QL - Verbii - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни QL - Verbii

Ischs nid guät so wis jitzä isch?
Isn't it better as it is right now?
Du hesch muät dass gangä bisch
You have the courage to leave
Was wosch du jitzä oni mi?
What do you want now without me?
Dänkt hesch dir sicher nüt drbi
You probably didn't think this through
Chum mir jitz nid du heigsch's nid gwüsst
Don't tell me you didn't know
Denn wo mir üs zerscht mau hei küsst
When we first kissed
Dass das jemaus verbii wird gah
That this would ever end
Ha kei dunscht was das jitzä söu
I have no idea what I should do now
Di ganz fruscht macht us mir ä löu
All the frustration within me
Bhuät mi gott nei das chas nid si
Dear god, this can't be happening
So bi ni sicher nid drbii
I don't understand this
Chum mir jitz nid du heigsch's nid gwüsst
Don't tell me you didn't know
Denn wo mir üs zerscht mau hei küsst
When we first kissed
Dass mir jemaus so wit chöi ga
That we could ever come this far
Du geisch z wit du zeigsch kes flair
You've gone too far, you've shown no flair
U gisch mir d schuud das chunt mir quer
And you're putting the blame on me
Du und i das wird's nid si
You and I, this won't happen
Ja das isch's gsi verbii
Yes, this is it, it's over
Chum mir jitz nid du heigsch's nid gwüsst
Don't tell me you didn't know
Denn wo mir üs zerscht mau hei küsst
When we first kissed
Dass äs jemaus so wit wird ga
That it would ever come this far
Chum mir jitz nid du heigsch's nid gwüsst
Don't tell me you didn't know
Denn wo mir üs zerscht mau hei küsst
When we first kissed
Dass das jemaus verbii wird ga
That this would ever end

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