Popu Lady - 一直一直愛 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Popu Lady - 一直一直愛

Forever and forever in love
愛可以活多久 多澆水夠不夠
Love, can it last How much watering is enough
我不很擅長照顧什麼 所以說你要承諾
I'm not very good at taking care of anything So you have to promise
永遠都喜歡我 災難時抱著我
Always love me, hold me in times of disaster
在人潮中不把我搞丟 絕對不讓我心痛
Do not lose me in the crowd, never break my heart
You must love me forever and ever until the clock stops
Always and forever love me until I am no longer brave
一直一直看著我 一步也不要離開
Always and forever look at me, don't leave me for a step
Love me forever and ever until everyone admires me
Those who envy me are not alone
冰冷世界 還有你 為我取暖
In this cold world, there is you, warming me
你現在愛著我 明天會不會走
You love me now, will you leave tomorrow
當我突然動搖的時候 你要來感動我
When I suddenly waver, you must come and move me
只因為太完美 會害怕是個夢
Just because it's too perfect, I'm afraid it's just a dream
我必須靠在你的胸口 親耳聽見心跳說
I must lean on your chest and listen to your heart beating with my own ears
You must love me forever and ever until the clock stops
Always and forever love me until I am no longer brave
一直一直看著我 一步也不要離開
Always and forever look at me, don't leave me for a step
Love me forever and ever until everyone admires me
Those who envy me are not alone
冰冷世界 還有你 為我取暖
In this cold world, there is you, warming me
一直溫柔 去守候 去相愛 永遠不分開
Always be gentle, wait, fall in love, never part
We love each other forever and ever until our hair turns white
Love each other forever and ever until the migratory birds return
一直一直牽著手 兩個人互相依賴
Always and forever hold hands, the two of us depend on each other
Still love each other forever and ever until fate takes a turn
Only leave happiness behind
星光燦爛 唯獨你 為我存在
The stars are shining, only you exist for me

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