Porsche Boy - Dni - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Porsche Boy - Dni

Chcem byt sam celu noc
I wanna be alone all night
Je mi fuk kde je dnes kto
I don't give a damn where anybody is tonight
Nechavam iba seen a vypinam si telefon
I'm leaving everything on seen and turning off my phone
Chcem byt sam celu noc
I wanna be alone all night
Je mi fuk kde je dnes kto
I don't give a damn where anybody is tonight
Nechavam iba seen a vypinam si telefon
I'm leaving everything on seen and turning off my phone
Kto bol pri mne ked som zmokol
Who was there for me when I was soaking wet
Kde som stratil svojich dogov
Where did I lose my homies
Necakaj ze zavolam ti spat
Don't expect me to call you back
Ked som bol cely cas bokom
When I was always on the side
Kolko ludi som uz stretol
How many people have I already met
Za ten cas co bludime svetom
In the time we've been wandering the world
Kolko z nich je stale pri mne
How many of them are still with me
A kolko z nich odislo jak vietor
And how many of them left like the wind
Zalubeny stokrat a stokrat lost v tom
In love a hundred times and a hundred times lost in it
Tazko ovladat sa ked mas pod nosom to
Hard to control yourself when you have it right under your nose
Cele noci sam aj ked som mohol
Whole nights alone even though I could have been with somebody
Teraz tazko sa otvorim aj pred bohom
Now it's hard to open up even in front of God
Nikto mi nepovedal co ma caka
Nobody told me what to expect
Od stresu som ani nejedol
I didn't even eat from the stress
Vysoky let mi priniesol tlak ha
The high flight brought me pressure ha
Boli dni kedy mi preplo
There were days when I overflowed
Ale presiel hype presiel hate
But the hype passed, the hate passed
Konecne robim to jak som vzdy chcel
I'm finally doing it the way I always wanted to
Na chvilu ma ovladol aj cash
For a while, the cash controlled me
Stale som mlady zmrd ucim sa tiez
I'm still a young bastard, I'm learning too
Ale co ty o tom vies
But what do you know about it
Z domu po strednej a nemam cash o rok ma tlaci vo vrecku 10 bands
From home after high school and I'm broke, a year later I have 10 bands pushing in my pocket
19 rokov a zijem jak v sne chvalabohu dostal som kick back
19 years old and I'm living like in a dream, thank God I got a kickback
Chcem byt sam celu noc
I wanna be alone all night
Je mi fuk kde je dnes kto
I don't give a damn where anybody is tonight
Nechavam iba seen a vypinam si telefon
I'm leaving everything on seen and turning off my phone
Chcem byt sam celu noc
I wanna be alone all night
Je mi fuk kde je dnes kto
I don't give a damn where anybody is tonight
Ostal som v prazdnom meste nespoznavam nikoho
I stayed in an empty city, I don't recognize anyone
Chcem byt sam celu noc
I wanna be alone all night
Je mi fuk kde je dnes kto
I don't give a damn where anybody is tonight
Nechavam iba seen a vypinam si telefon
I'm leaving everything on seen and turning off my phone
Chcem byt sam celu noc
I wanna be alone all night
Je mi fuk kde je dnes kto
I don't give a damn where anybody is tonight
Ostal som v prazdnom meste nespoznavam nikoho
I stayed in an empty city, I don't recognize anyone
Ale co ty o tom vies
But what do you know about it
Ked som dal respekt tak som ho cakal spat
When I gave respect, I expected it back
Az potom zistis kto je fake
That's when you find out who's fake
Ale je mi to uz fuk hlavne viem na com sme
But I don't give a damn anymore, the main thing is that I know what's up
A som same aj ked sa ti zda ze mozno nie
And I'm alone even if it seems to you that maybe not
A mozno ze este viac jak pred
And maybe even more than before
Lebo cim vacsi úspech tym vacsi postreh aby som nakoniec z toho neuletel lebo
Because the bigger the success, the bigger the observation, so I don't fly away from it in the end, because
Za ten kratky cas bolo toho dost
In that short time, there was enough of it
Obcas neviem kam obcas som lost
Sometimes I don't know where, sometimes I'm lost
Zrazu jazdime na shows full auto
Suddenly we're driving to shows full auto
Z mesta do mesta na noc
From city to city for the night
Robit co robim je moj life goal
Doing what I do is my life goal
Nebolo cas rozmyslat nad stop
There was no time to think about stopping
Okolo tolko ludi
So many people around
Ze sa nakoniec citis fakt lone
That you end up feeling really lonely
Sober week som malo kedy zazil
I rarely had a sober week
A zivot som vymenil za party
And I traded life for parties
A party za studko nech vas mozme robit šťastných alebo minimalne nasrat tych co nam Nikdy nepriali
And parties for the studio so we can make you happy or at least piss off those who never wished us well
Tam kde ma nechceli pustit mam VIP
Where they didn't want to let me in, I have VIP
Ale mozem jebat vase VIP
But I can fuck your VIP
Som s tymi istými furt co predtym yesssr
I'm still with the same people, yessir
Chcem byt sam celu noc
I wanna be alone all night
Je mi fuk kde je dnes kto
I don't give a damn where anybody is tonight
Nechavam iba seen a vypinam si telefon
I'm leaving everything on seen and turning off my phone
Chcem byt sam celu noc
I wanna be alone all night
Je mi fuk kde je dnes kto
I don't give a damn where anybody is tonight
Ostal som v prazdnom meste nespoznavam nikoho
I stayed in an empty city, I don't recognize anyone
Chcem byt sam celu noc
I wanna be alone all night
Je mi fuk kde je dnes kto
I don't give a damn where anybody is tonight
Nechavam iba seen a vypinam si telefon
I'm leaving everything on seen and turning off my phone
Chcem byt sam celu noc
I wanna be alone all night
Je mi fuk kde je dnes kto
I don't give a damn where anybody is tonight
Ostal som v prazdnom meste nespoznavam nikoho
I stayed in an empty city, I don't recognize anyone

Авторы: Michal Hlivák

Porsche Boy - Dni
дата релиза

1 Dni

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