RADWIMPS - Keitaidenwa (Cat Version) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни RADWIMPS - Keitaidenwa (Cat Version)

Keitaidenwa (Cat Version)
Cellphone (Cat Version)
Even though I walk with my cellphone in my pocket today,
No matter how long I wait, there's no contact from you,
It's like I'm walking with loneliness in my pocket,
そんな こんな僕です
That's the kind of guy I am.
I think about throwing away my phone altogether,
But the phonebook is filled with so many names,
It's like I'm living with my friends in my hand,
そんな 変な僕です
That's the strange guy I am.
もうわけが分かんなくなっちゃって 一人ぼっちになりたくなって
I'm so confused, I want to be all alone,
電源を切って 僕に「おやすみ」
Turning off the power, I say "good night" to myself.
こんなものがなければ 今日も僕は一人だと
If I didn't have this thing, I wouldn't be reminded
思い知らされることもなく 生きてけたんだろう
That I'm alone today, and I could have lived without knowing.
だけどこれがあるから 今日もどこかの誰かの
But because I have this, somewhere, someone's
ポッケの中に僕の居場所が あるんだろう
Pocket holds a place for me, I believe.
Suddenly, I look at my cellphone to kill time,
あのケンカも あの約束も残っていて
Those fights, those promises, they all remain,
It's like I'm living with my history in my hand,
そんな こんな僕です
That's the kind of guy I am.
As I vaguely glance over the names in my phonebook,
There are people I can't remember no matter how I try,
It's like it knows me better than I know myself,
そんな 変な箱です
Such a strange box it is.
もう何も分かんなくなっちゃって 僕も僕のものにしたくなって
I don't understand anything anymore, I want to make myself mine again,
電源を切って 僕に「おかえり」
Turning off the power, I say "welcome home" to myself.
こんなものがなければ 今日も君がいないこと
If I didn't have this thing, I wouldn't be reminded
思い知らされることもなく 生きていけたんだろう
That you're not here today, and I could have lived without knowing.
こんなものがあるから 忘れていいようなことも
Because of this thing, things I should forget,
思い知らされることもなく いつまでもずっと残っている
Remain forever, without letting me forget.
だけど だから 今日もポッケに入れて僕は歩いてく
But that's why, I walk with it in my pocket today,
見えもしない 聴こえもしない 君と繋がっている不思議
The mystery of being connected to you, unseen and unheard,
見えない糸が張り巡った その中で今日も僕は生きてる
Invisible threads are spread out, and I live within them today,
Within them, I keep searching today.
こんなものがなければ 今日も君はいないこと
If I didn't have this thing, I wouldn't be reminded
君と確かにいたこと すぐ隣にいたこと
That you're not here today, that you were definitely here,
そんなことのすべてを 僕と君のすべてを
Right beside me, all of that, everything about us,
失くせそうにもないこと 忘れられそうにもないこと
Things I can't seem to lose, things I can't seem to forget,
だけどこれがあるから こんなものがあるから
But because of this thing, because of this thing,
今日もどこかにいる君の ほんの少しだとしても
Even just a little bit, somewhere you are today,
その中のどっかに僕の居場所が あるんだろう
Within that somewhere, there's a place for me, I believe.


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