La nostra vicenda (è una cosa orrenda) potrebbe avere inizio proprio nel terrore, nel pandemonio, di questa ennesima riunione di condominio poche parole sul piano di ristrutturazione dell'androne, sulle infiltrazioni sul balcone, detto ché poco dopo gradualmente e poco a poco la conversazione cambia tono, devìa il tiro, l'ordine del giorno s'addentra in territori altri, s'inerpica, risale il pendìo, ripido pendìo ancora lassù più in alto in immaginifici spazi cosmici ai limiti ostici della ragione senza appigli, insomma fin dentro l'appartamento del nostro esimio assente: il signore inesistente.
Our story (a horrendous affair) could begin right here, amidst the terror and pandemonium of this umpteenth condominium meeting. A few words on the entrance hall renovation plans, the balcony leaks, and then, little by little, the conversation changes tone, veers off course. The agenda ventures into other territories, climbs, ascends the steep slope, even higher, into imaginative cosmic spaces at the harsh limits of reason, without handholds. In short, it ends up inside the apartment of our distinguished absentee: the non-existent gentleman.
There's no one inside that flat, everybody knows it, come on come on
There's no one inside that flat, everybody knows it, come on come on
There's no one inside that flat, everybody knows it, but they hear some noises
There's no one inside that flat, everybody knows it, but they hear some noises
Al solito la questione perde quota, prende fuoco, si fa incandescente, come meteorite precipita nel vuoto, nella voragine interiore del nostro ignoto, oggi il professore qui di fronte a me seduto e insolitamente taciturno non partecipa alla riunione, resta curvo come morto, come in cortocircuito assorto piuttosto ad ammirare l'universo negli interstizi tra le mattonelle davanti a sé
As usual, the issue loses altitude, catches fire, becomes incandescent. Like a meteorite, it plummets into the void, into the inner abyss of our unknown. Today, the professor, seated opposite me and unusually silent, doesn't participate in the meeting. He remains hunched over, as if dead, as if in a short circuit, absorbed instead in admiring the universe in the gaps between the tiles before him.
There's no one inside that flat, everybody knows it, come on come on
There's no one inside that flat, everybody knows it, come on come on
There's no one inside that flat, everybody knows it, but they hear some noises
There's no one inside that flat, everybody knows it, but they hear some noises
There's no one inside that flat, everybody knows it, come on come on
There's no one inside that flat, everybody knows it, come on come on
There's no one inside that flat, everybody knows it, but they still hear some noises
There's no one inside that flat, everybody knows it, but they still hear some noises
(Voci: Come sarebbe a dire "Non esiste"? E che significa? Non esiste... Inammissibile che un coinquilino non intervenga mai alle riunioni. Non esiste, se non esiste non lavora e se non lavora è un delinquente. E' UNO SPIRITO! E' un genio. Nessuno [lì dentro] nel suo non-essere... è una forma di un...)
(Voices: What do you mean "He doesn't exist"? What does that mean? He doesn't exist... Unacceptable that a tenant never attends meetings. He doesn't exist? If he doesn't exist, he doesn't work, and if he doesn't work, he's a criminal. HE'S A SPIRIT! He's a genius. No one [in there] in his non-being... it's a form of a...)
Il professore inspiegabilmente emette un grido disumano, inatteso e come indemoniato ride, gli occhi roteano all'indietro a nascondere l'iride che si rivolta nelle orbite come cercasse qualcosa dentro di sé, ma è fuori di sé e senza senno si alza deciso nel silenzio improvviso dell'imprevisto si ricompone, diviene serio, ma con un'ombra in viso e mentre tutti gli inquilini tacciono impietriti sradica dal muro un estintore, esce dal salone adibito alla riunione senza fiatare ascoltiamo i passi allontanarsi, rimbombare nella tromba delle scale, prima rampa poi seconda, mi pare.
The professor inexplicably lets out an inhuman scream, unexpected, and like a man possessed, he laughs. His eyes roll back, hiding the iris that revolts in its orbits as if searching for something within him. But he is beside himself, senseless. He rises decisively in the sudden silence of the unforeseen. He composes himself, becomes serious, but with a shadow on his face. And while all the tenants fall silent, petrified, he uproots a fire extinguisher from the wall, exits the meeting room without a word. We listen to his footsteps fade away, echoing in the stairwell, first flight, then second, I think.
There's no one inside that flat, everybody knows it, come on come on
There's no one inside that flat, everybody knows it, come on come on
There's no one inside that flat, everybody knows it, but they hear some noises
There's no one inside that flat, everybody knows it, but they hear some noises
There's no one inside that flat, everybody knows it, come on come on
There's no one inside that flat, everybody knows it, come on come on
There's no one inside that flat, everybody knows it, but they still hear some noises
There's no one inside that flat, everybody knows it, but they still hear some noises
There's no one inside that flat, there's no one inside that flat, come on come on
There's no one inside that flat, there's no one inside that flat, come on come on
There's no one inside that flat, everybody knows it, but they hear some noisesLa nostra vicenda (è una cosa orrenda) potrebbe avere inizio
There's no one inside that flat, everybody knows it, but they hear some noisesOur story (a horrendous affair) could begin
Proprio nel terrore, nel pandemonio, di questa ennesima riunione
Right here, amidst the terror and pandemonium of this umpteenth meeting
Di condominio.
