Puya - Undeva-n Balkani (Somewhere in the Balkans) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Puya - Undeva-n Balkani (Somewhere in the Balkans)

Undeva-n Balkani (Somewhere in the Balkans)
Somewhere in the Balkans
Bem bere, vin, nu whiskey, gin, iubim din plin
We drink brandy, wine, not whiskey or gin, we love to the fullest
Șpaga, corupția, multe nu știm, nu glumim
Bribes, corruption, we don't know much, we're not kidding
E o tradiție p-aici de când noi suntem mici
It's a tradition here since we were little
Iubim s-avem dolarii, urâm s-avem servici
We love having dollars, we hate having a job
Ce-mi pasă mie de-ncălzirea globală?!
Who cares about global warming?!
Vrem dollar-dollar, balenele moară, vrem viață ușoară
We want dollar-dollar, let the whales die, we want an easy life
Multe probleme, belele pe capu' nostru, vere
Many problems, troubles on our heads, man
Crezi ne place încontinuu ne lovim de ele?
Do you think we like constantly running into them?
vină Bin Laden răpească-i cool
It would be cool if Bin Laden came to kidnap me
E nul pentru toți din țară, o îi doară-n cu-cu-cu
He's a zero for everyone in the country, it's gonna hurt him in the cu-cu-cu
Vrem banii full, nu spargem bănci, sunt filme
We want full money, we don't rob banks, those are movies
Dăm țepe, că-i bine și încă ține
We scam, because it's good and it still works
Stilu' românesc, fără cagule, pistoale
Romanian style, without hoods, pistols
nu suntem în filmele americane
Because we're not in American movies
Stresu' face victime, nu urmărești știrile?
Stress makes victims, don't you watch the news?
Hai-hai-hai, taci, ești în direct cu toate crimele
Hey-hey-hey, shut up, you're live with all the crimes
Is this, is this the life?
Is this, is this the life?
I wanna live, I wanna carry on
I wanna live, I wanna carry on
Is this, is this the life?
Is this, is this the life?
I wanna live, I wanna carry on
I wanna live, I wanna carry on
Is this, is this the life?
Is this, is this the life?
Do you wanna carry on?
Do you wanna carry on?
Is this, is this the life?
Is this, is this the life?
I wanna, wanna get down
I wanna, wanna get down
Iubim personajele negative, infractorii
We love negative characters, criminals
Îi protejăm, îi cinstim mai rău ca dictatorii
We protect them, we honor them worse than dictators
Răufăcătorii sunt șmecheri când au banii
Evildoers are cool when they have money
Da' ajung infractori când nu au gologanii
But they become criminals when they don't have dough
Americanii merg tare cu mașinile
Americans drive fast with their cars
Ne lovesc cântăreții și cântărețele
Our singers and songstresses get hit by them
Spirit latin, iubim cu mare foc
Latin spirit, we love with great fire
"Trădați în dragoste" e regizat, cu noi nu-i loc
"Betrayed in love" is staged, there's no room for it with us
De când cu drogurile-i tare marfă-n club
Since drugs have been around, it's hot stuff in the club
Fetele ajung tot mai repede nud
Girls are getting naked faster and faster
Sexu-i peste tot, în scări de bloc
Sex is everywhere, on the stairs of apartment buildings
În săli de clasă sau la Private Spice non-stop
In classrooms or at Private Spice non-stop
E cool de tot, minorele-s bune de tot
It's totally cool, underage girls are totally good
La majorat vor gang-bang, nu tort
At their coming-of-age, they want gang-bang, not cake
Europa credea venim s-o vizităm
Europe thought we came to visit
Surpriză, suntem aicea s-o invadăm
Surprise, we're here to invade
Is this, is this the life?
Is this, is this the life?
I wanna live, I wanna carry on
I wanna live, I wanna carry on
Is this, is this the life?
Is this, is this the life?
I wanna live, I wanna carry on
I wanna live, I wanna carry on
Is this, is this the life?
Is this, is this the life?
Do you wanna carry on?
Do you wanna carry on?
Is this, is this the life?
Is this, is this the life?
I wanna, wanna get down
I wanna, wanna get down
Nu ne pasă de Fâșia Gaza sau Irak
We don't care about the Gaza Strip or Iraq
Adu lăutarii am un teanc de aruncat
Bring the fiddlers, I've got a stack to throw around
lumea vrea să-şi audă numele-n microfon
Because people want to hear their names on the microphone
Și banii curg de zici că-i aruncă de la balcon
And the money flows like it's being thrown from a balcony
Orice amărât are măcar un telefon
Every poor guy has at least one phone
Măcar o haină de firmă, măcar fie domn
At least one designer clothes, at least to be a gentleman
Unii conduc mașini mai scumpe decât casa unde stau
Some people drive cars more expensive than the house they live in
Cheltuie în club și banii pe care nu-i au
They spend money in the club that they don't have
Ne place sportul, jucăm fotbal noi
We like sports, we play football
După meciuri se termină cu box, aşa-i la noi
After matches it ends with boxing, that's how it is with us
Suntem o mare familie, ne-avem ca frații
We are a big family, we have each other like brothers
Da' la probleme, știm bine, fugim unii de alții
But when it comes to problems, we know well, we run from each other
Avem multe biserici păcătuim cam des
We have many churches because we sin quite often
Pline de femei măritate din interes
Full of women married out of interest
Sud-Est, România, undeva-n Balcani
South-East, Romania, somewhere in the Balkans
Când aterizezi pe aeroport, ține bine de bani!
When you land at the airport, hold on tight to your money!
Is this, is this the life?
Is this, is this the life?
I wanna live, I wanna carry on
I wanna live, I wanna carry on
Is this, is this the life?
Is this, is this the life?
I wanna live, I wanna carry on
I wanna live, I wanna carry on
Is this, is this the life?
Is this, is this the life?
Do you wanna carry on?
Do you wanna carry on?
Is this, is this the life?
Is this, is this the life?
I wanna, wanna get down
I wanna, wanna get down
Is this, is this the life?
Is this, is this the life?
I wanna live, I wanna carry on
I wanna live, I wanna carry on
Is this, is this the life?
Is this, is this the life?
I wanna live, I wanna carry on
I wanna live, I wanna carry on
Is this, is this the life?
Is this, is this the life?
Do you wanna carry on?
Do you wanna carry on?
Is this, is this the life?
Is this, is this the life?
I wanna, wanna get down
I wanna, wanna get down
(Do you wanna carry on?)
(Do you wanna carry on?)
Do you wanna carry on?
Do you wanna carry on?

Авторы: Dragos Gardescu, George Dorin Hora

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