QL - Heimweh - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни QL - Heimweh

I bi wiit wägg vo mim vertroute,
I am far away from my familiar,
Ire riisegrosse schtadt,
Immense city,
Ufrä schier endlose schtrass wo mi niemer kennt,
On its seemingly endless streets where no one knows me,
Ha mi scho lang nüm so elleini oder verlore gfüeut wie hie,
I haven't felt so lonely or lost like here,
U loufe immer wiiter ohni ziu.
And I keep walking further without a destination.
U i ha heimweh nach de bärge,
And I have homesickness for the mountains,
Nach em schoggi und em wy,
For the chocolate and the wine,
Nach de wälder, nach de seeä u nach em schnee,
For the forests, for the lakes and for the snow,
Und i bi wiit wägg vo däheime ire schtadt wo ni nid wett si,
And I am far away from home in the city where I don't want to be,
Verlore i so viune lüt wo ni nüm ma gseh.
Lost among so many people I'll never see again.
Da steit si plötzlech vor mir, wie ne ängel usem nüt,
There she suddenly stood before me, like an angel from nowhere,
U fragt mi ob i wüssi wos zum bahnhof geit,
And asked me if I knew the way to the train station,
Si seit ig ha ke luscht meh z'blibe, i ghöre eifach ni dahi,
She said I didn't feel like staying anymore, I simply didn't belong here,
Ha zwar aus probiert, doch das isch eifach nüd für mi.
I had tried, but it just wasn't for me.
U i dr nacht di viele liechter, da chani d'schtärnä nüme gseh,
And in the night the many lights, there I can no longer see the stars,
U sogar dr mond schint hie e andere ds si.
And even the moon shines here with a different light.
U i luege i iri ouge, wo so klar si wie ne gletschersee,
And I look into her eyes, which are as clear as a glacial lake,
U i bi froh, dass si genauso füeut wi i.
And I am glad that she feels just like me.
U i ha heimweh nach de bärge,
And I have homesickness for the mountains,
Nach em schoggi und em wy,
For the chocolate and the wine,
Nach de wälder, nach de seeä u nach em schnee,
For the forests, for the lakes and for the snow,
Und i bi wiit wägg vo däheime, ire schtadt wo ni nid wett si,
And I am far away from home, in the city where I don't want to be,
U ig gloube, es geit no andere mängisch genau eso wie mir, genau eso wi mir.
And I believe, sometimes many others feel just like me, just like me.
U i ha heimweh nach de bärge,
And I have homesickness for the mountains,
Nach em schoggi und em wy,
For the chocolate and the wine,
U wott itz zrugg,
And I want to go back,
A de ort wo nig däheime bi.
To the place where I belong.

Авторы: Alex Eugster, Plüsch

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