Pretty Rico - For You - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Pretty Rico - For You

For You
For You
No, I'm not perfect, no, but I want the best for you
No, I'm not perfect, no, but I want the best for you
Yeah, bentuk nyata buah mimpiku
Yeah, the tangible form of my dream fruit
Meski kau kadang salah jalan and you hurt my feelings
Even though you sometimes go the wrong way and you hurt my feelings
Nafas doaku ada tiap kamu tiup lilin
The breath of my prayer is there every time you blow out the candles
'96 kau bertemu ibu kota
'96 you met the capital city
Kau genap enam tahun, tapi tak mengapa
You were six years old, but it didn't matter
Mulai dari sini biar kau mulai melangkah
Start from here so you can start taking steps
Jangan kau takut, biar mimpimu aku jaga
Don't be afraid, let me take care of your dreams
You wanna fly high sampai di atas awan
You wanna fly high up to the clouds
Runnin' and runnin' with your wings, berlarian
Runnin' and runnin' with your wings, running around
Yang kusuka, hidupmu s'lalu penuh hangat
What I like is your life is always full of warmth
Kepalamu penuh impian dan
Your head is full of dreams and
(Ku 'kan sabar menunggu)
(I'll be patient waiting)
And I'll be waiting for you 'til my hair turns gray
And I'll be waiting for you 'til my hair turns gray
(Promise me, promise me)
(Promise me, promise me)
I know you gonna make me proud with your ways
I know you gonna make me proud with your ways
(I'll be there for you, yeah)
(I'll be there for you, yeah)
(I'll be there for you)
(I'll be there for you)
(I'll be there for you, yeah)
(I'll be there for you, yeah)
I love you too
I love you too
You know that, right?
You know that, right?
'89 kamu datang ke pelukan
'89 you came into the arms
Laki tampan yang aku sambut dengan tangisan
Of a handsome man whom I greeted with cries
Senyuman berharga bagiku, kau perhiasan
A precious smile for me, you are a jewel
Jadi bintang, bukan cuma sekedar kiasan
Become a star, not just a figure of speech
S'moga kau maklumi jika ku sering marahi
I hope you understand if I often scold you
Suatu saat nanti kau akan pahami ini
One day you will understand this
Kamu alasan buat ku tetap menanti
You are the reason I keep waiting
Aku jadi alasan mimpi yang kau jalani
I am the reason for the dream you are living
(Ku 'kan sabar menunggu)
(I'll be patient waiting)
And I'll be waiting for you 'til my hair turns gray
And I'll be waiting for you 'til my hair turns gray
(Promise me, promise me)
(Promise me, promise me)
I know you gonna make me proud with your ways
I know you gonna make me proud with your ways
(I'll be there for you, yeah)
(I'll be there for you, yeah)
(I'll be there for you)
(I'll be there for you)
(I'll be there for you, yeah)
(I'll be there for you, yeah)
Rico itu anak kedua saya
Rico is my second child
Lahirnya di Tulungagung, kampung asal saya
He was born in Tulungagung, my hometown
Dia itu anaknya paling nyeleneh, paling mbandel
He is the most eccentric, the most stubborn child
Paling susah banget diaturnya dan paling-paling
The most difficult to manage and the most-most
Kalo dibanding saudaranya
Compared to his siblings
Mama ingat, dulu pas kecil
Mom remembers, when you were little
Kamu tuh pengen bisa bawa pesawat, katanya
You wanted to be able to fly a plane, she said
Ya, harapan Mama
Well, Mom's hope
Semoga musiknya bisa mengudara di mana-mana, ya
Hopefully his music can be aired everywhere, yes
Mirip cita-cita waktu kamu masih kecil dulu
Similar to your childhood dreams
Rico, Mama doain semoga kamu sukses nantinya, ya
Rico, Mom prays that you will be successful later, okay?
Inget sama Mama, sama keluarga juga
Remember Mom, family too
Mama pasti support terus, kok
Mom will definitely support you, okay?
Apa pun yang kamu lakukan di luar sana
Whatever you do out there
Yowis, semoga albummu ini bisa jadi suksesmu nanti ya, Nak
Yowis, I hope this album can be your success later, son
Sampe udah jarang pulang ke rumah buat ngerjain ini
Until you rarely go home to work on this
Semoga yang suka lagunya banyak banget ya, Nak
I hope there are a lot of people who like this song, son

Авторы: Daniel Ardi Kridaningtyas, Vino Endrico

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