dessa vez nao vim sozinho com ghetto ice vim bater duplo niggas teêm raiva nao vos culpo nem vos vos julgo to no bairro de chanel mais recebo premio de manjupos
this time I did not come alone with ghetto ice I came to beat double niggas teem anger I do not blame you or judge you to the neighborhood of chanel more I receive prize manjupos
disseram que eramos despesas olha so para os lucros
they said We were expenses and profits.
disse que ia trancar o game e quando eu digo eu cumpro
he said he was going to lock the game and when I say I comply
nao fala da fs nao ma nigga eu luto perdemos a cota matei o rap game e pus o game de luto
no talk of fs No ma nigga I fight we lost the quota I killed the rap game and put the mourning game
old scud para donatele
old scud for donatele
a pintar quadros tipo o donatele
painting paintings like donatele
no meu copo so tem cirrok mais eu to fly tipo que to na marry
in my glass so have cirrok more I to fly type that to NA marry
eu to num bimer e tu tas numa bima shery
I'm on a bimer and you're on a Bima shery
o meu corpo veio cheio de tinta grinajele
my body came full of paint grinajele
manoa dizem que tem minas
manoa is said to have mines
manos dizem que tem rimas
niggas say it's got rhymes
mais quando eu ouço as vossas rimas parecem muito com as minhas
more when I hear your rhymes sound a lot like mine
é so swager daqui swager dali sem monchim
it's so swager from here swager from there without monchim
eu ja vi porque eu ja fiz
I've seen it because I've done it
tens o carro tens a dama tens a guita...
you got the car, you got the lady, you got the twine...
querem todos tar conosco
they all want to be with us
querem todos tar no topo
they all want to be on top
eu to na frente da corrida com bue pernas tipo um xopo
I'm in front of the race with good legs like a xopo
bebo tipo um louco mais nunca perco o meu foco
I drink like a madman more I never lose my focus
eu nasci na lama nao moro na lama
I was born in the mud I don't live in the mud
eu nao sou porco
I'm not a pig
copiam todos o meu som
copy all my sound
teem todos o nosso som
teem all our sound
gestora da conta me ligou gastei todo o meu cofom
account manager called me I spent all my cofom
essa vida num me pertence plagiei tipo latom
this life in one belongs to me plagiarized type latom
cada vez que eu lanco o ano começa la vem outro revellion
every time I launch the year begins la comes another revellion
xibo esses manos
xibo these niggas
vendo os manos
seeing the bros
fazem isso tudo por papel
they do it all on paper
casei com os meus manos e nem precisei de um anel
I married my homies and I didn't even need a ring
corto a vossa energia tenho cunha na itel
I cut your energy I have a wedge in itel
tamos cada vez mais proximos unitel
we are getting closer and closer unitel
aquilo que voces fazem sem motivo eu nao faria nem por rancor
what you do for no reason I would not do even out of spite
aquilo que voces fazem por dinheiro eu nao faria nem por amor
what you do for money I wouldn't even do for love
minha cota disse no lutes com eles vai com calma
my quota said no fights with them go easy
quem sobe a pisar os outros Deus castiga cai com carma
who goes up to trample others God punishes falls with Karma
o puto so veste gucci wek
the kid only wears gucci wek
dizem que o puto e o lucifer porque o puto ta no espaco jupiter
they say the kid and lucifer because the kid is in space jupiter
e preciso ver para crer entao diz me oque tu ves no primeiro pro evolution tocou 100 mil pessoas no
1 mes
and I need to see to believe so tell me what you see in the first pro evolution touched 100 thousand people in
1 month
biff com fs vem com paus tipo um prato chines
biff with fs comes with dicks like a Chines dish
nao curtes avanca ou tira e tipo gravidez
do not like avanca or strip and type pregnancy
porque a minha alma ta limpa mais a lingua e venenosa
because my soul cleanses ta more the tongue and poisonous
to cheio de espinhos sou filho de uma rosa
to full of thorns I am the son of a rose
#By: Prodiginho
# By: Prodigy
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