QM feat. Rohann & Odee - Noise Complaint Issues - перевод текста песни на английский

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Noise Complaint Issues
Noise Complaint Issues
오늘 반상회의 주제는 새로 입주한 3층
Today's apartment meeting is about the newly moved-in 3rd floor
힙합회사가 만든 소음에 대해 발걸음만 들어도
Hip-hop company's noise Even if you just hear the footsteps
입주민 불만 한가득 '아 QM 새끼 앨범 낼라 하나 보네'
The tenants are complaining 'Oh, that QM kid is about to release another album'
맨날 시루떡 돌리네 '미안해'란 말도 하기 지쳐서
They give me a hard time 'I'm sorry' I'm tired of saying it
사과문 새로고침 하다 보니 문장력
Refreshing the apology letter I guess my writing skills
자꾸 늘어나듯 늘어나버려 깜지 써두고 나서
Keep getting better like rice cakes I write a fake apology
차라리 사과만 하는 사람을 쓰는 낫겠어
I'd rather hire someone who just apologizes
우리에게 화를
Why are you mad at us
건물이 처음부터 잘못 지어졌는데
The building was built wrong in the first place
그냥 이번 반상회 던져 나한테
Just vote for me at this meeting
재건축 해서 삐까번쩍 새로 올릴게 (switch time)
I'll rebuild it and make it brand new (switch time)
내게 오함마를 넘겨 부숴버려 건물을
Hand me the Thor's Hammer and smash the whole building
그런 다음 VMC 로고 달아놓고 너흰 물음
Then put the VMC logo on it and ask you all
뭐라고 떠들어 대는 들려 기압 땜에
What are you talking about I can't hear you well because of the pressure
액땜했다 칠게 따라오면 Optimus Prime
I paid for this Just follow me Optimus Prime
우리가 만드는 소음도 ASMR
The noise we make will soon be ASMR
버기 하나만 필요해 다음 MR
I need one more producer Just the MR for the next song
1년에 EP 장에 정규 하나
Two EPs a year and one regular album
층간소음 일으킬 다음 앨범 이름은 HANNAH
The name of the next album that will cause noise between floors is HANNAH
Noise complaint issues 여기 층간소음 층간소음
Noise complaint issues Noise between floors, noise between floors
개소리 나게 해라 정말 정말
Make the dog next door stop barking Please, please, please
윗집은 파악해 위치 중간쯤 중간쯤
Identify the people on the floor above and below You're right in the middle, in the middle
We gonna make that noise 신고해 층간소음 층간소음
We gonna make that noise Report on my noise between floors, noise between floors
발자국 하나 남기고 마포구에 입성
Leaving footprints in Mapo-gu with just one step
죽이고 나서 주민인 척하고 있어
Holding my breath and pretending to be a resident
No 잔머리 no 벌이 대로 커버린 머리
No brains, no bees, just a covered head
지하 때보다 훨씬 밝아 보이는 거리
The streets seem much brighter than when I lived in the basement
I don't understand 아파트 주민의 stance
I don't understand the stance of the residents of this apartment.
매일 바뀌니까 비위 맞춰주기 어렵네
It's hard to please them because they change every day.
내가 사는 국힙 아파트 힙합 같아
The place I live is a hip-hop apartment Just like hip-hop
그래서 약자를 위해 투쟁 2pac 같이
So I fight for the weak Like 2pac
I don't give a f about 윗집 밑집 소리 yeah
I don't give a f about the people above and below me
반상회 까줘 어차피 왕따 놀이 umm
Mess with the apartment meeting They're bullying me anyway
쪼끄만 까불어 주먹거리 놈이 uh
A small fry is picking on me He's within punching distance
싸움 나면 112에 민사소송 준비해
If we fight, I'll call 112 and prepare a civil lawsuit
자꾸 쳐서 집을 찔렀네
I got so mad that I stabbed my downstairs neighbor
윗집 옆집 들리게 소리를 질러대
I'm yelling loud enough for the people above and next to me to hear
꼬우면 너네가 이사를 가던지
If you're scared, you can move out
아님 내가 쓸어먹고 집을 팔던지 yeah
Or I'll eat you and sell my house
천장에 발을 뒀지 윗집에 층간소음
I put my feet on the ceiling to make noise for the people upstairs.
어딜 걷던 시끄러워 가는 곳마다 make some noise
Wherever I walk, I'm loud Make some noise wherever I go.
방음부스는 무소용 커져가는 목소리
Soundproof booths are useless My voice is getting louder
신고를 당해 어쩔 없이 live in top floor
I always get reported, so I have no choice but to live on the top floor.
(야야) 조용할 없게 만들 뽑지
(Yeah) I'll choose a song that will make it impossible for me to have a quiet day.
(야야) 닥치라던 입주민의 이사를 돕게
(Yeah) I'll help the residents who tell me to shut up to move.
(야야) 나는 느꼈어 좋은 이웃은 여기엔 없지
(Yeah) I realized there are no good neighbors here
이제 더는 나도 사람 좋은 인사 따윈 건네 huh
I'm not going to pretend to be nice and say hello to people anymore.
누가 항의를 해도 Webster B는 북을 치고
Webster B plays the drums on the wall where no one knows me,
사과하래도 우리 태도는 question mark 물음표를 찍어
Even if I apologize, our attitude is a question mark, a question mark.
모를 벽에 대고 내는 자극적인 track
I'll make a provocative track against the wall that doesn't know me,
때까지 두들기지 이젠 neighbors know my name
I'll keep banging until they know my name.
VM 지하에서부터 지켜가는
From the VM basement to the one I'm guarding,
우릴 듣고서 돋는 소름 소음이 두음법칙
The pronunciation law that will make you shudder when you hear us.
다세대 다가구에서 단독 apart
In a multi-family, multi-family apartment In a single apartment
우리만 남아도 되려 높아질 분양가
The sale price will go up even if we're the only ones left.
Noise complaint issues 여기 층간소음 층간소음
Noise complaint issues Noise between floors, noise between floors
개소리 나게 해라 정말 정말
Make the dog next door stop barking Please, please, please
윗집은 파악해 위치 중간쯤 중간쯤
Identify the people on the floor above and below You're right in the middle, in the middle
We gonna make that noise 신고해 층간소음 층간소음
We gonna make that noise Report on my noise between floors, noise between floors

Авторы: Buggy, Odee, Qm, Rohann

QM feat. Rohann & Odee - 층간소음 - Single
층간소음 - Single
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