Pit10 feat. Emrah Karakuyu - Kara Kutu - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Pit10 feat. Emrah Karakuyu - Kara Kutu

Kara Kutu
Black Box
Kara kutu açılır kuklalar evinde
The black box opens in the house of puppets
Herkes neşeli ve herkes yerinde
Everyone is cheerful and everyone is in their place
Yepyeni başlangıç, hep aynı son
Brand new beginning, always the same ending
Kapkaranlık hayatına sahte bir renk
A fake color to your pitch-black life
Kara kutu açılır kuklalar evinde
The black box opens in the house of puppets
Herkes neşeli ve herkes yerinde
Everyone is cheerful and everyone is in their place
Yepyeni başlangıç, hep aynı son
Brand new beginning, always the same ending
Kapkaranlık hayatına sahte bir renk
A fake color to your pitch-black life
Leydiler ve centilmenler
Ladies and gentlemen
Olimpos bebeğim, aha hadi bakalım
Olympus baby, here we go
Evlenelim itin olayım, bana kuçu de!
Let's get married, I'll be your dog, call me woof!
Televizyon plazma ama her tarafta rutubet
The TV is plasma but there's dampness everywhere
Kim ne der ki, kim karışır izliyorken ucube
Who would say, who would interfere while watching a freak
Tecavüz reyting topluyorsa Fatmagül'ün suçu ne?
If rape brings in ratings, what's Fatmagül's fault?
Dumandan arındı barlar, kumandan oldu kumandan
Bars are cleared of smoke, the commander became commander
Bu yılan gelir kuraktan, sen yap kaleni kumlardan
This snake comes from the drought, you build your castle from sand
Suratta kulakta hep o anlamsız kurallar
Those meaningless rules are always on the face and ear
Ben dinlemem, ben izlemem o yarışmacılar kumarbaz
I won't listen, I won't watch, those contestants are gamblers
Gerginim şu anda, muhalif olduğum için kazanamam
I'm tense right now, I can't win because I'm against it
Ve dolayısıyla veremem adamım vergimi çuvalla
And therefore, I can't give, man, my taxes in a sack
Derdimi kim anlar?
Who understands my pain?
Ben uyuşturulmadan yaşamak isterim, sistemsiz yani tertemiz dünyamda
I want to live without being drugged, in my clean world, without a system
Siyasiler şaşırmış ve her kafada ses var
Politicians are confused and there's a voice in every head
Karnım doysun isterken neden kabarık hesap?
Why is the bill inflated when I just want my stomach full?
Reklam dev ekranda deler kafa hep bak
Ads on the giant screen pierce your head, keep looking
Medya gayet yasalken neden yasak esrar?
Why is weed illegal when the media is perfectly legal?
Kara kutu açılır kuklalar evinde
The black box opens in the house of puppets
Herkes neşeli ve herkes yerinde
Everyone is cheerful and everyone is in their place
Yepyeni başlangıç, hep aynı son
Brand new beginning, always the same ending
Kapkaranlık hayatına sahte bir renk
A fake color to your pitch-black life
Kara kutu açılır kuklalar evinde
The black box opens in the house of puppets
Herkes neşeli ve herkes yerinde
Everyone is cheerful and everyone is in their place
Yepyeni başlangıç, hep aynı son
Brand new beginning, always the same ending
Kapkaranlık hayatına sahte bir renk
A fake color to your pitch-black life
Ey, burada yeni birşeyler söylemem gerekiyordu
Yo, I was supposed to say something new here
Ama bulamadım, napalım, hadi, hadi
But I couldn't find it, what can we do, come on, come on
Geldi yeni bir program, edecek adamı prostat
A new program has arrived, it will make the man prostate
Prospektüse bakmadan haplanmak gibi şovlar
Shows like getting laid without looking at the brochure
Slow down yo diren işte gerçek problem
Slow down yo resist, here's the real problem
Bayıla bayıla izliyorsun çünkü kaçtı son tren
You're watching with delight because you missed the last train
Kararmakta her gün yarınlar
Tomorrows are getting darker every day
Çünkü seni zehirliyor bu yayınlar
Because these broadcasts are poisoning you
Hayır bırak, mayın var, ayıl lan!
No, stop, there's a mine, wake up!
Verilir kayıplar, 7 24 işlenen bu ayıplar
Losses are given, these shames committed 24/7
Bildiklerine benzemez, çok zor örtülür
It's not like the ones you know, it's very hard to cover up
İzle sabah akşam her kuşak kombo kördüğüm
Watch it morning and evening, every generation is a combo knot
Yani komplo gördüğüm
I mean, the conspiracy I saw
Öyle ki, vasıfsız sarışına bu medya giydirir doktor önlüğü!
So much so, this media dresses up an unqualified blonde in a doctor's coat!
Paranın kölesi bunlar, kokar pis hep
They are slaves to money, they always smell bad
Ve buna kimsenin bir dur demeye yok hali ve
And no one has the state and
Reyting bozar niyet
Intention to mess with ratings
Bak sistemin tam içinde sistemi s*keyim diyen Okan bile
Look, even Okan, who says f*ck the system right in the middle of the system,
Kara kutu açılır kuklalar evinde
The black box opens in the house of puppets
Herkes neşeli ve herkes yerinde
Everyone is cheerful and everyone is in their place
Yepyeni başlangıç, hep aynı son
Brand new beginning, always the same ending
Kapkaranlık hayatına sahte bir renk
A fake color to your pitch-black life
Kara kutu açılır kuklalar evinde
The black box opens in the house of puppets
Herkes neşeli ve herkes yerinde
Everyone is cheerful and everyone is in their place
Yepyeni başlangıç, hep aynı son
Brand new beginning, always the same ending
Kapkaranlık hayatına sahte bir renk
A fake color to your pitch-black life

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