RADWIMPS - Toumeiningen 18Go - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни RADWIMPS - Toumeiningen 18Go

Toumeiningen 18Go
Toumeiningen 18Go
晴れた空の蒼さだけじゃ もはやかばいきれはしなくて
The blue of the clear sky is no longer enough to cover me,
このままではボロが出ると 黒く染まり色を仕舞いこんだ
If I stay like this, my true colors will show, so I dye myself black and hide them away.
But I don't have the capacity to fully entrust myself to black,
どちらにせよ潔さが 求められることを知った
Either way, I learned that decisiveness is required.
聖者も僕も同様に 照らしてくれるのが救いだよ
It's a relief that the sun shines equally on both saints and me,
太陽が照らす相手選んだら きっと僕に色は与えられない
If the sun chose who to shine upon, I wouldn't be given any color.
ただ一つを貫く人 幾色にも塗れる人
Those who stick to one thing, those who can be painted in many colors,
それぞれなけなしの 正しさを振り絞っているのに 僕は
Each one is squeezing out their own meager righteousness, but I...
白と黒の狭間で今日も 見事なまでの灰の色
In the space between white and black, I'm a perfect shade of gray again today.
涙一つこぼしてみても 色は教えてはくれない
Even if I shed a single tear, it won't tell me the color.
賢者も 空も 凡人も それぞれの色に染まる中
While sages, the sky, and ordinary people are each dyed in their own colors,
太陽の光纏った君は 無色透明に輝いていた
You, clad in the sun's light, shined with a colorless transparency.
何ににも染まらぬように 何にでも溶けるように
As if not to be stained by anything, as if to melt into anything,
心と声との隙間に 裸で立ってられるように
As if to be able to stand naked in the gap between heart and voice.
黒発: 白着 鈍行に乗り 何万回目かの里帰り
Black departure, white arrival, a slow train ride, the millionth return home.
その道すがら乗り込んできた 君に僕は見つかったんだ
On that way, you boarded the train and found me.
すると灰の色の僕を眺め 綺麗と言ったんだ
Then, looking at my gray self, you called me beautiful.
虹の色を掻き混ぜると 同じ色をしていると
You said that I was the same color as when you mixed all the colors of the rainbow.
聖者の声がこの僕の 耳にも聞こえるのは救いだよ
It's a relief that the voice of a saint can reach even my ears.
声が 届く相手選んだら きっと君と僕は出会えぬまま
If voices chose who to reach, you and I would never have met.
何ににも染まらぬように 色々から逃げるように
As if not to be stained by anything, as if to escape from everything,
これっぽっちのこの僕に 何を選べというのかい
What is it that you want me, this small being, to choose?
Can I become like you?
何か嫌いというには 何も知らないから
I don't know anything to dislike,
Can I do it?
この命の間に 全ての色を手に
In this lifetime, hold all the colors in my hands,
Can I?
愛さないで 愛でよう
Don't love, let's cherish,
探らないで 探そう
Don't explore, let's seek,
語らないで 喋ろう
Don't speak, let's talk,
歩まないで 歩こう
Don't walk, let's stride,
愛さないで 愛でよう
Don't love, let's cherish,
飾らないで 飾ろう
Don't decorate, let's adorn,
変わらないで 変えよう
Don't stay the same, let's change,
失くさないで 捨てよう
Don't lose, let's discard,

Авторы: 野田 洋次郎

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