Power Station - 寄生人 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Power Station - 寄生人

讓滿地落葉揚起 我感覺身上的毛衣 快抵擋不住涼意
Wind makes the leaves on the ground rise I feel the sweater on my body Can't resist the cold
眼睛 掃過陳舊的街景 突然記起這熟悉 嘴裡哼出的旋律
Eyes scan the old streets Suddenly remember this familiarity The melody hummed in my mouth
曾經刻意 將妳的位置讓人代替 卻再沒有人能真正到達我心底
I used to deliberately Let others take your place But no one could really reach my heart
妳早已寄生我心裡 不吃不喝不睡不呼吸
You have long been parasitic in my heart Do not eat, drink, sleep or breathe
不會因為我們感傷的結局 放縱自己 恣意狂亂我的身體
Will not let our sad ending Indulge myself, recklessly mess with my body
妳早已寄生我心裡 附著心中無形的胎記
You have long been parasitic in my heart Attached to the invisible birthmark in my heart
直到沒人能讓我的愛 繼續
Until no one can let my love Continue

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