Plexo feat. Majself - Malý Vesmír (feat. Majself) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Plexo feat. Majself - Malý Vesmír (feat. Majself)

Malý Vesmír (feat. Majself)
Small Universe (feat. Majself)
Štát a v ňom malý vesmír,
A state and in it a small universe,
Chýba mi manuál.
I miss the manual.
Štát a v ňom malý vesmír,
A state and in it a small universe,
Tak som sa zatúlal.
So I got lost.
My chceme navštíviť kus zeme
We want to visit a piece of land
A pri dobrej žene, len urobiť premet.
And with a good woman, just do a somersault.
A robiť čo chceme a fajčiť čo chceme
And do what we want and smoke what we want
A chceme sa tváriť jak postavy Meme.
And we want to pretend to be Meme characters.
No celý ten plán, odchádza do tmy,
But the whole plan, goes into darkness,
Nemôžem odísť, držia ma kotvy.
I can't leave, anchors are holding me.
Životný pohlad, je svet medzi plotmi,
The life view, is a world between fences,
Kukám na ciele a vravím, sa dotkni.
I look at the goals and say, touch.
Ruky malé, nedočiahnem na ne
Hands are small, I can't reach them
A ťahá ma na zem, hneď ako vstanem.
And pulls me to the ground, as soon as I get up.
Som rád, že makám a zaplatím dane
I'm glad I'm making it and I'll pay taxes
A uživím vojakov v Afganistane.
And feed the soldiers in Afghanistan.
Veď taký je poriadok, tak to byť,
Well that's the order, that's how it should be,
Práca a peniaze, auto a byt.
Work and money, car and apartment.
Vidím len vesmír, o veľkosti lopty
I only see the universe, the size of a ball
A riadim ho niečím, veľkým jak kokpit.
And I'm driving it with something as big as a cockpit.
Neni to super, no neni to cool, ak,
It's not great, it's not cool, if,
Od rána do noci, makať jak čurák.
From morning till night, working like a jerk.
Na nohe reťaz a na konci gula,
A chain on my leg and a ball at the end,
Tri body štátu a pre mňa zas nula.
Three state points and another zero for me.
Zbaliť si veci a vypadnúť mimo,
Pack your things and get out,
Tam, kde je teplo a tam kde je život.
Where it's warm and where life is.
Tam, kde ľud neni len prihlúple stádo
Where people are not just stupid herd
A nato, čo mám robiť, netreba návod.
And what I have to do, no need for instructions.
Zákon je závažie, ťahá ma k zemi,
The law is a weight, pulling me to the ground,
šetrím na dôchodok, dostanem penis.
I'm saving for retirement, I'll get a penis.
Za výkon putá, za herecký Grammy,
Handcuffs for performance, Grammy for acting,
V tej zemi, kde zase vládnu červení.
In that land, where the reds rule again.
Chceli ste istoty, tu máte dane
You wanted certainty, here are your taxes
A ten, kto ich neplatí, podvádza, klame.
And the one who doesn't pay them, cheats, lies.
Ako znie verdikt? Placatý kameň?
What's the verdict? Flat stone?
Otrokom nárek a slobodným tanec.
Lament to the slaves and dance to the free.
Štát a v ňom malý vesmír,
A state and in it a small universe,
No nemám manuál.
But I don't have a manual.
Štát a v ňom malý vesmír,
A state and in it a small universe,
Tak som sa zatúlal.
So I got lost.
Štát a v ňom malý vesmír,
A state and in it a small universe,
Odkážte našim.
Tell our folks.
Štát a v ňom malý vesmír,
A state and in it a small universe,
že nevrátim sa domov, lebo asi som sa stratil.
That I won't be coming home because I think I'm lost.
Robíme nato, aby sme bývali,
We work to live,
úroky smrdia jak špinavé mývali.
Interest rates stink like dirty raccoons.
Kto im dal právo, aby sa pýtali na veci,
Who gave them the right to ask about things,
Ktoré ich nemajú srať?
That don't concern them?
Dávno som povedal, tu máte zákaz,
I said a long time ago, you are forbidden here,
Dávno som povedal, nesmiete ísť.
I said a long time ago, you can't go.
Furt je tu nejaká prešťaná vláda,
There's still some fucking government here,
čo snaží sa do krku zubami hrýzť.
Trying to bite into my throat with their teeth.
Niečo sa nepáči, musíš byť natural,
Something's wrong, you have to be natural,
Neplatíš za chyby, dojde ti faktúra.
You don't pay for mistakes, you'll get an invoice.
Nevidíš Metrix, ťažko ho nabúraš,
You don't see the Matrix, it's hard to hack it,
Keď nemáš ústa, jak posledný samuraj.
When you don't have a mouth like the last samurai.
Nebaví ma nadávať, stále na ten systém,
I'm not afraid to swear at that system,
Ktorý čaká iba nato, kedy z neho zmiznem,
Which is just waiting for me to disappear from it,
Preč, aby ma tu mohol točiť ako twister,
Away, so it can spin me like a twister,
Keby bola šanca, v okamihu risknem.
If I had the chance, I'd take the risk in a heartbeat.
Robím jak robocop, furt sa mám na kokot,
I'm working like a robocop, I'm always screwed,
Peniaze náklady nestačia kryť.
Money, expenses are not enough to cover.
Kukni mi pod oko, vrásky hlboko
Look under my eye, wrinkles are deep
A ďalej ti nemusím hovoriť, nič.
And I don't need to tell you anything else.
Nemakáš, ostaneš žebrák,
You don't work, you stay a beggar,
Všade upíri, sloboda, cesnak.
Everywhere are vampires, freedom, garlic.
Robota všade, jak tlačený pretlak
Jobs everywhere, like a printed reprint
A prácu tu dostane známeho sestra.
And a friend's sister gets a job here.
Čakal si jahody? Sorry, to neplatí,
You were waiting for strawberries? Sorry, that doesn't apply,
Nikoho netrápi, či pustíš do gatí, hovno.
Nobody cares if you shit your pants.
Ak chceš lietať, musíš mať krídla jak kondor.
If you want to fly, you have to have wings like a condor.
Preto to tu píšem, preto to tu citím,
That's why I'm writing this here, that's why I'm feeling it here,
Preto to tu burcujem, ťahám do výšin.
That's why I'm stirring it up here, pulling it to the heights.
A poviem ti za nás len jedinú vec,
And I'll tell you just one thing for us,
My chceme žiť!
We want to live!
Štát a v ňom malý vesmír,
A state and in it a small universe,
No nemám manuál.
But I don't have a manual.
Štát a v ňom malý vesmír,
A state and in it a small universe,
Tak som sa zatúlal.
So I got lost.
Štát a v ňom malý vesmír,
A state and in it a small universe,
Odkážte našim.
Tell our folks.
Štát a v ňom malý vesmír,
A state and in it a small universe,
že nevrátim sa domov, lebo asi som sa stratil.
That I won't be coming home because I think I'm lost.
Štát a v ňom malý vesmír,
A state and in it a small universe,
No nemám manuál.
But I don't have a manual.
Štát a v ňom malý vesmír,
A state and in it a small universe,
Tak som sa zatúlal.
So I got lost.
Štát a v ňom malý vesmír,
A state and in it a small universe,
Odkážte našim.
Tell our folks.
Štát a v ňom malý vesmír,
A state and in it a small universe,
že nevrátim sa domov, lebo asi som sa stratil.
That I won't be coming home because I think I'm lost.

Авторы: Plexo

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