Protiva - Zvyk - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Protiva - Zvyk

Můj zvyk je bejt na majku lepší než ty buzeranti,
My habit is to be better than those faggots on the mic,
Kudy jdu tam to pampí,
Wherever I go, I make it pump,
A vypínaj se lampy,
And make the lamps turn on,
A to co děláme my pizdo to se těžko samplí,
And what we do, bitch, it's hard to sample,
Známe cestu kam jít, do rána budem zaplí,
We know where to go, we'll be lit until the morning,
A každej z vás to dávno sám ví,
And each of you knows it for a long time now,
Tak mi kurva uhni z cesty chci dál jít,
So get the fuck out of my way, I want to keep going,
Necejtim strach co mám mít,
I don't feel the fear I should,
Vypni ten beat a jdi si zpívat něco o tom jak to bolí,
Turn off that beat and go sing something about how it hurts,
Dělal jsi to pro ona stejně do ní,
You did it for her, she still fell for it,
Péro kamaráda od soboty do pondělí,
Your buddy's pen, from Saturday to Monday,
Dal jsem jim to péro, protože ho po mně chtěli,
I gave them the pen, because they wanted it from me,
What's up, what's up, ráno hladí moje belly,
What's up, what's up, in the morning my belly is stroked,
Huba samopal jako Kelly,
Mouth like a machine gun, like Kelly,
Vemu gel,
I'll grab the gel,
Děvka po prdeli,
The whore has it all over her ass,
Vemu na pofell,
I'll take it for a blowjob,
Všechny co jsem na svym dicku měl,
All the ones I've had on my dick,
Někam dolů do pekel, někam dolů do pekel.
Somewhere down to hell, somewhere down to hell.
Ou ou je to easy,
Oh oh it's easy,
Protiva je tady volej fízly,
Protiva is here, call the cops,
Nabíhám na byt děvky by si taky lízly (děvky!),
I'm raiding a chick's apartment, they'd like a taste too (chicks!),
Schyzo dej mi víc beat.
Schyzo, give me more beat.
Ou ou je to easy,
Oh oh it's easy,
Protiva je tady volej fízly,
Protiva is here, call the cops,
Nabíhám na byt děvky by si taky lízly (děvky!),
I'm raiding a chick's apartment, they'd like a taste too (chicks!),
Schyzo dej mi víc beat.
Schyzo, give me more beat.
Můj zvyk je na majku bejt lepší než ty buzeranti,
My habit is to be better than those fags on the mic,
Nechci jebat tvou mladou ani tvojí máti,
I don't want to fuck your girl or your mom,
Za mluví flow a jak jsem se vyparádil,
My flow speaks for me, not how I dress up,
Black cock, blakkwood nu byli by rádi,
Black cock, Blackwood, they'd be happy,
Co?! hudba zní napříč republikou,
What?! Music plays all over the republic,
živim se hubou a pérem, rétorikou.
I make a living with my mouth, not a pen, rhetoric.
Neděláme to, abychom zadarmo foukali coke,
We don't do this to sniff coke for free,
Kvalitu rapu dělá první ligu ligou,
The quality of rap makes the first league the league,
Nemám plný kapsy peněz,
My pockets aren't full of money,
Před barákem mercedes,
A Mercedes in front of the house,
Kolem team lidí co bez parády na tebe sere,
Surrounded by a team of people who don't give a shit about you without that fancy stuff,
Jaká je hodnota majetku proti mýmu CD,
What's the value of property compared to my CD,
Jedu naživo, takže zapomene že jsi tu někdy velel,
I perform live, so forget you ever commanded here,
žiju hudbou jako Pharrell,
I live for music like Pharrell,
Umim milovat zároveň bejt hard jak Mengele,
I can love and be hard like Mengele at the same time,
Můj repertoár ukrývá pár perel,
My repertoire hides a few pearls,
Nejsou kradený jak weed bars ty rádoby rappere.
They're not stolen like the weed bars you wannabe rappers.
Ou ou je to easy,
Oh oh it's easy,
Protiva je tady volej fízly,
Protiva is here, call the cops,
Nabíhám na byt děvky by si taky lízly (děvky!),
I'm raiding a chick's apartment, they'd like a taste too (chicks!),
Schyzo dej mi víc beat.
Schyzo, give me more beat.
Ou ou je to easy,
Oh oh it's easy,
Protiva je tady volej fízly,
Protiva is here, call the cops,
Nabíhám na byt děvky by si taky lízly (děvky!),
I'm raiding a chick's apartment, they'd like a taste too (chicks!),
Schyzo dej mi víc beat.
Schyzo, give me more beat.

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