Project Pop - Bau Bau Bau - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Project Pop - Bau Bau Bau

Bau Bau Bau
Eh, itu Si Monah, Si Monah! (Mantan temen gue tau gak?) Cantik banget!
Look at that, it's Mona, Mona! (She's a former friend of mine, do you know her?) She's so pretty!
Cantik banget, hidungnya mancung, bibirnya seksi
She's so pretty, her nose is perfect, her lips are luscious
Lu kenal gak? Lu kenal gak? Panggil dong, panggil dong!
Do you know her? Do you know her? Call her over, call her over!
Uh gila gemes banget! (Enggak gak, gue gak berani!)
She’s killing me with how adorable she is, but I don’t have the guts to talk to her!
Cantik banget! (Gue minta nomor teleponnya ya)
She’s so pretty! (I should ask her for her phone number)
Rambutnya, aduh! (Iya iya coba gue panggil)
Her hair, oh my! (Alright, let me try to talk to her)
Pagi Monah!
Good morning, Mona!
Good morning!
Eh lu, lu kentut? (Enggak!) Bau gini!
Hey Mona, did you fart? (No!) It stinks!
Lo kali, kaki lo! (Enggak!) Lo kentut kan? (Enggak!)
It's probably you, your feet stink! (No!) It's you, you farted! (No!)
Lo kali! (Lo bau ini gak tadi?) Eh, iya sih!
It's you! (Didn’t you notice the bad smell earlier?) Yeah, I guess I did!
Dia ngeliat lagi! (Panggil, panggil, panggil!) Dia ngedeket!
She's looking over here again! (Call her over, call her over, call her over!) She's coming closer!
Panggil, panggil!
Call her, call her!
Pagi! (Eh, eh lu, kaki lu bau banget sih!)
Good morning! (Wow, your feet really stink!)
Ini ada tikus mati pasti nih! (Enggak, enggak!)
There must be a dead rat nearby! (No, no!)
Masa gue nyakuin tikus mati!
You expect me to believe there’s a dead rat nearby!
Parfum kali! (Kagak!) Nih bau bangke!
It's your perfume! (It's not perfume!) It smells like a dead animal!
Eh dia ngedeket lagi!
Hey, she's coming closer again!
Ee ee (duh, deg-degan! Elu ya) Ee ee Monah! (Pagi Monah!)
Um, um (oh my heart is pounding, Mona!) Um, um, Mona! (Good morning, Mona!)
Haloo! (Aaaa! Baunya! Ya ampun!)
Hello! (Ah, the smell! Oh my!)
Oek! Eek! Iyek! Iyeek! Tuhan!
Ugh! Ew! Yuck! (God, oh God!)
Yah, mati lagi!
Oh no, she fainted again!
Kekasihku, kau memang cantik
My love, you are beautiful
Dan kau sexy dan kau lincah
You are sexy, and fun and funny
Dan kau lucu kadang-kadang
You can be a bit weird at times
Kucinta kau walau dirimu
I love you, even though you
Bau bau bau lu bau ketek
You stink, your armpits stink
Bau bau lu bau ketek
You stink, your armpits stink
Bau bau lu bau ketek
You stink, your armpits stink
Bau bau lu bau ketek
You stink, your armpits stink
Bau bau bau lu bau ketek
You stink, your armpits stink
Bau bau lu bau ketek
You stink, your armpits stink
Bau bau lu bau ketek
You stink, your armpits stink
Bau bau lu bau ketek
You stink, your armpits stink
Kekasihku, kau pun tampan
My love, you are handsome
Kau juga baik dan kau kaya
You are also kind and rich,
Rajin menjemput, rajin menjahit
Always pick me up, always sew my clothes
Ku cinta kau walau dirimu
I love you, even though you
Bau bau bau lu bau kaki
Your feet stink
Bau bau lu bau kaki
Your feet stink
Bau bau lu bau kaki
Your feet stink
Bau bau lu bau kaki
Your feet stink
Bau bau bau lu bau kaki
Your feet stink
Bau bau lu bau kaki
Your feet stink
Bau bau lu bau kaki
Your feet stink
Bau bau lu bau kaki
Your feet stink
Bau bau bau lu bau jigong
You smell like fish
Bau bau lu bau jigong
You smell like fish
Bau bau lu bau jigong
You smell like fish
Bau bau lu bau jigong
You smell like fish
Bau bau bau lu bau tanah
You stink like dirt
Bau bau lu bau tanah
You stink like dirt
Bau bau lu bau tanah
You stink like dirt
Bau bau lu bau tanah
You stink like dirt
Bau bau bau lu bau menyan
You smell like incense
Bau bau lu bau menyan
You smell like incense
Bau bau lu bau menyan
You smell like incense
Bau bau lu bau menyan
You smell like incense
Bau bau bau lu bau jempol
You stink like toe cheese
Bau bau lu bau jempol
You stink like toe cheese
Bau bau lu bau jempol
You stink like toe cheese
Bau bau lu bau jempol
You stink like toe cheese
Bau bau bau lu bau terasi
You stink like shrimp paste
Bau bau lu bau terasi
You stink like shrimp paste
Bau bau lu bau terasi
You stink like shrimp paste
Bau bau lu bau terasi
You stink like shrimp paste
Bau bau bau lu bau bawang
You stink like onions
Bau bau lu bau bawang
You stink like onions
Bau bau lu bau bawang
You stink like onions
Bau bau lu bau bawang
You stink like onions
Bau bau bau lu bau sapi
You smell like cow
Bau bau lu bau sapi
You smell like cow
Bau bau lu bau sapi
You smell like cow
Bau bau lu bau sapi
You smell like cow
Bau bau bau
You stink

Авторы: Herman Josis Mokalu

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