Protiva - Asi dvacet - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Protiva - Asi dvacet

Asi dvacet
About Twenty
Yeah, pivo
Yeah, beer
Asi dvacet, nevim, kolik sítí to vlastně bylo
About twenty, I don't know, how many nets it actually was
Padal jsem a nikde nebyl jih, východ, západ a sever
I was falling and there was no south, east, west and north anywhere
Bylo to jakoby mi moje hlava šeptala: "fuck off"
It was as if my head was whispering to me: "fuck off"
A jsem jen chápal, že za chvíli nevim, what′s up
And I just understood that in a little while I won't know, what's up
Cestou jsem fotil vysoký baráky a světla
On the way, I took pictures of tall buildings and lights
Cestou jsem si řikal, že je venku vlastně hezky
On the way, I told myself that it is actually nice outside
Cestou jsem si řikal, že vlastně neumim česky
On the way, I told myself that I actually don't know Czech
A čet si SPZ-ky v troskách, že nechci
And I read the license plates in the wreckage that I didn′t want to
Srát tvoji beznaděj a plnit život drogou
Fuck your hopelessness and fill your life with drugs
To, jak s tebou zacházej, takovej si, tak to pochop
The way you are treated is the way you are, so understand that
Nic není fake jako ty, ty malej boa
Nothing is as fake as you, you little boa
Kontrola, bandana, Fanta a vodka
Control, bandana, Fanta and vodka
Ty nevíš co je ztráta
You don't know what loss is
Protože zapomínáš i to, co máš rád a
Because you forget even the things you love and
Takhle to nejde, my si musíme pomáhat
This is not going to work, we have to help each other
Vydělávat, jenom jet a nezastavovat, je zpoždění
Make money, just go and don't stop, it's delayed

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