Pirat's Sound Sistema - Mosso d'esquadra - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Pirat's Sound Sistema - Mosso d'esquadra

Mosso d'esquadra
Riot Squad
Mosso d'esquadra / riki
Riot Squad / Riki
Pirats Sound Sistema
Pirats Sound Sistema
-Hombre, que pasa Riki
-Man, what's up Riki?
-Que pasa?
-What's up?
-Patrullan por la mina no?
-They're patrolling the mine, right?
Que vagi de gust amb tota la teva colla de gossos cabrons!
Have a blast with your whole pack of fucking dogs!
Escolta això que et vaig a explicar
Listen to what I'm going to explain to you.
És la història d'un xaval no molt normal
It's the story of a not-so-normal guy.
Un dia jo me'l vaig trobar a la plaça i em va dir que es feia mosso d'esquadra
One day I met him in the square and he told me he was becoming a riot cop.
Primer em vaig començar a partir
First I started laughing my ass off.
Però el que em deia no era molt divertit
But what he was telling me wasn't very funny.
Jo no me'l podia pas imaginar
I couldn't imagine him.
L'uniforma amb la caporra córrer allà a empipar
The uniform with the hood, running around there, busting heads.
Quan d'estudiar català!
When he had to study Catalan!
Abans només parlava en castellà
Before he only spoke Spanish.
Ara les hòsties ens les donaran amb la quota del 20% amb la nostra llengua
Now they will beat us with the 20% quota with our language.
Ell ara vota el tripartit
He now votes for the tripartite.
Abans era un espanyolito podrit
Before he was a rotten little Spaniard.
I li fa por el que dirà la gent
And he's afraid of what people will say.
Però amb sou i cotxe de l'empresa ell està content
But with a salary and a company car, he's happy.
Ara jo escupo al seu pas
Now I spit when he walks by.
I si pogués li trencaria el nas
And if I could, I'd break his nose.
O li deixaria cas obert el casc perquè cas quan arribes nomes es trobes un solar
Or I'd leave his helmet open because when you arrive you only find a vacant lot.
I aquest paio s'ha fotut de mosso d'esquadra
And this guy has gone and become a riot cop.
Pensant en lo maco que estarà quan una pistola al seu cinturó penjarà
Thinking how cool he'll look with a gun hanging on his belt.
Molt sincerament es per mi només un guàrdia urbà
Quite honestly, he's just a city guard to me.
O aquell a qui no donaré pas la
Or someone I won't shake hands with.
Ni convidaré mai més a tabac
I'll never invite him for a smoke again.
Ni compartiré res del que faig
I won't share anything I do with him.
Perquè ara per mi aquest paio és un gran desgraciat
Because now, for me, this guy is a complete loser.
I un malparit, un cabrit que no vull que estigui aquí amb els meus amics
And a scumbag, a little shit I don't want here with my friends.
Ni en el meu barri, ni en el meu camí
Not in my neighborhood, not in my path.
Que marxi del mig perquè no el vull veure per aquí
Get him out of the way because I don't want to see him around here.
Per no voler es que no el vull ni sentir
Out of not wanting to, I don't even want to hear him.
Ni pretengui molt menys que el respecti
And I certainly don't expect to respect him.
Son sentiments que em venen de molt ben ben endins
These are feelings that come from deep inside me.
I per molt que diguin aquí no hi ha cap canvi
And no matter what they say, there's no change here.
De mossos d'esquadra
Of riot cops.
De picolos i segurates
Of small-timers and security.
Picolos i segurates
Small-timers and security.
Guàrdia urbana molta pasma
City guards, a lot of apathy.
Molta policia!
Too much police!
I fins els nassos n'estem de trobar-ne
And we're sick of running into them.
De mossos d'esquadra
Of riot cops.
De picolos i segurates
Of small-timers and security.
Picolos i segurates
Small-timers and security.
Guàrdia urbana molta pasma
City guards, a lot of apathy.
Molta policia!
Too much police!
I fins els nassos n'estem de trobar-ne
And we're sick of running into them.
No volem més pasma!
We don't want more cops!
Ni pública ni privada
Neither public nor private.
No, no, no, no!
No, no, no, no!
No volem més pasma!
We don't want more cops!
I que se'n vagin, vagin cap a casa!
And they should leave, go home!
I digues ara que t'esperes jurant la bandera
And tell me now what you expect, swearing on the flag.
Pujol, Mas i Ferrusola amb la senyera
Pujol, Mas, and Ferrusola with the Catalan flag.
També està la Valdecasas sempre sincera
There's also Valdecasas, always sincere.
On tu veus una senyera
Where you see a Catalan flag.
Ella et veu una estanquera
She sees a tobacconist.
Dius que la plaça no està malament
You say the job isn't so bad.
Perquè si t'ho curres hi ha possibilitats d'ascens
Because if you take care of yourself, there are possibilities for promotion.
Però es que no ho entens, amb qui véns,
But you don't understand who you're with,
Aquí em tens, a qui detens
You have me here, who you arrest.
Aquí tu perds el temps, o no ho comprens?
Here you're wasting your time, don't you get it?
Cremes com l'encens
You burn like incense.
Sumeixes el teu temps en un treball molt sobre un camp ampli i extens
You drown your time in a job over a wide and extensive field.
I ja pots vigilar amb allò que ens prens,
And you better watch out what you take from us,
Perquè et pot costar la vida, que es el millor que tens
Because it could cost you your life, which is the best thing you have.
Ets un mosso d'esquadra
You're a riot cop.
I ja no ets aquell xaval innocent que el finde es fotia a farda
And you're no longer that innocent kid who used to show off on weekends.
I digues de que parles,
And tell me what you're talking about,
Es per què et vas empipar o què cabró,
Is it because you're a bustard or what, asshole?
Tu digues de que coi fardes
You tell me what the fuck you're bragging about.
Bueno Riki, jo et desitjo el millor
Well Riki, I wish you the best.
I per mi el millor vol dir que a tu ara et passi el pitjor!
And for me, the best means that now the worst happens to you!
Bueno Riki, jo et desitjo el millor
Well Riki, I wish you the best.
I per mi el millor vol dir que a tu ara et passi el pitjor!
And for me, the best means that now the worst happens to you!

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