Prymanena - Si Te Vas - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Prymanena - Si Te Vas

Si Te Vas
If You Leave
Si te vas
If you leave
Ten en cuenta que no habra segunda oportunidad
Bear in mind there won't be a second chance
Te voy a
Dejar estas lagrimas y estas ganas q tengo de irte a buscar
Leave these tears and these desires I have to go and find you
Recuerda q al cruzar la puerta para mi no seras nadie
Remember that once you cross the door, I won't be anybody
Tu recuerdo borrare voy a armarme de coraje
I'll erase your memory, I'll gather up my courage
No me reconoceras en mi vida no sera igual
You won't recognize me, my life will never be the same
Q al irte hoy entiendes q ya no hay vuelta atras
That by leaving today, you understand there's no turning back
Oportunidad te di para q estuvieras conmigo
I gave you an opportunity to be with me
Pero no te di motivos para q me hagas a un lado
But I didn't give you reasons to cast me aside
No te dire q sin ti siento q no vivo pero es mejor sentirse solo a estar mal acompañado
I won't tell you that without you, I feel like I'm not alive, but it's better to feel lonely than to be badly accompanied
Terminare con el dolor, el mal sabor q me has dejado
I'll do away with the pain, the bad taste you've left in my mouth
Despues de darte todo asi es como me has pagado??
Is this how you've repaid me, after I gave you everything??
Cumple tus amenazas no me keda q perder
Go ahead with your threats, there's nothing left for me to lose
Hoy solo eres la cancion q ya no escuchare
Today you're just the song I won't listen to anymore
Q tienes tus razones??
Do you think you have your reasons??
Q no lo hago mas dificil??
That I shouldn't make things any harder??
Lo mas facil se marcho cuando te dije q si
The easiest thing was gone when I said yes to you
Aoa agachas la mirada, noto q no sientes nada
Now, you lower your gaze, I notice that you don't feel anything
Puedes marcharte deja la puerta cerrada
You can go, just leave the door closed behind you
Si te vas
If you leave
Ten en cuenta que no habra segunda oportunidad
Bear in mind there won't be a second chance
Te voy a
Dejar estas lagrimas y estas ganas q tengo de irte a buscar
Leave these tears and these desires I have to go and find you
Si te vas mi vida no es vida si tu no estas
If you leave, my life is not life if you're not here
Xq aunque no lo kiera tengo q dejarte atras
Because even though I don't want to, I have to leave you behind
Superar mientras sigo lidiando con el problema
Improve myself while I'm still dealing with the problem
Cada discucion en mi pecha entra y no es el tema solo pido una respuesta mas no exigo explicacion
Every argument comes into my heart, and it's not the topic; I just want an answer, I don't demand an explanation
Si te vas a ir nunca jamas con otro me menciones
If you're going to leave, never ever mention me with another
Ya q fui el primero en besar cada una de tus noches, el primero en respetar cada una de tus decisiones
Since I was the first to kiss each of your nights, the first to respect each of your decisions
Y si este es el final no vengas con tus reproches xq ambos sabemos q de mi parte no hubo errores
And if this is the end, don't come with your reproaches, because we both know that there were no mistakes on my part
Diras q habra mejores pero no piensas q hay peores solo piensas en lo que hago y no importan mis ilusiones
You'll say that there will be better ones, but don't you think that there are worse ones? You only think about what I do, and my dreams don't matter
Xq al parecer nuestro amor lo planteaste dos colores no supiste valorar y jamas escuche perdones
Because apparently, you saw our love in two colors, you didn't know how to value it, and I never heard any apologies
Hoy me ahogo en mis temores q estan lleno de dolores
Today I'm drowning in my fears that are full of pain
Pero al final de cuentas solo tu sigues siendo el mejor de mis amores
But at the end of the day, you're still the best of my loves
Si te vas
If you leave
Ten en cuenta que no habra segunda oportunidad
Bear in mind there won't be a second chance
Te voy a
Dejar estas lagrimas y estas ganas q tengo de irte a buscar
Leave these tears and these desires I have to go and find you

Авторы: Prymanena

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