Of the condominium.
Poche parole sul piano di ristrutturazione dell'androne,
A few words on the entrance hall renovation plans,
Sulle infiltrazioni sul balcone, detto ché, poco dopo,
The balcony leaks, and then, little by little,
Gradualmente e poco a poco, la conversazione cambia tono,
The conversation changes tone,
Devìa il tiro, svìa l'obiettivo, l'ordine del giorno s'addentra in territori altri, mistici, s'inerpica, risale il pendìo, ripido pendìo ancora lassù più in alto,
Veers off course, misses the target, the agenda ventures into other territories, mystical, it climbs, ascends the steep slope, even higher,
In immaginifici spazi cosmici ai limiti ostici della ragione senza appigli, insomma fin dentro l'appartamento del nostro esimio assente: il signore inesistente.
Into imaginative cosmic spaces at the harsh limits of reason, without handholds. In short, it ends up inside the apartment of our distinguished absentee: the non-existent gentleman.
There's no one inside that flat, everybody knows it, come on come on
There's no one inside that flat, everybody knows it, come on come on
There's no one inside that flat, everybody knows it, but they hear some noises
There's no one inside that flat, everybody knows it, but they hear some noises
Al solito la questione perde quota, prende fuoco,
As usual, the issue loses altitude, catches fire,
Si fa incandescente, come meteorite precipita nel vuoto,
Becomes incandescent. Like a meteorite, it plummets into the void,
Nella voragine interiore del nostro ignoto,
Into the inner abyss of our unknown.
Oggi il professore qui di fronte a me seduto e insolitamente taciturno
Today, the professor, seated opposite me and unusually silent,
Non partecipa alla riunione, resta curvo come morto,
Doesn't participate in the meeting. He remains hunched over, as if dead,
Come in cortocircuito assorto, piuttosto ad ammirare
As if in a short circuit, absorbed instead in admiring
L'universo negli interstizi tra le mattonelle davanti a sé.
The universe in the gaps between the tiles before him.
There's no one inside that flat, everybody knows it, come on come on
There's no one inside that flat, everybody knows it, come on come on
There's no one inside that flat, everybody knows it, but they hear some noises
There's no one inside that flat, everybody knows it, but they hear some noises
There's no one inside that flat, everybody knows it, come on come on
There's no one inside that flat, everybody knows it, come on come on
There's no one inside that flat, everybody knows it, but they still hear some noises
There's no one inside that flat, everybody knows it, but they still hear some noises
(Voci: Come sarebbe a dire "Non esiste"? E che significa? Non esiste... Inammissibile che un coinquilino non intervenga mai alle riunioni. Non esiste? [Non c'è nessuno] Se non esiste non lavora e se non lavora è un delinquente. E' UNO SPIRITO! E' un demonio. E' un genio. Nessuno [lì dentro] vive nel suo non-essere... è una forma di un...)
(Voices: What do you mean "He doesn't exist"? What does that mean? He doesn't exist... Unacceptable that a tenant never attends meetings. He doesn't exist? [There's no one there] If he doesn't exist, he doesn't work, and if he doesn't work, he's a criminal. HE'S A SPIRIT! He's a demon. He's a genius. No one [in there] lives in his non-being... it's a form of a...)
Il professore inspiegabilmente emette un grido disumano,
The professor inexplicably lets out an inhuman scream,
Inatteso e come indemoniato ride, gli occhi roteano all'indietro
Unexpected, and like a man possessed, he laughs. His eyes roll back,
A nascondere l'iride che si rivolta nelle orbite,
Hiding the iris that revolts in its orbits,
Come cercasse qualcosa dentro di sé,
As if searching for something within him.
Ma è fuori di sé e senza senno si alza deciso nel silenzio improvviso dell'imprevisto, si ricompone, diviene serio, ma con un'ombra in viso
But he is beside himself, senseless. He rises decisively in the sudden silence of the unforeseen. He composes himself, becomes serious, but with a shadow on his face.
E mentre tutti gli inquilini tacciono impietriti sradica dal muro un estintore,
And while all the tenants fall silent, petrified, he uproots a fire extinguisher from the wall,
Esce dal salone adibito alla riunione,
Exits the meeting room,
Senza fiatare ascoltiamo i passi allontanarsi,
Without a word. We listen to his footsteps fade away,
Rimbombare nella tromba delle scale, prima rampa poi seconda, mi pare.
Echoing in the stairwell, first flight, then second, I think.
There's no one inside that flat, everybody knows it, come on come on
There's no one inside that flat, everybody knows it, come on come on
There's no one inside that flat, everybody knows it, but they hear some noises
There's no one inside that flat, everybody knows it, but they hear some noises
There's no one inside that flat, everybody knows it, come on come on
There's no one inside that flat, everybody knows it, come on come on
There's no one inside that flat, everybody knows it, but they still hear some noises
There's no one inside that flat, everybody knows it, but they still hear some noises
There's no one inside that flat, there's no one inside that flat, come on come on
There's no one inside that flat, there's no one inside that flat, come on come on
There's no one inside that flat, everybody knows it, but they still hear some noises
There's no one inside that flat, everybody knows it, but they still hear some noises
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