Puya feat. Ligia, Vescan & Mahia Beldo - Pagini de Istorie - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Puya feat. Ligia, Vescan & Mahia Beldo - Pagini de Istorie

Pagini de Istorie
Pages of History
Orice lupta ai pierdut
Every battle you lost
O vezi ca pe o victorie
See it as a victory
Orice greseli ai facut
Every mistake you made
Intr-o zi ajung istorie
One day will become history
Ai scris pagini de istorie (istorie)
You wrote pages of history (history)
Numele tau aduce glorie
Your name brings glory
Ai scris pagini de istorie
You wrote pages of history
Cu rani adanci
With deep wounds
Scrii pagini de istorie
You are writing pages of history
Da' tu ai stiut de pustan
But you knew as a kid
Ca esti altfel pur si simplu
That you were simply different
Ca nu poti sa fii ca restul
That you could not be like the rest
Azi o demonstreaza timpul
Time proves it today
Fara bani, cu ce-ai in suflet
Without money, with what you have in your soul
Ai stiut cat esti de bogat
You knew how rich you were
Ai muncit, ai transpirat
You worked, you sweated
Mii de vise in rucsac
Thousands of dreams in your backpack
Si lumea te intreaba cum ai reusit
And the world asks you how you managed
Sa scrii pagini de istorie pornind de la nimic
To write pages of history starting from nothing
Cica nu se poate, esti prea mic
They say it's impossible, you're too young
Da' tu in inima ta
But in your heart
Ai stiut ca vor aplauda intr-o zi toti nebunia ta
You knew that one day everyone would applaud your madness
Da (da)
Yes (yes)
Dar a trecut deja ce-a fost mai greu
But what was harder has already passed
Ai ajuns pana aici cu incredere in tine
You have come this far with confidence in yourself
Si credinta-n Dumnezeu
And faith in God
Te ridici de cate ori e cazul
You get up whenever necessary
Stii ca se poate mereu mai bine
You know that you can always do better
Iar si iar vorbeste campionul din tine
The champion inside you speaks again and again
Orice lupta ai pierdut
Every battle you lost
O vezi ca pe-o victorie
See it as a victory
Orice greseli ai facut
Every mistake you made
Intr-o zi ajung istorie
One day will become history
Ai scris pagini de istorie
You wrote pages of history
Numele tau aduce glorie
Your name brings glory
Ai scris pagini de istorie
You wrote pages of history
Cu rani adanci
With deep wounds
Scrii pagini de istorie
You are writing pages of history
Un gladiator in arena
A gladiator in the arena
Orice problema a fost o tema
Every problem was a task
O lectie de viata
A lesson in life
Ai mers mereu in fata
You have always walked ahead
Nu in extrema
Not to the extreme
Chiar si-n goana dupa bani
Even in the pursuit of money
Familia-i pe primul plan
Family comes first
Ocice golan tu l-ai gonit
You chased away every thug
Cum i-a gonit pe turci Stefan
Like Stephen chased away the Turks
Mare ca un domnitor
Great as a ruler
Tare ca un luptator
Strong as a warrior
Nu, nu, n-ai vrut sa faci
No, no, you never wanted to
Niciodata pe placul lor
To please them
Fara bani in buzunar
With no money in your pocket
Nu te-ai vandut la kilogram
You did not sell yourself by the pound
Ai fost mereu un gentleman
You have always been a gentleman
Cu fratii tai nu un tiran
Not a tyrant with your brothers
Credincios ca un brancovean
Faithful as Brancoveanu
Curajos ca un roman
Brave as a Romanian
Bun la suflet cu ai tai
Kind in heart with your loved ones
Dracula pentru dusmani
Dracula to your enemies
Increderea in tine nimeni n-o indoaie
No one doubts your self-confidence
Ai pierdut batalii dar niciodata razboaie
You have lost battles but never wars
Povestea unui om cu rani adanci
The story of a man with deep wounds
Zambind in glorie
Smiling in glory
Povestea unui om ce scrie
The story of a man who writes
Pagini de istorie
Pages of history
Orice lupta ai pierdut
Every battle you lost
O vezi ca pe-o victorie
See it as a victory
Orice greseli ai facut
Every mistake you made
Intr-o zi ajung istorie
One day will become history
Ai scris pagini de istorie
You wrote pages of history
Numele tau aduce glorie
Your name brings glory
Ai scris pagini de istorie
You wrote pages of history
Cu rani adanci scrii pagini de istorie
With deep wounds you write pages of history
Glorie aduce numele tau
Glory your name brings
Glorie aduce numele tau
Glory your name brings

Авторы: Dragos Gardescu

Puya feat. Ligia, Vescan & Mahia Beldo - Best of Xsession 2016
Best of Xsession 2016
дата релиза

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