Pit10 - Egzistansiyalist - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Pit10 - Egzistansiyalist

Beni anlamassýn; iþine bak, hadi yürü...
You won't understand me; mind your business, just go away...
Beni baðlamassýn yok derdim kimseyle benden baþka...
Can't handle me; no one else matters to me...
Kandýrsam yer misin? Hayat kibir sergisi
Would you believe me if I lied? Life is an arrogance showcase
Amaçsýzca var olduk; yaþamak derdimiz
We exist for no reason; our concern is to live
Rahat da olsan sen vicdanýn yýrtýp atar;
Even if you're relaxed, your conscience will tear your conscience will tear you apart;
Para verdiðin o ideolojik dergini...
That ideological magazine you paid for...
*** is dead***
***sevmem ben versem de vergimi.
***, no matter who I give my taxes to.
Yarýn bugünden, bugün dünden gerginim
Tomorrow is more tense than today, today is more tense than yesterday
Pusludur bakýþlarýn;"Git burdan!"der gibi.
Your gaze is cloudy; it seems to say: "Get out of here!"
Kayýptýr her saniye, zaman daralýr
Every second is lost, time presses
Ahlak dediðiniz kavram sanal yaratý.
The concept you call morality is a virtual creation.
Düþman tüm insanlar, sorunluyum ben bi'de;
All people are enemies, and I have my own problems too;
Normlar anormal, sorumluyum kendime.
Standards are abnormal, I'm responsible for myself.
Aslen her yol mübahtýr; hürce!
Basically, anything goes; freely!
Çoðalýrken bunu belki istemiyor hücre
While multiplying, maybe the cell doesn't want this
Ýki dakika düþünmeden kurulur cümle
A sentence is composed without thinking twice
"Ýstediðimi söylerim ben, unutur zümre... Beni anlamassýn; iþine bak, hadi yürü...
"I'll say whatever I want, the crowd will forget... You won't understand me; mind your business, just go away..."
Beni baðlamassýn yok derdim kimseyle benden baþka...
Can't handle me; no one else matters to me...
Ýnsan, evrenden dünyaya fýrlatýldý
People were thrown from the universe to the Earth
Geceler uykusuz, düþünmekse fýrsatýmdý
The nights are sleepless, thinking is my chance
Zeki olanlardan her daim kýl kapýldý
The smart ones are always plucked bald
Bazen bi'deli etmiyor, kýrk akýllý.
Sometimes forty smart people aren't worth a dime.
Ýçten pazarlýk; kimler yapardý?
Haggling on the inside; who would do that?
Herkes dahilindeyse sistem kapansýn
If everyone is in on it, let's shut the system down
Sizler tabansýz, bizler karanlýk
You're groundless, we are dark
Ýster nefret eder, ister taparsýn!
You can either hate or adore!
Doðduðun vakit son verilir þansýna
When you are born, your chance ends
Kavramlar uyuþturur, poz verilir ardýna
Concepts numb, poses are struck behind them
Umarsýzca gidersin çok deli bir yangýna
You walk heedlessly into a crazy fire
Bakýnca yok olur; dost dediðin yansýma
When you look, it disappears; your so-called friend is a reflection
Eðer varsa kötülüðü cehennemde yanar insan
If evil exists, people burn in hell
Adalet ilahiymiþ, tatmin olur kana insan
Divine justice? Is someone's thirst satisfied?
Yoksa verilirmiþ cennette sana imkan
Or are you given the opportunity in paradise?
O yüzden mutlusun; varoluþ bir paradigma...
That's why you are happy; existence is a paradigm...
Beni anlamassýn; iþine bak, hadi yürü...
You won't understand me; mind your business, just go away...
Beni baðlamassýn yok derdim kimseyle benden baþka...
Can't handle me; no one else matters to me...


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