I have to call a snowcat
Moje zuby zlaté ako vo finále gól Rusom od Peťa Bondru
My teeth are golden like in the final, a goal to the Russians from Peter Bondra
Chodím s hokejistami na golf
I go golfing with hockey players
V päťhviezdičkovom hoteli na Havaji do bazéna skáčem bombu
In a five-star hotel in Hawaii, I jump into the pool
Kúkaju po mne japonskí turisti, kričím: "Sayonara, fuck you"
Japanese tourists are looking at me, I scream: "Sayonara, fuck you"
Baby teču ako ortuť, všetko vôkol teba podfuk, odstup
Babies are flowing like mercury, everything around you is a scam, step back
Moja fyzio sa pýta prečo stále chodím zhrbený (Prečo?)
My physio asks why I always walk hunched over (Why?)
Aj ty by si chodila (Tomu ver)
You would walk too (Believe that)
Keby si musela niesť toľko vecí na pleciach
If you had to carry so many things on your shoulders
Toľko retiazok na krku, čo nás tlačia ku zemi
So many chains around our necks that are pushing us to the ground
Stále sa cítim jak v podzemí (Stále)
I still feel like I'm underground (Still)
Stále naokolo seba vidím problémy (Stále)
I still see problems around me (Still)
Áno, to sme my, navždy uveznení v podzemí
Yes, that's us, forever trapped underground
Chlapci chceli byť viac jak
The boys wanted to be more than they are
Ich hobby je robiť zo somára komára
Their hobby is to make a mosquito out of a donkey
Sami sebe robia pascu
They set a trap for themselves
Nevieš aké je dominovať
You don't know what it's like to dominate
Budete iba druhí
You will only be second
Vymyslené pičaciny stoja na hlinených nohách
Made-up bullshit stands on clay feet
Do papule kradmé know-how
Sneaky know-how in the mouth
Doprajem, ale nenávidím ojeb
I indulge, but I hate cheating
Ojeb to je, more, dobre
Cheating is, man, good
Buď v pohode, nemyslím to vôbec zle
Be cool, I don't mean it bad at all
Nikto ti nič nebere
No one is taking anything from you
Preto nikdy nechci viac jak môžeš
That's why never want more than you can
Sebaklam nepomôže lebo ťa z toho jebne
Self-deception will not help because it will fuck you up
Áno, to sme my, riešime si svoje problémy
Yes, that's us, we're dealing with our own problems
Lebo každý vyrastá v inom prostredí
Because everyone grows up in a different environment
Každý to vníma po svojom, jak je docenený
Everyone perceives it in their own way, how they are appreciated
Niekto vidí svetlo a niekto je temný
Someone sees the light and someone is dark
Niekto ukrýva svoje pocity v podzemí
Someone hides their feelings underground
A niekto sa bojí byť ten posledný
And someone is afraid to be the last
Ale neukryje sa pred svojim mŕtvym svedomím
But they won't hide from their dead conscience
Presne to sme my, áno, to sme my
That's exactly who we are, yes, that's us
Virtuos flow,
Virtuoso flow,
To sme my
That's us

Авторы: Hxdroyoung, Scarsamm

Pil C feat. Rytmus - V PODZEMÍ FREESTYLE
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