Puya feat. Anastasia - Maine e o noua zi - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Puya feat. Anastasia - Maine e o noua zi

Maine e o noua zi
Tomorrow is a New Day
Mâine e o nouă zi
Tomorrow is a new day
Aşa e firea omenească
Such is human nature
Nimic nu pare te mulţumească
Nothing seems to satisfy you
te oprească, vrei altă casă, alte ţoale
To stop you, to want another house, other clothes
Altă vacanţă, alta-nfatisare
Another vacation, another look
La noua ta vila, cutia e plină de facturi
At your new villa, the box is full of bills
Şi tu înduri, iar înduri
And you endure, and endure
Pentru maşina asta tare
For this great car
Acum stai non-stop pe telefoane
Now you're on the phone all the time
E soare, copiii sunt în parc
It's sunny, the children are in the park
Când o fii acasă, ei o fie-n pat
When you're home, they'll be in bed
Obosit, stresat, cazi lat
Tired, stressed, you fall flat
dimineaţă o iei de la cap
Because in the morning you take it from the top
întreb, ce-ai rezolvat
I wonder what you solved
Te-ai bucurat aşa mult când te-au avansat
You were so happy when you were promoted
Bravo, ai de toate
Congratulations, you have everything
Mai puţin: timp, fericire şi sănătate
Less: time, happiness and health
Sunt zile-n care vreau cred
There are days I want to believe
C-aş umple cu lacrimi un ocean
That I could fill an ocean with tears
Sunt nopţi pe care le petrec
There are nights I spend
Cu gândul iubesc ceea ce n-am
Thinking that I love what I don't have
Spune, cum ai defini un om
Tell me, how would you define a man
Îl judeci dacă are telefonul nou
You judge him if he has a new phone
După firma de pe etichetă
By the brand on the label
Sau dac-apare în vreo gazetă
Or if he appears in a newspaper
Ca râzi cu sufletu-mpacat
To laugh with a peaceful soul
Nu, nu tre' fii bogat
No, you don't have to be rich
te joci cu copiii tăi în parc
Playing with your children in the park
Nu-ţi trebuie bani, se pare c-ai uitat
You don't need money, you seem to have forgotten
Spune-mi, când i-ai vizitat
Tell me, when did you last visit
Pe mama şi tatăl tău, fără ei n-ai fi existat
Your mother and father, you wouldn't exist without them
Când te-ai născut, erai dezbrăcat
When you were born, you were naked
Tot ce ai acum, e-n plus, ai câştigat
All you have now is extra, you've won
Dacă n-ai mai fi aşa stresat
If you weren't so stressed anymore
Ai vedea lumea e un loc chiar minunat
You would see that the world is a wonderful place
Iubeşti ce n-ai, e un chin
You love what you don't have, it's a torment
O fii cel mai bogat din cimitir
You will be the richest man in the cemetery
Sunt zile-n care vreau cred
There are days I want to believe
C-aş umple cu lacrimi un ocean
That I could fill an ocean with tears
Sunt nopţi pe care le petrec
There are nights I spend
Cu gândul iubesc ceea ce n-am
Thinking that I love what I don't have
Trec de orice văd, ce simt
I pass by everything I see, what I feel
înec, usuc, mint
I drown, I dry, I lie
Cu ochii spre cer privind
Looking towards the sky
Inima îmi cere să-nving
My heart tells me to conquer
Sunt zile-n care vreau cred
There are days I want to believe
C-aş umple cu lacrimi un ocean
That I could fill an ocean with tears
Sunt nopţi pe care le petrec
There are nights I spend
Cu gândul iubesc ceea ce n-am
Thinking that I love what I don't have
Mâine e o nouă zi
Tomorrow is a new day
Mâine e o nouă zi
Tomorrow is a new day

Авторы: Dragos Gardescu

Puya feat. Anastasia - Maine e o noua zi
Maine e o noua zi
дата релиза

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