Plexo - Comeback - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Plexo - Comeback

Je desať tridsaťtri, ja píšem tento comeback,
It's ten thirty-three, I'm writing this comeback,
Ten Beat je špinavý jak okúpaný v Gange,
The Beat is dirty as if bathing in the Ganges,
Brutálne gitary mi poslal Kenny Rough, man
Brutal guitars sent to me by Kenny Rough, man
V aute som to vypálil vím ako to nazvem.
In the car, I burned it out and know what to call it.
Berem! Mám pripravený terén,
Take it! I have my terrain ready,
Všetky vaše pochybnosti rozkopnem jak westernové dvere.
All your doubts will kick like Western doors.
Tak nerev. mam odpich jak McLaren,
So don't yell. I have a McLaren-like start,
že kde je moje CD a EP? Čo myslíš, že ich serem?
that where is my CD and EP? What do you think, I'll drop them?
Nebudem otrok hudby, preto som s tým nezačal,
I will not be a slave to music, that's why I didn't start with it,
Nerobím rýchlokvašky na kvalitu treba čas.
I don't do fast food; you need time for quality.
Všetci tu húkaju jak keby dali veľa čár,
Everyone is honking as if they had a lot of coke,
ľudia im to žerú, idem do piče, tak teda čau.
people are swallowing it, I'm going to hell, so goodbye.
Nikdy som neodišiel, ak ste na mňa zabudli,
I never left if you forgot about me,
Robil som poctivý rap, vyhľadaj to na Googli.
I was doing honest rap, search it on Google.
A keď ma zastavíš zas po rokoch tu na ulici,
And when you stop me again after years on the street,
že kde som bol tak poviem vystrč si hlavu z rici.
that's where I was, so I'll tell you to get your head out of your ass.
Boooom - toto je niečo ako comeback.
Boooom - this is something like a comeback.
Boooom - jediný raper, čo plán B.
Boooom - the only rapper with a plan B.
Boooom - obleč sa jak keby máš rande.
Boooom - dress as if you had a date.
Vuuuuu - a ukáž mi tie tvoje mandle.
Vuuuuu - and show me your tonsils.
Boooom - toto je niečo ako comeback.
Boooom - this is something like a comeback.
Boooom - jediný raper, čo plán B.
Boooom - the only rapper with a plan B.
Boooom - obleč sa jak keby máš rande.
Boooom - dress as if you had a date.
Vuuuuu - a ukáž mi tie tvoje mandle.
Vuuuuu - and show me your tonsils.
Nejsom henten ani tamten, veď vieš, že ja mám za ušami,
I'm not him nor that one, you know that I've got experience,
Načo to porovnávaš ako hrušky s jablkami.
Why are you comparing it like apples with pears.
Riešite pičoviny, outfity, jak prijebaný,
You're solving bullshit, outfits, like a moron,
Veď je to na facku, tak kde je teraz mama Kami?
It's a slap in the face, so where is Kami's mom now?
Nechaj ma robiť hudbu to je pre mňa prvoradé,
Let me make music; this is my priority,
Ne jebať reklamu a sponzorov jak drbo všade.
Not fucking ads and sponsors like an idiot everywhere.
Raperi hazardujú s kariérou na tenkom lade,
Rappers gamble with their careers on thin ice,
Mňa živí práca tak si pojeb boty za stopade.
My work supports me, so please kiss my boots for a hundred dollars.
Lebo si cením svojich ľudí,
Because I value my people,
Najlepší fans majú v hlave, majú v hrudi
The best fans have it in their minds, have it in their chests
A pre nich kúzlim to jak Houdini,
And for them, I conjure it like Houdini,
Dajte mi chvílu sa zohrievajú turbíny.
Give me a moment, the turbines are already warming up.
Hlboko v rape aj keď chvílu som mal nočné mory,
Deep in rap, even though briefly I had nightmares,
Ktoré som pochytal a zavrel, moji pokémoni.
Which I caught and closed, my Pokémon.
Tak prihoď do pahreby, keď to v tom kotle horí,
So add some fuel to the fire when it's already burning in the boiler,
Hodím ich dovnútra nech vybuchnú, tak poďte moji.
I'll throw them inside so that they explode, so come on, my dears.
Boooom - toto je niečo ako comeback.
Boooom - this is something like a comeback.
Boooom - jediný raper, čo plán B.
Boooom - the only rapper with a plan B.
Boooom - obleč sa jak keby máš rande.
Boooom - dress as if you had a date.
Vuuuuu - a ukáž mi tie tvoje mandle.
Vuuuuu - and show me your tonsils.
Boooom - toto je niečo ako comeback.
Boooom - this is something like a comeback.
Boooom - jediný raper, čo plán B.
Boooom - the only rapper with a plan B.
Boooom - obleč sa jak keby máš rande.
Boooom - dress as if you had a date.
Vuuuuu - a ukáž mi tie tvoje mandle.
Vuuuuu - and show me your tonsils.

Авторы: Josh Hoge, Christopher Young, Matt Mcvaney, Mark Fuhrer

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