PutoLargo & Legendario con Shabu - No Me Dejes Solo - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни PutoLargo & Legendario con Shabu - No Me Dejes Solo

No Me Dejes Solo
Don't Leave Me Alone
Si suena un disco en mi salón ya no estoy solo.
If a record plays in my living room, I'm not alone anymore.
Camino por la calle acompañado de music y estilo en cada poro.
I walk down the street accompanied by music and style in every pore.
Tengo discos para el alma y sus estados,
I have records for the soul and its states,
Triste agresivo en paz de sexo y alterado
Sad, aggressive, peaceful, sexual, and altered.
Pulso play, y es para medicina auditiva
I press play, and it's like auditory medicine,
Todo se mueve al ritmo que yo diga, y el grave en la barriga.
Everything moves to the rhythm I dictate, and the bass in my belly.
De pequeño fue mi válvula de escape,
As a child, it was my escape valve,
Una ventana fresca pa asomarme, ya sé,
A fresh window to look out, I know,
Que existe droga afuera y mierdas que te evaden también.
That there are drugs out there and shit that you can evade too.
Yo te ofrezco adrenalina vida calle y papel,
I offer you adrenaline, street life, and paper,
Y si la suerte juega en contra cuando aprieta el corsé,
And if luck plays against you when the corset tightens,
Seca tus ojos chica, nada se traga si no se mastica.
Dry your eyes, girl, nothing gets swallowed if it's not chewed.
Enriquecido y agradecido vivo y convencido,
Enriched and grateful, I live convinced,
Escribo lo que soy pero ya he escrito lo que sido
I write what I am, but I have already written what I was
Y vuelvo contigo a través de un casco en tu oído y ya no estás solo,
And I come back to you through a headset in your ear, and you're not alone anymore,
Y esos rappers mueren cuando los ignoro.
And those rappers die when I ignore them.
Solo! Nunca estuve en mi nube, tuve lo que tuve.
Alone! I was never in my cloud; I had what I had.
Solo! Con mi cante, ojo al frente y siempre para alante.
Alone! With my singing, eyes forward, and always moving ahead.
Solo! no te sientas, oye dentro y mira lo que inventas.
Alone! Don't just sit there, listen inside, and see what you invent.
que salida siempre hay otra,
I know there's always another way out,
Pude escoger la que eligieron muchos notas.
I could choose the one many fools chose.
La vida es cruel no dejes que te rompa,
Life is cruel, don't let it break you,
Se le echan dos cojones y lo afrontas.
You put your balls into it and face it.
No es nada facil lo sé, asi funciona,
It's not easy, I know, that's how it works,
Con esto siento alivio joder, me siento persona.
With this I feel relief, damn it, I feel human.
Al volcarlo en el papel, éste y mi alma conexionan,
By pouring it on paper, this and my soul connect,
El folio es mi psicólogo las 24 horas.
The sheet is my 24-hour psychologist.
Cuando todo era una mierda y anduve to agobiao,
When everything was shit and I was overwhelmed,
Cuando me dejó la parienta estuve embajonao,
When my girlfriend left me, I was devastated,
Cuando mis viejos se mataban mi casa era un caos,
When my parents were killing each other, my house was chaos,
Cuando me veo sin un puto pavo reventao.
When I see myself without a damn penny, busted.
Yo me refugio en el rap me siento mejor,
I take refuge in rap, I feel better,
Puedo deshinibirme del exterior,
I can disinhibit myself from the outside,
Por encima de esos problemas que son miles,
Above those problems that are thousands,
Ni esas bombas ni esos proyectiles me pararan.
Neither those bombs nor those projectiles will stop me.
Solo! Nunca estuve, en mi nube, tuve lo que tuve.
Alone! I never was, in my cloud, I had what I had.
Solo! Con mi cante, ojo al frente y siempre para alante.
Alone! With my singing, eyes forward, and always moving ahead.
Solo! no te sientas, oye dentro y mira lo que inventas.
Alone! Don't just sit there, listen inside, and see what you invent.
Asi de simple, escribo lo que vivo.
It's that simple, I write what I live.
Entre bloques de mi costa y mares de olivos
Between blocks on my coast and seas of olive trees
Si no hay pilas en el walkman me la imagino
If there are no batteries in the Walkman, I imagine it
Al compás mordiendo el polvo por el camino.
To the beat, biting the dust along the way.
Daddy was poor, mama wasn't rich
Daddy was poor, mama wasn't rich
Siempre trabajando, hustling the streets
Always working, hustling the streets
Nada me faltó, tuve mi tambor,
I didn't lack anything, I had my drum,
Como hizo Pinocho, con cuchara y tenedor.
Like Pinocchio did, with a spoon and fork.
Gorra y pa la calle, átate las bambas,
Girl, out to the street, tie your shoes,
Corros en los bailes, vuelvo tarde a casa.
Choruses at dances, I come home late.
Va solo y hablando ¿a este boy qué le pasa?
He goes alone and talking, what's wrong with this boy?
Boy vive soñando y canta su comparsa:
Boy lives dreaming and sings his comparsa:
"Give me a little soul, oh lord!
"Give me a little soul, oh lord!
Bring on the music, show must go on.
Bring on the music, show must go on.
Give me little soul, oh lord!
Give me little soul, oh lord!
No me dejes, no me dejes..."
Don't leave me, don't leave me..."
Give me little, give me little soul, oh lord
Give me little, give me little soul, oh lord
Give me little, give me little soul, oh lord
Give me little, give me little soul, oh lord
No me dejes, no me dejes solo lord
Don't leave me, don't leave me alone, lord
Give me little, give me little soul, oh lord
Give me little, give me little soul, oh lord
No me dejes...
Don't leave me...
Solo lord, give me little, give me little soul, oh lord
Alone lord, give me little, give me little soul, oh lord
No me dejes, no me dejes solo lord
Don't leave me, don't leave me alone, lord
Solo lord...
Alone lord...

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