RADWIMPS - Grand Escape - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни RADWIMPS - Grand Escape

Grand Escape
Grand Escape
空飛ぶ羽根と引き換えに 繋ぎ合う手を選んだ僕ら
We chose the hands that connect us in exchange for the wings that soar the skies
それでも空に魅せられて 夢を重ねるのは罪か
But is it a sin to be captivated by the sky, to keep stacking up the dreams?
夏は秋の背中を見て その顔を思い浮かべる
Summer looks at the back of Autumn, and brings to mind that face
憧れなのか、恋なのか 叶わぬと知っていながら
Is it admiration, or love? I yearned even though I knew it would never be fulfilled
通り雨が通り雨と 木漏れ日たちが木漏れ日と
Street rain and street rain, and sunlight and sunlight
名乗るずっとずっとずっと前から あなたはあなたでいたんだろう?
For a long, long, long time before we knew each other, you were just who you were, weren't you?
重力が眠りにつく 1000年に一度の今日
Gravity falls asleep, this once in a millenium day
太陽の死角に立ち 僕らこの星を出よう
In the sun's blind spot, let's leave this planet
彼が眼を覚ました時 連れ戻せない場所へ
When it awakes, we'd be in a place where we can't go back
「せーの」で大地を蹴って ここではない星へ
On the count of "three", let's kick off from the Earth, to a star that isn't here
Let's go
Let's go
Let's go
夏風邪に焦る心が 夏をさらに早送るよ
The heart that a summer cold makes impatient, makes the summer pass even faster
めまぐるしい景色の中 君だけが止まって見えた
In the midst of the dizzying scenery, only you stayed still and visible
君と出会ったあの日から パタリと夜、夢は止んだよ
Since that day I met you, the nights and dreams suddenly stopped
土の中で待ちこがれた 叶えるその時は今だ
I waited longingly in the soil, and now is the time to attain it
重力が眠りにつく 1000年に一度の今日
Gravity falls asleep, this once in a millenium day
花火の音に乗せ 僕らこの星を出よう
To the tune of the fireworks, let's leave this planet
彼が眼を覚ました時 連れ戻せない場所へ
When it awakes, we'd be in a place where we can't go back
「せーの」で大地を蹴って ここではない星へ
On the count of "three", let's kick off from the Earth, to a star that isn't here
Let's go
もう少しで運命の向こう もう少しで文明の向こう
A little more, and we'll be past fate, a little more, and we'll be past civilization
Let's go
もう少しで運命の向こう もう少しで
A little more, and we'll be past fate, a little more, and we'll be past
Let's go
もう少しで運命の向こう もう少しで文明の向こう
A little more, and we'll be past fate, a little more, and we'll be past civilization
Let's go
もう少しで運命の向こう もう少しで
A little more, and we'll be past fate, a little more, and we'll be past
夢に僕らで帆を張って 来たるべき日のために夜を越え
Using our dreams as the sails, we cross the night for the coming days
いざ期待だけ満タンで あとはどうにかなるさと 肩を組んだ
At once, with only hope to spare, and then all will somehow fall into place, we put our shoulders together
怖くないわけない でも止まんない
It's not that we aren't scared, but we can't stop
ピンチの先回りしたって 僕らじゃしょうがない
Even if we were to prepare for a pinch, it wouldn't change anything for us
僕らの恋が言う 声が言う
Our love, our voice, says
It says, "Go"

Авторы: Nodayouzirou

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