Puzzle Band - Be Saram Zade - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Puzzle Band - Be Saram Zade

Be Saram Zade
Be Saram Zade (Without Shame)
منم اون که یه تنه سر تو با همه در افتاد
I'm the one who stood up to everyone for you, alone.
منم اون که یه شبه حالا دیگه میبریش از یاد
I'm the one you now forget overnight.
منم اون که تو دلش
I'm the one in whose heart
عاشقی قدغنه (قدغنه)
Love is forbidden (forbidden).
اونی که رفتو
The one who left
دلتو پس داد
And gave your heart back.
منم اون که میتونه
I'm the one who can
دیگه نخواد تورو از فردا
No longer want you from tomorrow.
منم اون دیوونه ای که یه سره با هزار سودا
I'm that crazy one, constantly lost in a thousand dreams.
آره لاف زدی فقط
Yes, you just bragged,
دیگه حرفشو نزن
Don't speak of it anymore.
نبودی اصلا مال این حرفا
You were never meant for these words.
به سرم زده بکنم ازتو
I've decided to move on from you,
بزنم زیر هرچی که هستو
To give up on everything that exists.
نمیخوام جلو راه تو سدشم
I don't want to be an obstacle in your way,
بیخیال بذار آدم بد شم
Let it go, let me be the bad guy.
منم مثل تو سرد و مریضم
I'm cold and sick like you,
وردار عکساتو از روی میزم
Take your pictures off my desk.
تو گوشم نگو عزیزم
Don't call me "honey" in my ear.
به سرم زده بکنم از تو
I've decided to move on from you,
بیخیال اون چشمای مستو
Forget about those intoxicating eyes.
تو بیفتی نمیتونی پاشی
If you fall, you won't be able to get up,
برو بهتره خاطره باشی
Go, it's better to be a memory.
تو میگفتی که آدمش هستی
You said you were the one,
یه دفعه دیگه چشماتو بستی
You closed your eyes once again,
که قلب منو شکستی
And broke my heart.
منم اون که به همه آرزوهاش تورو ترجیح داد
I'm the one who chose you over all his dreams,
تویی اون که میزدش دلو همه سر من فریاد
You're the one who screamed at everyone for me.
سرم اومده بدش
The worst has happened to me,
بدم اومده از عشق
I've grown tired of love,
دلی که خسته س تورو نمیخواد
A weary heart doesn't want you,
دیگه نمیخواد
Doesn't want you anymore.
کارت افتاده بهم
You need me now,
برو ازم دیگه دست بردار
Go, leave me alone.
حالو روزمو ببین
Look at my state,
دور و برم پره ته سیگار
My surroundings are filled with cigarette butts.
تو بهم زدی طعنه
You taunted me,
حالا نوبت منه
Now it's my turn,
ولی تو انگار شدی طلبکار
But you seem to have become the creditor.
به سرم زده بکنم ازتو
I've decided to move on from you,
بزنم زیر هر چی که هستو
To give up on everything that exists.
نمیخوام جلو راه تو سدشم
I don't want to be an obstacle in your way,
بیخیال بذار آدم بد شم
Let it go, let me be the bad guy.
منم مثل تو سرد و مریضم
I'm cold and sick like you,
وردار عکساتو از روی میزم
Take your pictures off my desk.
تو گوشم نگو عزیزم
Don't call me "honey" in my ear.
به سرم زده بکنم از تو
I've decided to move on from you,
بیخیال اون چشمای مستو
Forget about those intoxicating eyes.
تو بیفتی نمیتونی پاشی
If you fall, you won't be able to get up,
برو بهتره خاطره باشی
Go, it's better to be a memory.
تو میگفتی که آدمش هستی
You said you were the one,
یه دفعه دیگه چشماتو بستی
You closed your eyes once again,
که قلب منو شکستی
And broke my heart.
تو میگفتی که آدمش هستی
You said you were the one,
یه دفعه دیگه چشماتو بستی
You closed your eyes once again,
دست بردار
Let go,
دیگه دست بردار
Let go already.

Авторы: ali rahbari, babak babaei

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