Oooh der Winter laat Blueme blüje uf dim Fensterglas
Ooh the winter lets flowers bloom on your windowpane
U Birke biege d Est vo dir, si schwer vom Schnee und nass
And birches bend their branches for you, heavy with snow and rain
Der Weg zu dire Haustür isch pfaded vo Fuess Abdrück
The path to your front door is trodden from footprints
Wele von dene wo da düre si het ächt hüt das Glück, sech dörfe vo dir la z verwöhne, di Günstling chönne tsi und wenn oh Ramona, hesch du de Zyt für mi
Which of those who went through it had the luck today, to be allowed by you to be spoiled, your favorites can get you in and out, oh Ramona, when do you have time for me
Jetz wo Nächt so läng si und Dunkelheit so gross
Now that nights are so long and darkness is so great
Si Hochstabler i der Diskothek u lö de Teufel los
They're hustlers in the disco and they let the devil loose
I weiss du bisch zwüsche drinne, zwüsche der Büni u der Bar
I know you're in between the stage and the bar
U schüttlischt für diä Playboy dini glockte Haar
And you shake your bell-shaped hair for the Playboys
U si lö Drinks la springe, si kümmere sich um di
And they let drinks leap, they take care of you
Aber wen oh Ramona, hesch du de Zyt für mi
But who oh Ramona, when do you have time for me
Am Firabe dusse wartet der Ami Schlitte scho
In the evening outside the Ami sled is waiting
Di Tüpp ä riist dr Türe uf als wär si Sternstund cho
Your bimbo rips open the door as if it was a star hour
Wen du di hei lasch fahre i Nerz ghüllt und so adrett
When you have yourself driven home wrapped in fur and so prettily dressed
Zu dire chinesische Side und zu dim französische Bett
To your Chinese silk and to your French bed
Ja dini Polyesterwelt, si isch parat für di
Yes, your polyester world, it's ready for you
Aber wen oh Ramona, hesch zu de Zyt für mi
But who oh Ramona, when do you have time for me
(Harp playing)
Säg wen oh Ramona, hesch du de Zyt für mi
Tell me oh Ramona, when do you have time for me
Und wen de s TV Program fertig isch und d Tschmine Füür isch us
And when the TV program is over and the fireplace fire is out
U Fasnacht isch scho lang düre dr Schnee veschwunde vor äm Hus
And Carnival is over long gone the snow in front of the house
Wen dini Kavaliere si gange u Champagnergläser si lär
When your cavaliers have left and champagne glasses are empty
Wen Tage länger wärde ud dr Frühling chunt derhär
When days get longer and spring comes here
Ja wen i chume und frage
Yes, when I come and ask
Was wird dini Antwort si
What will your answer be
Säg hesch du Ramona hesch du de Zyt für mi
Tell me do you Ramona do you have time for me
Oooh Ramona hesch du de Zyt für mi
Ooh Ramona do you have time for me
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